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Amps/cabs for 7-string or low tuning

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  • #16
    My vote is DR, 5150, XXX/Ultra Plus (Loomis used to use them), or something from the Engl camp. I tune my 6's low and have good luck with both the 5150 and the Ultra that I own.


    • #17
      I ran my 1077XL Ibanez (27" scale 7 string--I tuned it down a whole step) into a number of amps and found a Boogie Mark IV to be a nice fit. Very punchy and tight on the low end...really explosive on the low notes. I have a Mark III now that has a similar tight low end, but never had a chance to try it with the 1077XL (sold it). Not sure you could score a Mark IV for under a grand, but definitely a Mark III.


      • #18
        Check out rocktron prophesy preamps.....Rusty cooley has been using them for years. Ive got a Digitech 2101 and a Peavey clasic 60 running through a peice of shit ibanez cab with my RR1 tuned to Bb, and it sounds good. A big thing about 7 strings can be the pickups. Make sure you dont have crap in there because thats where the mud starts. If you want a really defined pick attack id go for EMG 707s, a la nevermore. I believe loomis is using Krank now, but he still runs a line 6 POD PRO XT. Another thing, is for the low rhythm stuff many people feel the need to crank up the gain. I find that you can dial it back conciderably (my rhythm on the 2101 is at 2.3 out of 11) and still get a sickening crunch, but you dont lose definition If anyone wants i could post sound clips. Anyway good luck to ya, hope you find a great setup.


        • #19
          Originally posted by jgcable
          Several of the Marshall cabs loaded with V30's have all done the same thing when I pushed them hard with a 7 string. They all rattled. Some even farted a little.

          While I've never actually used a Marshall cabinet with mine, I've used Boogies, Avatar's, Rivera's, and some off brands. So far, the Avatar has sounded the best (all with V30's), but I didn't have any quality cabinets fart out or rattle on me.

          That said, I have a buddy who took a 1960, changed the speakers and wiring, replaced the particle board backing with plywood, and glued foam to everywhere on the inside but the baffle... that thing crushes!


          • #20
            Originally posted by IrfaanSE801
            I actually sent you a PM. I think Nevermore uses Dual Recs, but not sure. But some others here will tell you the PSA-1 is a versitile and good unit. Hopefully someone else could chime in with a few more suggestions.
            Nevermore uses Krank amps.



            • #21
              Well here it is anyway...... My acid words intro riffs no drums.


              • #22
                DSS3, whered you get the drums for that River dragon cover?.....You program them yourself or you get them cause id love to grab a copy of the backing.


                • #23
                  Programmed myself . I need to work on the mixing, but the overall drum sound is pretty damn good, if I don't say so myself.

                  Also, Nevermore has only recorded once with Kranks. Everything else was 100% Mesa, besides TGE, which was Mesa and Krank 50/50.

