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Rocktron Voodu Valve

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  • Rocktron Voodu Valve

    I think my pre-amp tube is starting to act weird!
    The bass is gone, no more chugga rythm, the gain is noisy....

    Do you know (so i dont have to open) what model is in it?
    And what should i replace it with?

    Any suggestions?
    Does it matter really?

  • #2
    Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

    Stock is a JAN/GE 5751.

    It is a low gain 12ax7 style of tube, but don't bother using a 12ax7, way too much gain. Been there, done that, and you know "I" want more gain... But a 12ax7 is too much and makes that thing sound like crap.


    • #3
      Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

      So are there any good replacements, besides the stock one?

      I know what you mean with a lot of gain! I really dont like it!
      I forgot the bass secret with this amp! YOu set the pre Eq way down and boost the post LF , right?

      I am selling my 6100 becauuse i liek this pre-amp so much!
      ANd i also plan on using it Di for small clubs!


      • #4
        Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

        Sadly, I found that 5751 tube to sound the best in it and I tried quite a few misc tubes. I know the 5751's aren't exactly cheap or commonly available either.

        Yes, the way to get tightness, edge, definition and chunk out of that unit is to turn all the pre EQ bass off and boost it in the post EQ section. Amazing what that does to the thing. The other stuff you can just play around with to you liking, the bass part seems to do the most.


        • #5
          Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

          Just out of pure curiosity, how woudl you find the VV in comparisson to a Sansamp PSA-1?


          • #6
            Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

            I had both. I ran the sansamp for a year or so, and got a voodu for 200 bucks us, and after playing it a while i decided the Voodu was more my style.

            The Sansamp could sound EXACTLY like Alexi Laiho on Sinergy's To Hell and Back. I mean exactly... I miss that. The Sansamp had a lot of versatility, and sounded very alive. But solid statish of course.

            But the voodu was much heavier and had more girth and chug. But, also more dead sounding.

            Both have great and not so great things about them. I went to the Voodu though and was happier I think.

            Then well, I bought the CAE3+se... Been there since..


            • #7
              Re: Rocktron Voodu Valve

              well i am looking for a versatile amp, but not to dial liek a million different sounds!
              I play more rock than metal, so no shredding and trashmetal sounds!

              I just thought i would grab one and try to get the most out of it! BEcuase i liek the VV i thought is it even a good idea to try out the PSA-1?
              Since i heard so many good reviews, i would think it got potential even for a non metal user liek me!

              I am however very much into rock sounds, but am pretty sickk of marshall sounds. The fact you need 7 pre-amp valves to make a tone, and the eq knobs are really not helping...

              I thought of going to try it with the palmet also! I am very much into tryign out to run it stragith to PA! That is also why i like it form reviews. A lot of guys said it is the best soudnign straight to PA speakers!
              I dont know i will try to give it a good test, but the VV is really not so bad!

              Also, to be very honest i am sick of having a whoel stack of amp, and not really doign the job!

              One is transferring the tone you long for so much and spent zillions of dollars of buying and selling the amps, and then a guy comes and puts hsi old dirty halfbroken 57 inforn of your cab and you are screwed!
              On the other hand i can never get it heard really good! Since i am a singer i have to stand pretty far away, so that means turning the volume up. Putting it on my wedges infront of me helpes nobody really. It screwes my vocals, leakege to the mic, if there is only 2 monitor lines, (we all seen that happen) everybody else is gettign my guitar....

              Anyway, i really want to try it out, and if i am more satisfied than with VV i will for sure go and get it!
              I jsut wanted to hear your opinion!

              Also in combo with the palmer! The 04 is also a load box, and they say that the real beauty of 04 is when you feed it with the poweramp, a tube one.
              On the other hand they say it works perfectly direct to the PA. DOnt know, will try it out!

              Thanks anyway

