I have a Mesa MKIII. It sounds great the way I have it setup. I'm only using 2 channels. The clean channel is great and the Lead channel sounds good for the GnR, AC/DC KISS settings the way I have it, but I want a heavier sound sometimes and I was thinking of using a OD pedal in the front end to slam it. I have an 1984 Boss DS 1, and a Boss Metal Zone. Both are OK, but I want something a little more transparent. Got any ideas?
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What's a good OD?
my favorite OD is the boss sd-1...less honky and smoother than the tubescreamers imho. i've never tried a maxon, though.
really, buy a few different ones @ ebay, try em for a while, keep your fave and sell the other ones. after all, OD units aren't exactly expensive (except for stuff like fulltone or the super high end maxon tubescreamers)
heroin is a good OD
Thanks everyone. I do not want to spend a whole lot on one though. What about the MXR Zakk? Or the Duncan pup booster? Does the Boss OD1 sound a little "sizzley" like the Boss DS1? I don't really want a full blow distortion pedal.H3LL IS HOME!!!
i use the Zakk Regularly. Its a cleaner, louder,more transparent SD1.
If you like the SD1, youll love this...."Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES
So many good OD's out there right now. The most transparent that I've used is the George Lynch Time Machine Boost. Its more on the line of a treble boost, but make no mistake it has enough balls of an OD.
Heres a few others that are excellent:
MI Audio Crunch Box
MI Audio Tube Zone
Catalinabread SCOD
Keeley SD-1
Scott's Crispy Cream.
Makes a MkIII into an animal.
Listen for yourself:
http://www.treblebooster.com/mp3/danyeo_MarkIII_1.mp3Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.