The eagle-eyed will notice the jacks violating the sides of the board. Left side is for guitar in and out to the amp: right side is fx loop stuff in and out. I decided to go with the following signal chain:
Guitar -->wireless-->modded crybaby-->boost pedal(s) of the hour-->amp
amp channel switcher is on the board (Peavey JSX)
Fx loop send-->Ibanez FL9 Flanger--->Boss Harmonist Pedal--->MXR Stereo Chorus-->Line6 Echo Park-->fx return
This shows off my mad cable/power routing skillz
I also am using a one spot power adapter with a daisy chain cord. Well, I drilled a hole in the end but left the foam padding intact. Used it for a 'pressure fit' of the female end of the cord. Long story short - other than the power cord for the MXR, All the cabling for the pedalboard is pretty much self contained. Plug in four guitar cords and one power to the jack shown in the above pic, plug in the MXR and pow, I'm ready to effect the world.