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Framus Cobra - first impressions

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  • #16
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #17
      Fragle dude..does it sound as crunchy as this..

      It's John CAE3+/VHT2150...I just plug in my Wolfgang and go..

      here it is..nothing "fancy"..just an amp sound clip is all
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        so why is it named "billberschall" if it's actually the cae rig?!

        but anyways, i'd say the lead channel dimed out has about as much gain as a 5150 on 2:30, but all usable (even though that's WAY too much gain ). the notch switch scoops the mids right out and sounds like crap imho, but i'm a midrange guy anyway
        you're pretty familiar with the split channel jcm800, right? well, think of the cobra's crunch channel as a hotrodded version of that sound, with a LOT more bottom end, about 20% more gain, and more low mid voiced. i'd also say the cobra is a tad darker and smoother. the mids are clearer if that makes any sense. the jcm800 can get rather ice picky and harsh especially if dialed in wrong. the cobra can, too, but you can also get a really creamy almost vintage like sound.
        as i said, it's definitely NOT a bedroom amp - if you want that, get an engl. imho engl amps sound STELLAR at low volumes, but like utter shit when cranked up. the cobra is the total opposite imho. sounds like utter shit at low volume, but roars at high volumes, once again very similar to the jcm800 which needs some volume to wake up.
        however, chances are you might now like it, as it does NOT sound like van halen in any way shape or form.
        check out the dying fetus clip over at . i dunno whether that was the crunch or lead channel, but i guess it's the crunch channel as it sounds pretty much exactly like that.


        • #19
          Cool, Fragle nice review dude..

          John called that because it was dialed in pretty close to the Uber when it was at his place..and I was playing it.

          So Billberschall it is..
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #20
            Ever played a dragon??? Just wondering how exactly it compared since you've cranked it and given it a good run through.


            • #21
              no, haven't played a dragon (yet).

              btw, i just came back from another band rehearsal - this time together with the other dude who used the tsl100 head.
              both amps together cover a LOT of sonic ground. the cobra has far more lows and low mids than the marshall which is way more (high)mid heavy with more presence and cut. however, i had to crank my amp quite high in order to cut through his wall of high mids. also, i had to dial in quite a bit more highs and presence in order to get a better sounding mix.

              i'm gonna wait until our next gig at may 5th so i can hear how well it cuts through my side of the stage. plus i'm REALLY curious what my soundguy will say about the mix of those two amps.

              so far, the 5150 cuts through way better than the cobra, but doesn't have the punch and clarity. the 5150 is very "bitey" so to speak, whereas the cobra is a LOT smoother. none of that crossover fizz, too.

              btw, after this practice i'm pretty sure that a recto would NOT suit my needs. as i said, the cobra has the same low mid voicing as the recto, but is way mid heavier. therefore, i guess the recto might be way too scooped to cut through the wall of marshall mids, and therefore might not be heared very well. on the other hand, i bet the recto and the marshall would sound even more devastating in a live mix, with the marshall covering the mids and the recto the lows and highs. unfortunately, this also means that people would only feel me instead of hear me playing, in contrast to the cobra which should have enough of mids to make my playing heared.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Fragle
                no, haven't played a dragon (yet).

                btw, i just came back from another band rehearsal - this time together with the other dude who used the tsl100 head.
                both amps together cover a LOT of sonic ground. the cobra has far more lows and low mids than the marshall which is way more (high)mid heavy with more presence and cut. however, i had to crank my amp quite high in order to cut through his wall of high mids. also, i had to dial in quite a bit more highs and presence in order to get a better sounding mix.

                i'm gonna wait until our next gig at may 5th so i can hear how well it cuts through my side of the stage. plus i'm REALLY curious what my soundguy will say about the mix of those two amps.

                so far, the 5150 cuts through way better than the cobra, but doesn't have the punch and clarity. the 5150 is very "bitey" so to speak, whereas the cobra is a LOT smoother. none of that crossover fizz, too.

                btw, after this practice i'm pretty sure that a recto would NOT suit my needs. as i said, the cobra has the same low mid voicing as the recto, but is way mid heavier. therefore, i guess the recto might be way too scooped to cut through the wall of marshall mids, and therefore might not be heared very well. on the other hand, i bet the recto and the marshall would sound even more devastating in a live mix, with the marshall covering the mids and the recto the lows and highs. unfortunately, this also means that people would only feel me instead of hear me playing, in contrast to the cobra which should have enough of mids to make my playing heared.
                My bandmate has a TSL100 and I agree, it really cuts through a loud live mix with no problem. The 5150 can hang with it live. A Soldano has no problem but I know what you mean when you say feel you instead of hear you. The Framus sounds more like a Rectifier by the way you are describing it. I have always found that Rectifiers and Marshall based amps don't mix well live in a 2 guitar band because of exactly the reasons you mentioned. Your 5150 is definately the better amp to mix with a TSL100.


                • #23
                  a couple of friends of mine said that Cobra doesn't sound like Recto at all, I gotta try that thing myself....
                  "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                  "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Endrik
                    a couple of friends of mine said that Cobra doesn't sound like Recto at all, I gotta try that thing myself....
                    I never heard a Cobra. I am just going by what Fragle described. Low end chunk and being able to feel the amp are traits most commonly associated with the Rectifier. Those traits are great for a 1 guitar band when the amp is turned up LOUD. They are horrible if you are onstage with a Marshall and a loud bass player.


                    • #25
                      that "feel" comment was about the recto, not the cobra. the cobra has much more midrange than a recto could even dream of
                      you can get pretty close to a recto by turning the deep (=resonance on a 5150) and presence way up and scooping the mids into oblivion. when turning up the mids however you'll get an assload of low mids which sounds really creamy and punchy, you'll find yourself running way less bass. you can NOT get a marshall sound, however, due to the low mid voicing. therefore i'd say the cobra doesn't sound like either a marshall or a recto, but is closer to a tighter, brighter, more midrangey recto.
                      one REALLY interesting aspect is the presence control. i'm kinda used to turning it all the way off on most any amp, because it tends to add a shrill and harsh quality to the sound which is undesirable for me. the presence on the cobra is VERY usable,though....actually you gotta run it at least at 9:00 or it will sound rather dull.


                      • #26
                        I hear you man, like Fragle said Cobra sounds smooth and has low mids wich are common with Boogies, my friends said the same thing but they don't have the "character" of the Boogie, they said it's too tight and "steril" compared to Recto. They also said I wouldn' t like it ahaaa I guess I just have to try it out myself and then judge
                        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                        • #27
                          Fragle, Cobra must have too much mids then if Recto could dream having the same amount of 'em. Because Recto has decent amount of mids, the scoopness is because some guys just scoop the mids, I have played the Recto that I turn the mids to 1 or 2 o'clock and I don't have any problem cutting thru that way.
                          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                          • #28
                            yep, it has shitloads of mids - with the notch disengaged, that is. with the notch engaged it's scoop-o-rama not unreminiscent of pantera i personally hate that sound, although some might like it, namely death metal heads and pantera freaks

                            "i'd say the cobra doesn't sound like either a marshall or a recto, but is closer to a tighter, brighter, more midrangey recto."
                            after a second thought, it's actually quite similar to a boogie mark III with the EQ engaged.


                            • #29

                              I'm dying here, my pals said that it sounds more like Recto than Mark ahaaa, so many opinions.
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                              • #30
                                then let's just say it sounds like a framus cobra

                                and once again, just head over to and check out the cobra clips. most of them are a quite accurate representation of the sound imho. (unlike the engl blackmore clips which sound great, but NOTHING like the blackmore i used to own...that amp was godawful in a gigging situation)

