Well... just my XTL. It is great for fx and have a built in wah/volume, noisegate, and all the other goodies I will ever need but man does it blow for a metal preamp. Even with the metal pack installed, I would rather spend my time on one good tube amp than messing around with some average modeled amps on the xtl. They just do not sound good to me, and once you get a good sound for low volumes, you have to turn around and write a completely new patch for high volumes. For bozo's like me, this gets time consuming and frustrating.
I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have one great amp than 15 decent modeled amps..I can still use it for fx, but I am in need of a new amp.
So my question is, where do I start? I am on somewhat of a budget but I need something that is going to work well for high gain metal with a decent clean sound. A head and a 4x12 would be preferable. Someone suggested the Carvin V3 half stack, and while I recall one of our members having a bad experience with them, they seem to be highly regarded over at the carvin forum. For about $1300, that seems like a good price on a halfstack.
Any suggestions?
I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have one great amp than 15 decent modeled amps..I can still use it for fx, but I am in need of a new amp.
So my question is, where do I start? I am on somewhat of a budget but I need something that is going to work well for high gain metal with a decent clean sound. A head and a 4x12 would be preferable. Someone suggested the Carvin V3 half stack, and while I recall one of our members having a bad experience with them, they seem to be highly regarded over at the carvin forum. For about $1300, that seems like a good price on a halfstack.
Any suggestions?