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How mad is this?!

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  • How mad is this?!

    Right, after speaking to the singer/guitarist in my band, he is using this as his current plan...

    Firstly, he is going to install those gain boost things in his guitar (Jackson Dave Mustaine V with EMG 81 in bridge and ESP Alexi with EMG HZ, he thinks that the HZ has virtually no gain to it)...

    ...He also has a Kerry King EQ with the gain up pretty high, on most of the time...

    ...He is then going to run these into his Marshall JMP-1 which he complains has no gain, I've seen his settings, its pretty much up full!

    His tone isn't bad atm, a little gainy reliant for my tastes but it still sounds good, I can't believe he is going to go through with this, it's going to ruin his tone, total white noise. Anyone got any suggestions as what I could say to him? I mean, I get more than enough gain with my PGM (PAF Pros, soon to be replaced with EMG 85/81 set) going into a TSL100 Crunch channel with the gain on 6. Please, if anyone can give me something to say to make him change his mind tell meh!

  • #2
    mh...maybe you should start using your lead channel with the gain dimed during band rehearsals. then go ask him what he thinks about your "new" sound. if he says it sucks, tell him that's what his sound's gonna be like
    if he actually thinks it sounds better than before....good luck :ROTF:

    seriously, the jmp1 has PLENTY of gain. i play thrash metal using OD1 with the gain set to 11/20, going guitar->rack without any boosts or pedals.


    • #3
      Just tell him the pick-ups are not made to get distortion...His amp is. Plus Didn't Jason Becker use a JMP-1? How the Hell can you not get enough gain out of a JMP-1? Does he use a Distortion pedal or Overdrive pedal? With a tube amp you want an Overdrive to heat up the tubes and well, over drive them. If you use a distortion pedal then "white noise" is exactly what you will get. EMG 81s are not bad pick-ups at all though. I have a Les paul with a 85 in the neck and an 81 in the bridge and I have an ESP KH-2 with two EMG 81s. I like the 85s better in the neck, but the 81s sound good if you know what you are doing.
      I would so snatch that up it if were 24 frets

      I'm out like Axl Rose just before a GNR concert


      • #4
        that's the ada mp1 you're talking about.
        but then again, the jmp1 probably has MORE gain than the mp1


        • #5
          Just let him fukk up and learn from the experience. You can't convince some people. They need to get hit with tomatoes from the crowd first.


          • #6
            Tell him to cut his speaker cones if he wants more distortion!
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              Originally posted by toejam
              Tell him to cut his speaker cones if he wants more distortion!


              • #8
                Hey, it worked for Dave Davies, right? :ROTF:
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #9
                  mupps, one thing's for sure: the more gain your friend adds to his sound, the more YOU will be heard in the mix. So, there IS a positive side to this story
                  AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jackson1
                      mupps, one thing's for sure: the more gain your friend adds to his sound, the more YOU will be heard in the mix. So, there IS a positive side to this story
                      you say that but i fucking suck!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mupps
                        you say that but i fucking suck!
                        no prob, you just add distortion to you sound too and you'll both drown in the mix.
                        Last edited by jackson1; 05-24-2006, 03:38 PM.
                        AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                        • #13
                          He's wasting his money. He will get the most distortion by placing a sheet of tin foil over his speakers, securing it with adhesive tape. This hot rodding 'mod' will cost less than a pint at your local and his tone will be the dogs bollocks...

                          ...or perhaps not.

