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Tried Everything-Buying Vetta II

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  • #16
    so, how does the hd-147 compare to the vetta regarding balls to the wall metal tone? i don't need tons of vintage amps and fx, but i'm not sure how much of a disadvantage the lack of the two amps at once feature is?!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Twisteramps
      I was one of the few who had a Vetta here a few years back, glad to see people are respecting it now. It was kinda lonely here for awhile.

      I was right there with you Pete !!!

      I had one of the first combos off the line thanks to a connection I had. Used it about a year and bought a head.

      Made every modeling amp mistake you could the first year I had it. Once I learned that the amps short commings were user error I was in amp heaven !!!

      Sound like have already figured it out

      I try amps all the time and the Vetta still is my favorite !!


      • #18
        bump for my abovementioned question


        • #19
          Originally posted by Fragle
          so, how does the hd-147 compare to the vetta regarding balls to the wall metal tone? i don't need tons of vintage amps and fx, but i'm not sure how much of a disadvantage the lack of the two amps at once feature is?!
          I'll keep it simple.
          If you compare the HD147 to other modeling amps... IT RIPS. Especially for metal.
          If you compare the HD147 to the Vetta THERE IS NO COMPARISON.
          2 amps at once has to be experienced to be believed not to mention all the other incredible feature that the Vetta has and the HD147 doesn't.
          The Vetta smokes the HD147 in every respect. PERIOD.


          • #20
            Agreed about the two amps at once. Friggin incredible-especially if you run it in stereo.


            • #21
              You can also run two cabs - one open back, one closed back. Use the closed back for your overdrive/heavier tones, use the open back for cleans. Works great!



              • #22
                Originally posted by Twisteramps
                You can also run two cabs - one open back, one closed back. Use the closed back for your overdrive/heavier tones, use the open back for cleans. Works great!

                That is exactly what I do. I route the clean channels more to the open back cab.


                • #23
                  well I tried a Vetta II combo in GC just at random the other day, and
                  I was floored

                  I've never heard an amp that can do all that and with that much balls.
                  the cleans and two amp sound is insane. this thing boggles the mind, I was blown away. every possible tone imaginable and with such authority.

                  I know what I'm saving for.
                  and I'll try the Vetta I + upgrade route and see what happens.

                  man these things just have endless possibilities.
                  the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                  • #24
                    true that, Skorb. I've had mine almost a month, and I'm still grinning from ear to ear.

