So, my drummer killed my Laney VC50 (completely ripped the input section idea how). He's also lazy, so he hasn't taken it to get repaired (I don't have a car since I live in the city). So I've been going through his Carvin MTS head through the Laney speakers, but last night the speaker jack died as we were setting up at a show. I didn't want to ask one of the other bands to borrow a cab (we had to leave after our set), but then it hit me:
Carvin built a "cabinet voiced line out" into the MTS. So, the soundguy DI'ed it through the PA, and while it lost a little something (and a lot of stage volume), by all accounts it sounded pretty good, and not out-of-the-ordinary.
Kudos to you, Carvin, for putting all sorts of sweet features on your amps.
Carvin built a "cabinet voiced line out" into the MTS. So, the soundguy DI'ed it through the PA, and while it lost a little something (and a lot of stage volume), by all accounts it sounded pretty good, and not out-of-the-ordinary.
Kudos to you, Carvin, for putting all sorts of sweet features on your amps.