What models do you guys like the best and why? How do they compare to other common amp heads/combos - Marshalls, Mesas, 5150, Carvin Legacy, etc.?
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Who likes Soldano amps and why?
I use a Soldano rack system based around the USA made SP-77 Series 2 purple preamp. It is simply the best sounding gain I have ever heard. Its smooth, clear, punchy, agressive and it is perfectly suited for the lead guitarist. I have had all the amps you mentioned and a ton more. The Soldano kills them all. It actually makes many of those amps sound bad. Thats how good it is.
Does that amp compare favorably to any of Soldano's current stuff listed on their website?
I've got a friend whose husband is looking to sell his Soldano, but I don't know which model it is. I would have to sell my 5150 to get it, which I'm always on the fence about. I'll try to find out tomorrow if he still has it and what model it is.
I'm also going to be in San Diego in a couple of weeks, so I'm looking to go to Carvin's store and try out a Legacy. I remember you saying before that the Legacy was better for the lead guitarist while the 5150 was good for heavy rhythm stuff. You're saying that your Soldano is that much better, huh? I'll have to check them out, then.
If you are into amp heads instead of those sissy racks stuff (j/k John)The Soldano SLO is the best amp they make...they have other amps that can get you close to it but if you long for a SLO...get a SLOThe other ones that are cool are the HR50 and 100's . Also the Soldano tone isnt for everyone...some love it...some hate it. I think it kicks ass (SLO) but not enough right now for me to add one to my arsenal.
Originally posted by 1trussellDoes that amp compare favorably to any of Soldano's current stuff listed on their website?
I've got a friend whose husband is looking to sell his Soldano, but I don't know which model it is. I would have to sell my 5150 to get it, which I'm always on the fence about. I'll try to find out tomorrow if he still has it and what model it is.
The SLO100 is top of the food chain.
My "Sissy" Soldano rack system caused my bandmates to first retube and rebias their 5150's. After that they just had to sell them. They sounded great until my Soldano came over to play. With that said... if you are looking for a killer Soldano, get a Vetta 2 with 2.5 software.
The Avenger is another great Soldano as is the HR50, the HR50+ and for the small stuff you can go with an Astroverb. Soldano doesn't make a bad amp. Soldano doesn't make a bad ANYTHING.
If I had the resources, it would be the amp to own, even if I don't gig anymore. If your a serious player giging for a living and have the resources it pays in the long to have the better stuff. Aquiring an SLO is no exception, it pays for itself. Needless to mention, nonetheless, there are several mods that can be done to meet the players needs.
Like a post has already stated, "you either love them or hate them."
Thats so true, I happen to be one among many that love them.
Once you play through one, its obvious all the good ranting about them becomes real to you.Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...
"Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."
I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.
Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.
I have a HR50+ and I love it. It was apparently moddified to have a similar voicing to the SLO100, but whatever, it sounds great. To my ears, it's not a full on metal amp like a rectifier, it's just a great rock amp with a great all round response - no preamp fizz....Popular is not the same as good
Rare is not the same as valuable
Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get
One of my classmate's husband has a Reverbosonic he's looking to sell. I'm going to go try it out probably next weekend. From what I gather from the website, it's a two channel combo based on the clean and crunch channels from the SLO. It wouldn't have the high gain of the SLO, but being a 50 watt 2x12 combo seems just about right for me. Plus, I'm thinking I might be able to boost it with something in the front, right?
Originally posted by 1trussellOne of my classmate's husband has a Reverbosonic he's looking to sell. I'm going to go try it out probably next weekend. From what I gather from the website, it's a two channel combo based on the clean and crunch channels from the SLO. It wouldn't have the high gain of the SLO, but being a 50 watt 2x12 combo seems just about right for me. Plus, I'm thinking I might be able to boost it with something in the front, right?
You'll be glad that you did bro.Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...
"Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."
I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.
Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.