Dude, your being much too defensive man..calm down!
"So Bill tell me how you really feel about Kranks amps"
I thought I did..
The Krankenstein IS one of the worst sounding amps I have tried in my life..that's just honesty, not "hatred"!
Look at the post before I actually tried a Krank..We had a pleasant exchange..yes??
I couldn't waite to try a Krank..so I did..I spent much time with that amp to ensure it wasn't ME fucking up. So I asked my credible amp dude at CG for any assist..he simply stated.."That's it bro, that amp is a major piece of shit"..I was taken by surprise..and said "Are you kidding me???"..I wasn't really expecting that at all.
I can't convey enough how badly that amp sounded..it was extremely thin, very fizzy and it squealed like nuts at a very low volume..I rid the squeal by rolling the gain back..but the tone was even more worthless to me at that point..
I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just being 100% honest...in fact, I can't think of one redeeming quality about that amp..umm..it's looks pretty cool!
For MY tase in tone there is only a handful of guys here I found credible..they know who they are!!
If you like your Krank, that's cool man, but since I definitely don't.. how could "credibillity" be established..OK, lets use a different word..ummm wer'e not "like-minded" in tone..I like Eric Johnson's , Vinnie Moore's , Yngwie's, and ect tone when they play it..but I wouldn't want it.
If I praised the Krank ..you'd be all smiles..but sometimes that's not the case man.."cool" or not..that's just life!
Anyone can slam a Bogner ALL they want..I don't care!
Dude, there is a handful of "respected" metal/amp dudes on this forum..and I'm one of them.
I get umpteen PMs requesting advice on amps, tone.. because I know what I like and know how to get it..and I'm BLATANTLY honest which will always piss somebody off..I say what I say ..that's it!
MANY here know I don't intend any malice, hatred or disrespect when it comes to my opinions..just my style of honesty.
Pete was ALL smiles when I praised the JSX..he's been praising them for quite some time. If I happened to NOT like the JSX, I think Pete is confident enough not to be "offended" with my opinion..
I discovered people who get pissed off over such opinions are those who lack self-confidence..therefore making their own doubts and insecurities surface..that's when the drama begins.
I find the need to debate unfounded..especially until "blue in the face"..what's the purpose ..you have your convictions, and I'm certainly not going to change my mine.
Far as I'm concerened..I stated my opinion in good conscience. Please don't waste anymore valuable time or energy..you're not going to "sell" me a Krank..that's just peeing on a wet rope.
A attack on your favorite music, amp, band, religion , politics or you favorite ice cream is not a personal attack on you..right, I wised more people got that!
You seem cool..let's just agree to disagree on the Krank issue..I'm good, no grudges on my end..that would be gay!!
Bill Z

"So Bill tell me how you really feel about Kranks amps"
I thought I did..

The Krankenstein IS one of the worst sounding amps I have tried in my life..that's just honesty, not "hatred"!
Look at the post before I actually tried a Krank..We had a pleasant exchange..yes??

I couldn't waite to try a Krank..so I did..I spent much time with that amp to ensure it wasn't ME fucking up. So I asked my credible amp dude at CG for any assist..he simply stated.."That's it bro, that amp is a major piece of shit"..I was taken by surprise..and said "Are you kidding me???"..I wasn't really expecting that at all.
I can't convey enough how badly that amp sounded..it was extremely thin, very fizzy and it squealed like nuts at a very low volume..I rid the squeal by rolling the gain back..but the tone was even more worthless to me at that point..
I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just being 100% honest...in fact, I can't think of one redeeming quality about that amp..umm..it's looks pretty cool!

For MY tase in tone there is only a handful of guys here I found credible..they know who they are!!

If you like your Krank, that's cool man, but since I definitely don't.. how could "credibillity" be established..OK, lets use a different word..ummm wer'e not "like-minded" in tone..I like Eric Johnson's , Vinnie Moore's , Yngwie's, and ect tone when they play it..but I wouldn't want it.
If I praised the Krank ..you'd be all smiles..but sometimes that's not the case man.."cool" or not..that's just life!
Anyone can slam a Bogner ALL they want..I don't care!

Dude, there is a handful of "respected" metal/amp dudes on this forum..and I'm one of them.

I get umpteen PMs requesting advice on amps, tone.. because I know what I like and know how to get it..and I'm BLATANTLY honest which will always piss somebody off..I say what I say ..that's it!

MANY here know I don't intend any malice, hatred or disrespect when it comes to my opinions..just my style of honesty.

Pete was ALL smiles when I praised the JSX..he's been praising them for quite some time. If I happened to NOT like the JSX, I think Pete is confident enough not to be "offended" with my opinion..

I discovered people who get pissed off over such opinions are those who lack self-confidence..therefore making their own doubts and insecurities surface..that's when the drama begins.

I find the need to debate unfounded..especially until "blue in the face"..what's the purpose ..you have your convictions, and I'm certainly not going to change my mine.

Far as I'm concerened..I stated my opinion in good conscience. Please don't waste anymore valuable time or energy..you're not going to "sell" me a Krank..that's just peeing on a wet rope.

A attack on your favorite music, amp, band, religion , politics or you favorite ice cream is not a personal attack on you..right, I wised more people got that!
You seem cool..let's just agree to disagree on the Krank issue..I'm good, no grudges on my end..that would be gay!!

Bill Z