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Any Krank Users in here???

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  • #76
    I saw Micheal Angelo using Rhino amps. They sounded pretty good, like a nice hot marshall 800, but he blew like three up in a row within about 20 minutes!!!

    Ended up using an openers Line 6 amp head, a spyder maybe? to finish the show. Sounded nasty and he was bummed, but it did not blow up.


    • #77
      Originally posted by mantis View Post
      What do you mean by this? Is this personal experience or something you read online? I could care less what reviews and other people say man, I care about my tone. The amp can say assamp and if it sound the way I want it, then I'm there. I'm not into brands and Owning a Krank amp doesn't juice me up. My tone is what I care about. Even my 2 Jacksons could go right out the door if I come across a guitar that plays better and sounds better. My new
      SL3 is on the darkside and I might get rid of it. It plays awesome but doesn't sound as good as I like. It's a beautiful guitar but my 2005 SL3 I think sounded better When it played.
      I owned a revo for 3 days and sent it back I liked it so much.also tried a krankenstein at a shop in my area and watched it fry...that convinced me that yes KranK do suck.if you search the forums you can read my review of the revo


      • #78
        Originally posted by magh8 View Post
        I owned a revo for 3 days and sent it back I liked it so much.also tried a krankenstein at a shop in my area and watched it fry...that convinced me that yes KranK do suck.if you search the forums you can read my review of the revo
        What did it not do for you? Was it to heavy on the gain channel? Was it not enough? It couldn't be a clarity problem on the gain channel you can hear everything you do. You can't hide in the gain on the Rev 1. It shows off everything you do.
        What about the clean channel? Ever play a good clean channel like a Fender Twin Reverb or Twin amp? Sounds almost exaclty like one as I have own several Fender amps over the years I have played. I assume you didn't like the clean due to it being to dark? Thats the one thing I had to let grow on me as I didn't like that about it once I owned it and played it for the first month. Now I find many things to do with the extra bass it produces.
        I don't agree that Krank amps suck. I had mine for almost a year now. Retubed the power amp section( I like fresh tubes and change them regularly on all my tube amps) and it sounds incredible. I never had any problems with it blowing up like my Vox Ad120VTX did which is the only amp out of many I have owned that had any kind of problem.
        Not all amps are for everyone. Many play the Peavey 5150 as it's not a bad amp, I wouldn't say it sucks but It's not for me. My Krank to me sounds way better. And owning a 5150 would be way cooler to own.But the clean channel on it stinks for what I like to hear. The lead channel was pretty good and I liked the 80's heavy metal tone I was able to get out of it.
        Whats a Revo????



        • #79
          Originally posted by jgcable View Post
          Krank amps seem to have a reputation that is only slightly better than that ill fated Rhino Amp that Yngwie was endorsing for a few nanoseconds. They may be cool for some players but there are just too many crappy reviews on them to start taking them seriously.
          I would stay away. Usually.. when 90% of the reviews on an amp are bad... ITS A BAD AMP.
          Where are the crappy Reviews? I read a few reveiws on Krank amps and they got awards for there amps? Guitar Mag said raved on how good they are. Good or bad reviews don't make a amp great or suck ass. If you are a artist, then it's in the music you write and play, then the Instruments that express it. Krank amps may not express everyones emotions.



          • #80
            Payola gets good reviews. They sound thin and harsh to most people's ears.

            People are telling you their own experiences here and you argue with them. It's hard to believe you're not shilling for Krank when you do that. Since they HAVE used shills in the past, that makes it even harde r to believe. I personally wouldn't want to own an amp made by a company with deceptive business practices even if I dug the sound. You have to wonder what happens when the amp breaks down.

            If you like it, fine. You're not going to sell it here.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #81
              My local Krank dealer has had to send a few back.
              Really? well screw Mark Twain.


              • #82
                Originally posted by mantis View Post
                Where are the crappy Reviews? I read a few reveiws on Krank amps and they got awards for there amps? Guitar Mag said raved on how good they are. Good or bad reviews don't make a amp great or suck ass. If you are a artist, then it's in the music you write and play, then the Instruments that express it. Krank amps may not express everyones emotions.

                The reviews are from people that I know and trust. I don't believe the rave reviews posted by "gigging musician".


                • #83
                  Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
                  Payola gets good reviews. They sound thin and harsh to most people's ears.

                  People are telling you their own experiences here and you argue with them. It's hard to believe you're not shilling for Krank when you do that. Since they HAVE used shills in the past, that makes it even harde r to believe. I personally wouldn't want to own an amp made by a company with deceptive business practices even if I dug the sound. You have to wonder what happens when the amp breaks down.

                  If you like it, fine. You're not going to sell it here.
                  You see thats the thing, I'm not trying to sell nothing. I'm intrested in why people think they suck. I have a very good ear for tone and the Krank amps don't suck. They sound alot like Engl drive amps. They provide a drive tone that works with most heavy metal played today. I find there drive channel to also be very clear which in my experience is rare unless you spend a tone of dough. I missed the bus on the whole think Krank did with the fake reviews and all that mess. I didn't even know who they where when it was going on.
                  But to each there own. I like my amp, you need not to. My posts are not made to change anyones opnion. I'm just trying to understand yours. I don't buy a amp sucks because others say so. I also don't agree if these people didn't spend anytime with it. It takes time to dial an amp in and get it the way you would like it to sound. I don't know many amps you can plug in and it's perfect right out of the box. Alot of people don't like Fender amps, I love em and think they are the Holy Gail of clean. Others would think not.
                  Like I said, if you are going to bash a product, have experience with the product. That applies to everything not just amps or Krank for this matter. A trip to a guitar store and pluging in for 20 minutes doesn't hold any water for me.
                  I did the same thing with the Peavey 5150. I played it for 20 minutes before I got my Krank and hated it. It sounded like a transistor piece of trash. I skimmed over many amps due to not putting in the time to figure out what was nice for me and not. The Krank sounded fantastic both clean and drive and I played it for like 2 hours. I also didn't buy the first one I played. I played the Krankenstien days before and I liked the drive channel but not the cleans. Just like the Mesa dual Rec I played, I felt the same way. Honestly I wanted a Boogie so badly as one of my buddies has one and his drive tone is fuckin killer. then I dreamed of sounding like him and when I was able to afford a Boogie, I found they where not for me. Funny but true.
                  I'm sorry if I came off as pushing Kranks. I own one and maybe I feel like I'm being bashed a bit which I'm sure isn't true.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by magh8 View Post
                    I owned a revo for 3 days and sent it back I liked it so much.also tried a krankenstein at a shop in my area and watched it fry...that convinced me that yes KranK do suck.if you search the forums you can read my review of the revo
                    lets' see...then revo was weak in the gain department,loved to pick up radio freq,the lows were for my review on it>I'm just glad it's gone...but to each his own...


                    • #85
                      When I played the Dime Krank...I spent an hour or so with it and tried many different guitars...I also tried the recomended settings...I just found it to be very harsh and lifeless. I was even giving it the benifit of the doubt. I read all the reviews here and thought..."Why would all these great players be playing them". I had to eat crow when I tried it though.

                      The sound made me think of an old metal zone with a weak battery going through a old solid state amp.

                      I'm all about lots of gain and low end chunk so I thought this would be damn cool.

                      I understand you wanting to know what we find wrong and hope this is of some value...I heard the Rev being played live last year and actually thought it sounded great...I don't know how it was set up though...


                      • #86
                        "The sound made me think of an old metal zone with a weak battery going through a old solid state amp."



                        • #87
                          i Own a Revolution series 1 head,at first i thought i spent a lot of money
                          on something i didn't like,after messing with it for a few days i finally dial in my tone,like Mantis was saying the gain is very clear,you hear all your notes,you cant hide in the gain,there 2 different revolution heads,a black grill and the chrome grill,this is my rig and im happy with it


                          • #88
                            that I will say it is articulate

