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Framus Cobra - first impressions

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  • Framus Cobra - first impressions

    ok, as i already stated in another thread i just purchased a brand new framus cobra head incl. FS for 1300 euro. i thought this deal was just too good to let it go. i've only played it in my bedroom so far, gonna bring it to band rehearsal sometime next week.

    as of right now, the clean channel sounds GREAT. best clean channel i've ever had, and my old mesa DC5 had a damn fine clean channel - think mark IV. contrary to internet rumors, the bright switch really does change the tone
    the crunch channel has WAY less gain than i expected. about as much as my marshall jcm800 2210 split channel head, which is just about right imho. moreover, it's kinda difficult to get the pinch harmonics to sqeal like a dying pig maybe this will change as the volume is turned up. boosted with a tube screamer it's just fine, though, even at bedroom volumes.
    the lead channel is also way darker than i expected. the head in general is way darker than i expected. this is the channel that initially gave me the most trouble, but after a few minutes i could dial in a decent lead tone (seriously, have you ever had to turn the presence up past noon to get a good LEAD tone?!?!). gain for days, that's for sure, although not even close to 5150 lead channel levels - but then again, half of the 5150 lead channel gain is unusable, anyways. not so the cobra. it stays defined and usable all the way to 10.
    this amp pushes some serious low end even at low volumes.
    also, as i'm used to marshall and 5150 style midrange controls, the cobra's midrange was kinda weird at first, as the frequency is much more low mid centered rather than high mid like a 5150 or marshall. on a 5150, the mid control is the cut control...turn it up, and you'll cut through the mix like a hot knife. on the cobra, it's almost like a second bass control, very interesting.
    furthermore, the note articulation is amazing. it seems to be a VERY unforgiving amp. i didn't think the 5150 covered up so many details. i guess in the long run this amp will force me to further clean up my technique. also, even at these low volumes there was a LOT of clarity. you can do all kinda of weird chords with high gain and still hear every note.
    however, the notch switch is totally unusable for me. scoops the mids right out, but seriously, if i wanted to sound like that i'd get a solid state amp or a metalzone in front of a gorilla pantera and grindcore guys will love it, though. i'm just too much of a marshall/midrange guy, and therefore the huge creamy (low) midrange response of the unnotched crunch and lead channels is gonna suit me waaay better.

    so far, my only gripe is that it sounds like crap at really low volumes. very fizzy top end and hardly any usable sounds in general. i couldn't really push the volume so far, but i got up to loud bedroom volumes (think 8:45 on a 5150) and it definitely got a LOT better. the nasty top end fizz disappered and turned into a huge wall of sound. so far i have high hopes for it being a great sounding high volume amp. i'm gonna keep you guys updated, so stay tuned for some high volume report sometime next week.
    Last edited by Fragle; 04-15-2006, 09:27 AM.

  • #2
    Good bedroom review man - I for one am looking forward to hearing about it once you can crank it up at rehearsal! Congrats too btw .


    • #3
      Exactly my impression with it, only I don't think I was quite so impressed. Sounds killer man!

      Is the 5150 staying? What ever happened to your Recto GAS? Don't even go down that route, I'm going back to Peavey. First trying a JSX, then if that doesn't work, back to a proper 5150.


      • #4
        yeah dude. cranked up is the only way to tell what it really sounds like.

        btw what cab are you using with it? it was meant to be paired with 25w greenbacks. they really bring that head to life.
        Widow - "We have songs"


        • #5
          I agree with you on the Clean channel.

          My Crunch channel has a TON of usable gain.

          The Lead is darker than the Crunch.

          Play with the Master volumes. Set the Channel Master to 1/2 way and see how you like it. Then set the Channel master to about 3/4 up. To my ears, the amp opens up and has a little less fizz at that setting. You also wont' have to turn the global Master up so high.


          • #6
            "Exactly my impression with it, only I don't think I was quite so impressed. Sounds killer man!

            Is the 5150 staying? What ever happened to your Recto GAS? Don't even go down that route, I'm going back to Peavey. First trying a JSX, then if that doesn't work, back to a proper 5150."
            the 5150 ain't going nowhere, that's for sure it's a killer sounding head. i also still have my jcm800, although i might sell that one - i never use it!
            my recto gas? well of course i still have it however, for me it was either the cobra or a recto (technically i didn't need a new amp, but you all know GAS.....) as i feel they share a lot of sonic ground. besides, i paid 1300 for a brand spankin new cobra, that's exactly as much as an used recto would have cost me, so go figure....
            btw, skip the jsx if you like your 5150. i briefly played one, and it wasn't really my cup of tea. pretty much a tonal opposite to the 5150

            "btw what cab are you using with it? it was meant to be paired with 25w greenbacks. they really bring that head to life"
            at home i'm using a laney 412 (thinking about downsizing to a 212), for rehearsal i'm using a marshall 1960a/b fullstack.

            "Play with the Master volumes. Set the Channel Master to 1/2 way and see how you like it. Then set the Channel master to about 3/4 up. To my ears, the amp opens up and has a little less fizz at that setting. You also wont' have to turn the global Master up so high."
            i think i had the channel volumes around 14:00 - 15:00 with the master around 9:00. not exactly loud, but i thought that's the point where it starts to sound decent. any lower than that and the fizz is just too dominant.
            "The Lead is darker than the Crunch."
            "My Crunch channel has a TON of usable gain."
            even at low volumes? because the crunch channel does NOT have a lot of gain. as i said, about as much as my split channel jcm800, maybe a tad more. think 5150 lead channel around 10:00.


            • #7
              btw, the design is NOT flawless. changing tubes, esp. preamp tubes, is a bitch. it's possible to change the first and fifth preamp tubes without too much trouble, but in order to change any other you have to remove one or more power tubes, which obviously requires some cooldown time, which SUCKS for quick tube swapping.
              besides, remounting the back cover is also quite difficult - try to find the holes for the mounting screws! the cover is solid instead of just a grille like on marshalls or peaveys.
              to top it off, you should NOT tighten those screws too much, as they are longer than the wooden block they are screwed in
              i dunno, my 5150 just seems to be totally bulletproof in comparison to the cobra. it doesn't seem to be unreliable, but imho the 5150 can handle the tough road life better than the framus.


              • #8
                Damn, seems they don't quite live up to the hype (or price around here).

                I know what you mean about the JSX... Everyone I've talked to now says that it's definately not brutal enough for what I'm doing, and now I have cash to burn, looking for a new 5150 \m/.


                • #9
                  I've heard that's an amp that really comes to life when you open it up; looking forward to the practice-volume review!


                  • #10
                    Told ya it was fiddly.
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #11
                      "Damn, seems they don't quite live up to the hype (or price around here).

                      I know what you mean about the JSX... Everyone I've talked to now says that it's definately not brutal enough for what I'm doing, and now I have cash to burn, looking for a new 5150 \m/."
                      bro, i can tell you that i definitely would not have considered it (goddamn grammar is killing me...) if i were to pay US prices...2K for *any* amp is just plain sick. that's the very reason why i still don't own a recto - talk about 3k street price

                      got to crank it some more (still just lower moderate volume , my drummer is really busy this week, so still no rehearsal) and it's seems like even small turns of the volume control add shitloads of *tone*. got a cool lead sound on channel 3 dialed in, i can definitely live with that one. basically, my only gripe (other than the design issues mentioned above) is the lack of gain on channel 2. it NEEDS a clean boost in front of it to get anywhere near the gain i'm using - and i'm by no means a gain freak.


                      • #12
                        I guess it depends what you mean by fiddly. This is the only amp I've owned where small changes in controls don't make massive differences. Sure, turning it louder gives you a different sound. But I can pretty much put the controls at noon and have very usable sounds.


                        • #13
                          don't judge it till you have it cranked at rehersal and try out all the channels at giging levels. you might totally change you mind about this amp.

                          also - as i stated before, it really wants to be run with greenbacks.
                          Widow - "We have songs"




                          • #14
                            "also - as i stated before, it really wants to be run with greenbacks."
                            fine, but i don't care i'm using the bog standart 1960A/B for rehersal, and prolly will do so forever. and we don't bring our own cabs to gigs, anyways.
                            also, of all the speakers i've used before i always prefered the gt75 series.


                            • #15
                              ok, just came back from band rehersal.
                              firstly, the amp is not the loudest one i've ever had. my marshall jcm800 crushes it as far as sheer volume goes, but then again who needs this much volume anyways. it's definitely loud enough for band playing, though. plus you can get the power tubes cooking to get that elusive el34 breakup tone.
                              speaking of tone, all questions about limited gain and weak pinch harmonics are pointless. the fact that it's not very SATURATED gain is what threw me off at low volumes, but once you crank it up you'll find it to have shitloads of gain while having immense note articulation and clarity. very straightforward amp, too. it took me literally 30 seconds to get a crushing rhythm tone, and even less for a lead tone. i did however use a boost (even though it's not necessary as far as pure gain is concerned, at high volumes that is), but then again i'm running a boost in front of most any amp including my 5150 which obviously has insane amounts of gain, i just happen to like the sound of it.
                              btw, talking about the sound, i remember reading something along the lines of "dual rectifier mixed with a jcm800". that's definitely a very suitable description. it's got that rectifier punch and brutality, but also the sweet mids of a jcm800 (although the mids are low mid voiced rather than hi mids like a marshall).
                              to sum it up, it's definitely a keeper. a shitty bedroom amp, but i have a feeling that this might become my main amp. tomorrow i'll have another band practice, this time together with my other guitar player (who's using a tsl100), but i'm sure it's gonna cut well and also mix well with the hi mid marshall.
                              btw, my amp settings for this rehearsal:
                              gain: noon
                              bass: 2:00
                              mids: 2:00
                              treble: 11:00
                              presence: 9:00
                              volume: 3:00
                              deep: noon
                              master: noon
                              sd1 set level full gain off tone noon

