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Stilettos for $850 at GC!!

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  • #76
    Re: Stilettos for $850 at GC!!

    Thanks Sam.I think I'll go for the Deuce and try to find a used cab w/75's. The guy at the store said I don't really need one since I have a MP1/Mesa 20/20 rig.I think the deuce will have differant characteristics in tone however and give more tonal options. What do you think? More of a hot Marshallesque tone? I don't really want to pass up an opertunity like this pricewise and they have a few left yet.

    What do you guys think would the deuce mix and contrast well with the 20/20 and MP1? or should I just save the money?

    Hope you're feelin' better soon Sam !!!


    • #77
      Re: Stilettos for $850 at GC!!

      Ok, I've been playing around with the different cabs that I have this morning. I have a 4x12 standard recto (4 v30s) a Mesa Halfback ( 2 v30s in the closed part and 2 90 watt celestians in the open part) and I also have two 2x12 Genz Benz G Flex cabs on loan from Wayniac. Here's my thoughts....

      The Recto cab is just not that great a cab for the Stiletto. It's not horrible. I actually used it at our last gig, but it's just too bottom heavy for this head. I can get some decent tones out of it if I noodle with it long enough, but I just don't get that great tone vibe from it.

      The Halfback is a little bit better. The v30s in the closed part give me the same feeling I get from the recto cab. Too bottom heavy. the 90s on top are open in the back so it sounds too loose. I have a feeling if I close off the back of those 90s It might tighten up nice. It actually might be a nice combination with bottom heavy v30s in the bottom. Still not a home run though. Not yet at least.

      Now for the Genz Benz. These sounded the best. I couldn't really decifer any difference between the two (one is older with the handles on the side and the other is newer with the handles in the upper corners).

      Man are those tight cabs. They seem to have just enought bottom end without getting too loose and farty. Maybe because of the ports? Playing through this cab made me want to keep playing. I'm considering buying one of these from Wayne, but I want to try a Marshall 1960 here at home first. I also want to try a Marshall Slash 4x12 that Wayne has.

      The absolute best sound that I have had with a cab for this head was a Marshall 1960a at rehearsal. I really would like to get one here so that I could do a sided by side with the Genz Benz and the closed off Mesa halfback.

      One thing for sure, This head doesn't do it for me through the Recto cab. It's a strong mid ahead and maybe with the strong low/mids of the V30s, it's just too much. Maybe thats why the celestian 75s sound so good with it. Their scooped mids mix well with it.

      More to come....
      "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


      • #78
        Re: Stilettos for $850 at GC!!

        Anyone know of any remaining head's in the Phoenix area?
        I think I may have waited on this too long.Tried out a Duel Recti the other day hooked with a PRS, and I was quite dissapointed.I'am going to bring my Soloist down and see if maybe that will hit a sweet spot.I'am still leaning towards a JCM900 especially considering the price difference.
        A Stilleto for $850?Yeah,I'd snag one just to mess around plus ya can't lose in the long run if you decide to sell.


        • #79
          Re: Stilettos for $850 at GC!!

          Hit up Guitar Center and see if they can find one somewhere in the chain and just have them ship it in. When I went they were sold out, but got one in from another store in Minnesota.
          Damn, I love this Interweb.

