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peavey >> marshall

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  • peavey >> marshall

    ok, this is quite a provocing title offense to all the marshall users out there, after all i'm also (occasionally, that is) playing a jcm800 [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img]

    last night i had another band practice - one of the few ones both guitar players were rehearsing instead of just me and the drummer LOL. he was playing the jmp1/el34 100:100 rack setup that always used to be like a reference for the perfect thrash metal rhythm tone. when i came in, he and the drummer were playing, and i was thinking "whoa, this sounds GREAT"
    to make a long story short, my 5150 CRUSHED his tone. i set up my rig (emg loaded jackson -> boss sd1 -> hi input -> 5150 green channel with all the EQs pretty much straight up, including the gain (crunch channel)) -> 1960A/B fullstack, played the first song and WHOA.....
    the 5150 sounded tight, midrangey = VERY punchy, thick, with a great sizzle and top end, basically the perfect metal rhythm tone, the evil offspring of zakk wylde meets jon schaffer meets the latest kreator disc.

    i can definitely see where all the 5150 praise comes from. trust me, his tone (which i never even came close to, and which sounded STELLAR when i came in last night) was weak, muddy, and really THIN in contrast to my room filling 5150 madness - i can see why the amp was named 5150 in the first place [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    just rambling.....really, the trick is using the rhythm channel boosted, and turning the volume UP...around 4/10

  • #2
    Re: peavey >> marshall

    The 5150 does a great job cutting through a mix and remaining in your face when its up against a JMP1/ rack system.
    To me, the 5150 can holds it own against almost any rig.
    Why??? MIDS. The 5150 has a ton of them.
    Here is a very short story.
    In my band in NJ we were using a 5150 and a 5150II for both guitarists. I then switched from using a 5150II to my Soldano SP77/Carvin T100 rack system. The other guitarist with the 5150 immediately thought there must be something wrong with his block letter 5150 head so he sent it in and had it bias'd and retubed. Why?? Because my Soldano ate the 5150 for lunch. The reason for this is quite simple. The Soldano has even more mids than the 5150 has. I also have a Parametric EQ on it with the mids boosted even a little more.
    He now plays a Marshall DSL. We searched around for a while for it demo'ing many models. It cuts through much better than the 5150 did when it is up against my Soldano.
    Its all about the mids bro. Thats what you hear. I bet your Boss SD-1 is helping your 5150 out even more for the mids.
    Congratz on getting great sound. Isn't it cool!


    • #3
      Re: peavey >> marshall

      yeah, it sure is cool. but i'm a born gear whore, i'm still searching ebay for other stuff such as an ADA mp1, or a dual recto [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      for the music i'm playing, i guess the 5150 is hard to beat. i should have bought one a LONG time ago, back when they still were cheap [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      john, does the soldano stuff have the gain of the 5150? as i said, i'm not using a lot of gain anyways.....last night i had the rhythm channel on crunch with the gain set barely past noon, as i said boosted with a sd1. for leads i used the lead channel with the gain around 10:00, keeping the sd1 one. it was plenty for me.
      is the soldano anyhwere near that? i think the highest i'd EVER use is the lead channel at noon without a boost.


      • #4
        Re: peavey >> marshall

        [ QUOTE ]
        yeah, it sure is cool. but i'm a born gear whore, i'm still searching ebay for other stuff such as an ADA mp1, or a dual recto [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        for the music i'm playing, i guess the 5150 is hard to beat. i should have bought one a LONG time ago, back when they still were cheap [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

        john, does the soldano stuff have the gain of the 5150? as i said, i'm not using a lot of gain anyways.....last night i had the rhythm channel on crunch with the gain set barely past noon, as i said boosted with a sd1. for leads i used the lead channel with the gain around 10:00, keeping the sd1 one. it was plenty for me.
        is the soldano anyhwere near that? i think the highest i'd EVER use is the lead channel at noon without a boost.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        The Soldano with the gain dimed out is about the same as the 5150 on around 6.
        I prefer to play with less gain. When I need a super amount of gain I use a preamp pedal in front of it but I rarely need it.
        Soldano tone is VERY subjective. 5150 tone isn't.
        Most guys love the 5150. Even if they don't use one.
        Soldano is a love/hate thing.


        • #5
          Re: peavey >> marshall

          5150 on 6? that's plenty.
          the thing i REALLY like about the 5150 is that it has two overdrive channels. i NEED a volume and gain boost for leads, without having to tap dance around....the 5150 does just that, well, if you don't need a clean channel [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          soldanos are pretty bright, aren't they? i like an even tone....good mids, sizzly but not ear piercing highs, and a full bottom end that's not overpowering. soldanos are said to be rather on the thin side...not sure if that would suit me.
          for reference, last night's exact settings: (left to right)
          at first i had the mids way up around 8 (3:00), but i had to cut back because i totally ate up the other guy LOL...i almost felt bad for his rig.


          • #6
            Re: peavey >> marshall

            I think it depends on what you like playing. For me, I like Gibson -> Marshall. Haven't tried a 5150 yet, so I'm not sure it would be for me.


            • #7
              Re: peavey >> marshall

              [ QUOTE ]
              5150 on 6? that's plenty.
              the thing i REALLY like about the 5150 is that it has two overdrive channels. i NEED a volume and gain boost for leads, without having to tap dance around....the 5150 does just that, well, if you don't need a clean channel [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

              soldanos are pretty bright, aren't they? i like an even tone....good mids, sizzly but not ear piercing highs, and a full bottom end that's not overpowering. soldanos are said to be rather on the thin side...not sure if that would suit me.
              for reference, last night's exact settings: (left to right)
              at first i had the mids way up around 8 (3:00), but i had to cut back because i totally ate up the other guy LOL...i almost felt bad for his rig.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Calling a Soldano bright is a common misconception. If anything, I would consider my Soldano a little on the dark side. I had a Soldano Astroverb that was really bright.
              The most noticable thing about my Soldano is the clarity. It finds a way to sound heavy but with absolutely no mud. None at all. The 5150 loosens up as you crank it. Especially the bottom end. The Soldano tightens up like a Rectifier but without the scooped sizzle.
              I loved my 5150 but for me.. the Soldano is the sound I have been looking for.


              • #8
                Re: peavey >> marshall

                I still love my Marshall bought it new..It does 80's metal AWESOME for me..I like the sound of the 5881 version MUCH better than the El34 version personally...

                My Uber half stack is right next to it..

                Me and my son "jam" together ..before he busted his arm in half..he just got a Jackson this Christmas..

                The Uber sounds like a Bass amp in comparison to the Marshall..seriously!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                and I got the Marshall going into four 1960B cabs..with a 422 pumping the lows a bit.

                and the Uber is on one 1960A cab..

                They sound good together tho.. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #9
                  Re: peavey >> marshall

                  Yeah, 5150's are totally badass... I getting another this summer. I miss mine too much, and it's only been a month.


                  • #10
                    Re: peavey >> marshall

                    I had a bad experiece with Peavey Renown as a youngster, so nothing is allowed in my house with a Peavey logo.... [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

                    I have issues...... [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img]

                    Sorry! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: peavey >> marshall

                      Yeah, I fucking love my 5150. I love the modern "Swedish" tones I can get out of it. My friend has a JCM800 and I think mine just pwns his.


                      • #12
                        Re: peavey >> marshall

                        I have a love hate relationship with my 5150. I love the high gain tones, but hate the clean channel.


                        • #13
                          Re: peavey >> marshall

                          what clean channel?! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: peavey >> marshall

                            See i have a problem believing these amps would out midrange a marshall. That is what a marshall is, mostly midrange. I have a feeling on his rack system he was cutting the mid's big time and that would give him the thin sounding tone he was getting and would explain why he was getting buried. But marshalls are known for that super midrange, i have owned them all, soldano's, marshalls, mesa's, peaveys and i still own all these amps, and out of all of them the marshall has the most mid's, followed by my bogners then followed by the stiletto.


                            • #15
                              Re: peavey >> marshall

                              bro, trust me, i know marshalls. i've used the DSL100, TSL100, JMP1 rack setup, and the JCM800 2210 for countless gigs and rehearsals. i've played the exact same setup he was using the other night. sure, he dials in a different tone than i do (he's the typical "all controls at noon" guy, whereas i tend to add some bass and mids, around 14:00 each), but i can assure you that the jmp1 rack didn't sound any worse than it did when i was using it. it does pack a lot of punch, but really, the 5150 ripped it a new one that night.
                              i guess it's all in the frequencies. even though most people percieve marshalls to be high midrange oriented, i always thought of them as low to middle mids amps....not quite as low midrange heavy as rectifiers, but certainly in the low range....around 500hz i guess. that's what makes all the marshalls i've used sound dark, smooth, and "honky"...basically all mids, without a lot of bass and sizzle.
                              the 5150 has higher mids (more so on the lead channel than on the crunch which i was using), so it tends to sound brighter and maybe even more cutting. i have to say that i could EASILY get TOTALLY drowned out by lowering the mids below noon. instant loss of volume and cut. the difference in perceived volume between the mids around 8:00 and 5:00 is like 100%.

                              i dunno, maybe it's just the fact that he's playing ESP vs. my jackson [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

