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Wedding band amp suggestions

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  • Wedding band amp suggestions

    An old friend of mine (a drummer) is going to be moving to GA this Summer and we are talking about getting a band going. We're both in our mid-30s and have infants at home, so we are looking to do more of a wedding band/corporate party-type band than a bar/club band. I'm in the market for a combo amp and was looking at some 2x12s but with this new direction I'm guessing I don't need that much power (I'm guessing I won't need more than 30W). Anyone have any good suggestions for a small amp for a wedding band? I'm thinking about a Line 6 combo for the versatility or maybe even a low-wattage tube amp (as low as 15W) for great tone. I'm open to your thoughts, has anyone here played in this type of band? Thanks.
    Unleash the fury.....Texas style!

  • #2
    Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

    Well the majority of the local bands in my area that play mostly spainish music for weddings use fender twins, and peaveys. They play a some of country too. Note that most of what they play clean stuff! You can't go wrong with a Fender!! I like twin reverbs myself!!
    I love admins!


    • #3
      Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

      Vetta II combo or HD


      • #4
        Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

        Take a look at the Tech 21 Trademark 60. Good clean and dirty channels (at low volumes), boost switch, and a nice DI to the board, -light weight too.


        • #5
          Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

          Flextone 3, Vetta Combo.


          • #6
            Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

            FlextoneIIIXL - I have one. It rocks. THe Vetta or Vetta 2 would be excellent too. The Flextone is more plug and play though in the beginning and if you dont like programming then I would get the Flextone. If you are looking to cover exact tones of the songs you are playing then the Vetta II is your animal. Get the combos of any of these and you are set.


            • #7
              Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

              I've been in a wedding/party band for the last 7 years and I finally found the perfect amp for me and this type of gig. A Dr. Z Maz 18 Jr reverb 1-12 combo. 18 watts of el-84 power and great tube tone. It has a great responsive tube tone and it has the perfect tone for everything from jazz standards to oldies and some newer country type songs. It's plenty loud (never had the master past 9 o'clock even outdoors) and portable. It is great for small stage areas and gigs in private homes. I use a Barber overdrive for some dirt. I've had/have a Boogie MK-4, a Boogie rack, and a Genz-Benz combo and the Dr. Z has been the best one for me for a year or so. A year without a new amp is pretty much a worlds record for me so the amp kind of speaks for itself with me.
              Hope this helps!


              • #8
                Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                I'd think that two full stacks would be appropriate, just to make sure you go all out. I mean, people only get married once right? Or at least they are supposed to...


                • #9
                  Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                  If your wedding band is really going to play wedding like material (ie: a REAL wedding band!) then a Fender Deluxe Reverb RI with a few pedals of choice is tough to beat. Plenty of power, light weight and a timeless classic in looks as well as tone. Did I mention relativly cheap for clean used examples? If budget permits you can sometimes still find good condition '70s Silverface DRs for not much more than a RI. A SFDR will sound better than the RI in many cases and you will never loose money on it, they will do nothing but increase in value as time goes on. Something to think about.


                  • #10
                    Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    If your wedding band is really going to play wedding like material (ie: a REAL wedding band!) then a Fender Deluxe Reverb RI with a few pedals of choice is tough to beat. Plenty of power, light weight and a timeless classic in looks as well as tone. Did I mention relativly cheap for clean used examples? If budget permits you can sometimes still find good condition '70s Silverface DRs for not much more than a RI. A SFDR will sound better than the RI in many cases and you will never loose money on it, they will do nothing but increase in value as time goes on. Something to think about.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    I agree about the value increasing in time but I am curious.. why would you think a Deluxe and some pedals would be a better choice over a Flextone 3 or a Vetta?
                    The vast majority of bands that I have seen had their guitar players using either Fender or Crate Vintage series combo's. I just assumed it was because most of the guitarists were a little older and have been playing in wedding bands forever back when everybody used a Fender Twin or Deluxe. I would think a kick ass modeling amp would be so much more useful in a wedding band.


                    • #11
                      Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                      The Flextone IIIXL has a classic look. All the tones of a fender amp. Probably every fender amp ever made. Celestion speakers. 150 loud as hell watts. With the Foot controller it will kill. Easy to find one. It also has great sounding effects. All in one box. If you get a controller you can have a great wah end a volume pedal to boot. Ohhhh. A tuner too. That is what I own and would use in this case. My opinion of course... But I am right. lol.


                      • #12
                        Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        If your wedding band is really going to play wedding like material (ie: a REAL wedding band!) then a Fender Deluxe Reverb RI with a few pedals of choice is tough to beat. Plenty of power, light weight and a timeless classic in looks as well as tone. Did I mention relativly cheap for clean used examples? If budget permits you can sometimes still find good condition '70s Silverface DRs for not much more than a RI. A SFDR will sound better than the RI in many cases and you will never loose money on it, they will do nothing but increase in value as time goes on. Something to think about.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I agree about the value increasing in time but I am curious.. why would you think a Deluxe and some pedals would be a better choice over a Flextone 3 or a Vetta?
                        The vast majority of bands that I have seen had their guitar players using either Fender or Crate Vintage series combo's. I just assumed it was because most of the guitarists were a little older and have been playing in wedding bands forever back when everybody used a Fender Twin or Deluxe. I would think a kick ass modeling amp would be so much more useful in a wedding band.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Because for my money, the DR will sound better than the modeling amp everytime for a gig like this. Especially if you don't require a death metal or modern metal tone, which you shouldn't need for a gig like this. Part of the reason you see the older dudes using gear like this is because it works, sounds good/great and has stood (is this a word?) the test of time. There is a reason Fender RIs amps like this, there is reason there is an entire cottage industry (the Boo-Teek makers) based on making reproductions/variations of amps like this, and there is a reason that many in the '90s dumped their racks for amps like this. The bottom line is nothing does what these types of amps do better than these amps themselves.


                        • #13
                          Re: Wedding band amp suggestions



                          • #14
                            Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                            So I guess a Fender Cybertwin combo would be an excellent choice.


                            • #15
                              Re: Wedding band amp suggestions

                              Actually, I'm considering the Fender Cybers. Yetanotherone has a great deal on a Cybertwin but I think a 2x12 would be too much (size and volume) for what I need. I've pretty much settled on a 1x12, so I'm going to check out the Flextone III and CyberDeluxe. I think modeling is the way to go because I want an amp that can do the wedding band thing but be able to crank to my usual stuff (Dokken, VH, old Metallica, some SRV) when I'm playing at home.
                              Unleash the fury.....Texas style!

