The weber layout diagram for the kit shows the 68k resistors on the inputs as being close to the input jack. I prefer to put them on the tube socket and so do many others. I also use shielded wire for these, which didn't come with the kit. Shielded wire cuts down on noise and oscillations(unwanted feedback, motorboat noises, etc). I generally use quite a bit of shielded wire because it's fairly cheap insurance. When you do, one side has the shield (the wire around the center wire: It's a lot like guitar cable) grounded, and the other end is not grounded. I use some shrinkwrap tubing to keep the stray strands of the shield away from the signal wire, and on the input wires, another piece of shielding to cover the resistors and the wire. it adds a little strength to the connection, and looks neater. Here's a pic of one ready to solder and another one already shrink wrapped.

Here's the pot wiring, and the jacks. Weber uses Cliff jacks with a small board attached for some reason. I didn't see any problems with the little board so I left them on and used them. After the amp is troubleshot and working ok, I'll probably tweak these wires a little bit to look neater.
I put in another 3.5 hours or so tonight. One or two more nights and I should be firing it up. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]