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is a Triaxis really worth the money???

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  • is a Triaxis really worth the money???

    I'm looking to build a compact rack that I could use at home and for gigs. I'm pretty sure I will go with a mesa 20/20 for a power amp and I'll be using a G major for effects. I'm entertaining a JMP-1 again, but they are getting up there in price. I've always been interested in a Triaxis, but always figured it's more money than I can justify. I plan on trying one out, but it looks like a lot of tweaking so I am looking for some input from experienced users so I don't go in blind. I mean if it's that good, I may consider spending the money.

    Are they really worth the $$$ or should I stick to what I already know?

    Yes! I really am a gear whore! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill

  • #2
    Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

    Depends the Triaxis has a ton of sounds
    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
    So that none of its lies can affect me


    • #3
      Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

      Well, I guess that could be a vote for yes. I would like something that can do bluesy gain, 80's gain and high gain. a good clean tone would be good too. I like the JMP-1, but it's really only good at doing the Marshall thing. thats not a bad thing, but.......
      "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


      • #4
        Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

        If you want something less expensive than the JMP-1 but still kicks major ass I would suggest you look at the ADA MP-1. Add a Rane Parametric EQ and your G-Major with a 20/20 Mesa and you will have a nice portable compact killer rig. The MP-1 really sounds good.


        • #5
          Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

          I bought one and sold it 2 days after. I thought it sucked. The Rocktron Piranha chews it up silly. The Marshall JMP-1 is also beter than the Triaxis but I guess it's all in what type of sound you are after. The Rocktron Prophesy is another very good choice and you would get alot more for your money with one of those. (Just some ideas) [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] Good luck!


          • #6
            Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

            It's a great preamp, but I just personally don't like the voicing it uses (dual rec I think?), but it covers a lotta ground


            • #7
              Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

              The Triaxis is a killer preamp and can do anything you mentioned. It definitely takes some time to dial in (or just find some settings on the net), but once you do you'll love it if you dig the Mesa sound. I have a Mark IV head racked and I can pull nearly an identical tone out of my Triaxis. I have quite a few preamps/poweramps and the Triaxis holds its own against any of them. The JMP1 (in my opinion) is a one trick pony. It does the "Marshall" sound well and that's about it. The cleans suck and it just isn't versatile. I like the Piranha (which I currently own) better than the JMP1, but it doesn't even touch the Triaxis in versatility and overall tone. I'd suggest trying out many preamps as you can but I'd personally endorse the Triaxis for the needs you mentioned. Hope that helps.
              Good deals with:
              Metal Medal II, Tonyl11


              • #8
                Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                The ADA MP-1? Man I never dug anyone's tone I ever heard that was using one of those. It's made me shy away from them, although I never actually tried one myself. I suppose it could have been the users.

                I'd prefer something that is midi controllable, but I'm not opposed to trying anything. Maybe I should try the MP-1. The Rocktron stuff sounds interesteing too. I keep coming back to the JMP-1.

                I will try a Triaxis. I have to. It's jsut a ton of $$$ when I can pay half that for a JMP-1.

                Keep suggestions coming for midi high gain tupe preamps.
                "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


                • #9
                  Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                  A quick look at the Triaxis may not impress you. I hated them. BUT I have learned it may take a lot of time to dial these thigs in, and THEN you may be very happy.

                  I hated Voodoo valves from twiddling at the store with them. Got one cheap, and in a couple weeks, I was enamoured. Took some time.

                  My CAE3+se, I bought it on a leap of faith and was crushed when I got it and it sounded like ass. It took me months of F-ing around with pickups, boosting the front end with an EMG PA-2, different NOS tubes, and a parametric EQ, and now I love it like no other. It's awesome and I have little want for something else, exept maybe a bit more heavier raw distortion in some areas as this CAE is very polished, But, I'll live, it's darn close to what I dream of, closer than anything.

                  This high end stuff is easily capable of bad sounds, and you may have to tweak a lot to find the good sounds hidden in them, but they are there, and worth it. You always have to give it time and tweak...


                  • #10
                    Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                    Try Soldano X99?


                    • #11
                      Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      The ADA MP-1? Man I never dug anyone's tone I ever heard that was using one of those. It's made me shy away from them, although I never actually tried one myself. I suppose it could have been the users.

                      I'd prefer something that is midi controllable, but I'm not opposed to trying anything. Maybe I should try the MP-1. The Rocktron stuff sounds interesteing too. I keep coming back to the JMP-1.

                      I will try a Triaxis. I have to. It's jsut a ton of $$$ when I can pay half that for a JMP-1.

                      Keep suggestions coming for midi high gain tupe preamps.

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Jim, check out Nuno's tone on pornografitti. That is MP1. I am pretty sure Priest used them too during Screamon for Vengeance and Iron Maiden too.


                      • #12
                        Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                        if it you like the tone or selections of tones then is worth it...regardless of the piece of gear [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                          Jim, the ADA is a killer pre, especially when combined with a BBE unit and a tube power amp. I still have it in my rack with a Mesa has outlasted a Triaxis, a JMP 1, and a Triple Giant.
                          Besides Nuno, this was the key to Vito Bratta's tone as well. Both of these guys sounded great live. Check out the MP1, I bet you'll dig it.


                          • #14
                            Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                            I'll throw in my usual ART recommendation, even if it's a discontinued model - the DST-4 rack preamp will cover a lot of ground. Only the clean channel is tube, but the distortions (mild overdrive up to extreme gain) sound great through a tube power amp. You can control it via MIDI or basic on/off of the preamp and effects section with a simple two-button footswitch; I use the footswitch method despite having an ART X-11 MIDI board. The effects aren't as adjustable as on "modern" processors, but still plenty capable.

                            I actually bought DST-4 for direct recording (it has 2x12 and 4x12 cab emulation on the direct-out jacks), but am slowing building a rack rig around it for gigs.


                            • #15
                              Re: is a Triaxis really worth the money???

                              Triaxis is awsome, VERY versatile, clean sound is superb, awsome jazz and blues tones, incredible lead tones, great 80's and modern rock rhythm tones.

                              But it doesn't do the hi-gain recto tone.
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert

