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Seeking advise: require sustain

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  • Seeking advise: require sustain

    I am really in need of some sustain. Particularly for solos. Any advise is prized.

    +Soloist/US Deluxe strat
    +MESA DR & 412 recto cab
    +BBE 482i
    +TC G-Force

    Many thanks for ideas. I am thinking overdrive, or slight delay on a TC patch. Something like that.

  • #2
    Not sure how close you could get with the G-Force, but I've always relied on a Boss DD-2 for a boost (and delay) during solos. I also have a light chorus/reverb/delay preset on my ART preamp for that little "something extra" along the lines of Death.


    • #3
      Not sure how close you could get with the G-Force, but I've always relied on a Boss DD-2 for a boost (and delay) during solos. I also have a light chorus/reverb/delay preset on my ART preamp for that little "something extra" along the lines of Death.


      • #4
        I use a Ernie Ball volume pedal - tap it down for more volume & tap it back to the same volume & it doesn't change any of the orig. sound except (volume)..........can also clip/feedback if needed


        • #5
          Last edited by SGplayer; 04-12-2006, 11:22 AM.


          • #6
            Where are your mids set? If you have them cut, you're killing sustain.


            • #7
              Something's up


              • #8
                With the board


                • #9
                  Right now


                  • #10
                    Any of these in front of the amp will do it:

                    Ibanez TS-9 tube screamer
                    DOD 250
                    DOD YJM309
                    Boss SD-1
                    Boss OD-1
                    Boss OD-2
                    MXR Micro amp
                    Basically, any overdrive pedal


                    • #11
                      more volume. malmsteen for example does not use a lot of gain, but still gets mucho sustain. wanna know why? because he cranks the shit out of his marshalls. all men play on 10


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cybersavior
                        Any advise is prized.
                        Get a Les Paul? (LOL!)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Fragle
                          more volume. malmsteen for example does not use a lot of gain, but still gets mucho sustain. wanna know why? because he cranks the shit out of his marshalls. all men play on 10

                          Yes.. and of course you realize that he slaves 6-8 Marshall heads together all cranked to get that tone. He also uses a vintage DOD 250 in front of his Marshalls.

                          For sufficient sustain at bearable volume levels you really have to slam your preamp tubes in the mouth if your tube amp doesn't have enough gain on its own. An overdrive pedal or tube screamer is designed to do exactly that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DonP
                            Get a Les Paul? (LOL!)
                            Or an Ibanez.


                            • #15
                              "Yes.. and of course you realize that he slaves 6-8 Marshall heads together all cranked to get that tone. He also uses a vintage DOD 250 in front of his Marshalls.

                              For sufficient sustain at bearable volume levels you really have to slam your preamp tubes in the mouth if your tube amp doesn't have enough gain on its own. An overdrive pedal or tube screamer is designed to do exactly that."
                              yeah, he's a loud son of a beeatch when i saw him live in a small club (300 people max) he had 4 marshall (half)stacks on stage, all turned on. i dunno if he used them all at the same time, or if he had some kind of wet/dry setup for his echo etudes etc, but i can assure you one thing: it was LOUD.
                              as for the DOD, he's using it because of his very weak pickups. apparently boosting a low level guitar signal sounds better to him than using hotter pickups in the first place....weirdo

