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Bought a new amp... Randall RM100

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  • #16
    well, I have 5 modules headed this way too (Clean, Brown, XTC, Recto and Blackface) - should have everything by the end of this week or early next week. Sucky thing is, I have an outdoor gig this weekend that I would love to try the amp out at, but maybe it would be best to use the JSX since I'm familiar with it.



    • #17
      I was thinking about picking up an RM50 a little bit ago. If I had, I would have bought the XTC and Blackface modules. The Brown was nice, too. It had a super warm spongy bottom that just oozed early VH. I think you'll be happy with those modules and the amp. Plus, if you're going to mod them yourself, you're going to end up with a killer setup.


      • #18
        Pete, I had an RM50 for a short while. The concept is a great one, BUT....the stock modules definitely need tweeked. The XTC and AC30 modules I had were way too close sounding to each other. I wouldn't recommend anyone using it stock. However, since you bought it with the intention of modding the modules, I think you will be able to make it sound very good.

        As I am sure you know, there is quite a long thread on HCAF on the MTS series.


        • #19
          Originally posted by fritzreiser
          Pete, I had an RM50 for a short while. The concept is a great one, BUT....the stock modules definitely need tweeked. The XTC and AC30 modules I had were way too close sounding to each other. I wouldn't recommend anyone using it stock. However, since you bought it with the intention of modding the modules, I think you will be able to make it sound very good.

          As I am sure you know, there is quite a long thread on HCAF on the MTS series.
          That thread is so long I've avoided it... and that's insane that they would make an AC30 and XTC sound alike. Oh boy, I'm starting to feel some regret here. Was it that the AC30 was too high gain, or the XTC was lower gain? What other modules did you have? I'm full of high hopes for the blackface, XTC and brown, not so sure on the recto, and pretty sure I won't like the clean.



          • #20
            Now, I didn't think the Top Boost and the XTC sounded anything alike. The Top Boost reminded me a little of Brian May or Lenny Kravitz, like mentioned in the description. Even with the gain maxed out, it still had a bit of shimmer to it. The XTC had tons more bottom but without sounding boomy like I thought the Recto module did. The XTC is definitley a high gain module. I tried that one, the 1086, Recto, and the Ultra XL. The XTC was by far my favorite. For cleans, it was a toss up between the Tweed and the Blackface. And for low to moderate gain, I liked the Top Boost and the Brown, at two ends of the moderate spectrum.


            • #21
              Originally posted by 1trussell
              Now, I didn't think the Top Boost and the XTC sounded anything alike. The Top Boost reminded me a little of Brian May or Lenny Kravitz, like mentioned in the description. Even with the gain maxed out, it still had a bit of shimmer to it. The XTC had tons more bottom but without sounding boomy like I thought the Recto module did. The XTC is definitley a high gain module. I tried that one, the 1086, Recto, and the Ultra XL. The XTC was by far my favorite. For cleans, it was a toss up between the Tweed and the Blackface. And for low to moderate gain, I liked the Top Boost and the Brown, at two ends of the moderate spectrum.
              I went to Randall's website - their Top Boost is WAY too gainy for an AC30. Maybe one with a metal zone in front! Glad to hear the XTC, brown and blackface were liked by you, they certainly sounded good on paper. I'm curious how the recto sounds too. *sigh* now if I dig this, I'll want the RM4 so I can have four different modules. It never ends...



              • #22
                Originally posted by Twisteramps
                I went to Randall's website - their Top Boost is WAY too gainy for an AC30.
                My thoughts exactly. My Top Boost module had a slight AC30 flavor, but no way should it have that much gain.


                • #23
                  Well, I've never played a true AC30, so I can't comment on its authenticity of tone. But I did think it was way lower gain than the XTC. I'm really curious to hear what you think of these amps, Pete. If you like them as much as a lot of other people seem to, I might just go ahead and pull the trigger on a RM50.


                  • #24
                    Hey Pete there is a Top Boost mod to make it lower gain and a more accurate
                    copy of the Vox. There are some mods listed here.
                    Personally I like the Ultra mod. The Brown mod with Marshall ECC83 tubes in it.
                    RR24M -SLATQH- 2 SLSMG's- DKMGT- 3DXMGT's
                    CHS2 -Traditional- 2 SC90 Surfcasters
                    Tacoma DR14 DM14 JR55
                    Ibanez Artcore AM77, AF125NT,AS93


                    • #25
                      just wanted to let you know that my randall rm100 kicks some serious butt! I have the recto, SL + (.001 cap mod on both) and the xtc (sounds awesome out of the box). you can not go wrong with these amps. i sold my marshall tsl 100 for this bad boy and have no regrets. no it wont sound like a boogie, bogner or marshall but they are pretty close and just all around great high gain tones. my fave is the xtc.
                      the coolest part is you dont need an amp tech to change tubes. just replace and bias and your good to go. i run e34l's and 6l6's together.


                      • #26
                        This is a better link for the modifications.
                        RR24M -SLATQH- 2 SLSMG's- DKMGT- 3DXMGT's
                        CHS2 -Traditional- 2 SC90 Surfcasters
                        Tacoma DR14 DM14 JR55
                        Ibanez Artcore AM77, AF125NT,AS93


                        • #27
                          Damn... Where have I been hiding... This is a damn cool concept.

                          Insert annoying equipment list here....


                          • #28
                            I have an RM100 as well as a few modules. All bought off E-Bay of course Thats the nice thing about these amps, those modules are available on E-Bay all day long! Anyway, I like the amp a lot. The modules I have are XTC, SL+, Brown, Ultra, Ultra Lead, Blackface, Plexi. The XTC is my favorite as well and I use it as my main distortion sound. The Blackface is my main clean sound. I play around with the others swapping them back and forth but XTC and Blackface are always on board. All my modules are stock except Brown which has had a capacitor mod done. The least impressive to me was the Ultra Lead which sounds weak compared to the Ultra. The Lynch modules are just being released now so I have not seen any used ones yet but I'd like to try Mr. Scary next as well as Top Boost. BTW, Randall claims the Top Boost is a bit hopped up Vox AC30 and not based on a bone stock Vox. That would explain why it is not an exact Vox sound. And Although I haven't played through that module, I find it hard to believe that it sounds anything like the XTC. Also, do NOT go by Randall's soundbytes on their website! Those are horrible clips and pretty much sound very similar to each other. There was another site that had much better sound clips but I can't remember where anymore. The RM100 is a bit noisy on the high gain modules at louder volumes but it does sound good especially for an amp in its price range. My Uberschall is of course my favorite amp but then again it costs much more than the Randall and the Randall/Egnater stuff is about the most versatile amp out there. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the Randall One downside is that RM100 is a heavy amp! But they did provide handles on the sides as well as top



                            • #29
                              go to on the MTS forum go to rigs and sounds i believe. someone on there has every module and recorded them including the lynch. they are great quality sound bytes and you can make your decisions from there. this is an awesome site that you can get a wealth of knowledge from. also you can trade or buy your gear usually less than what you get on ebay. I got all of my modules for less than $120 each. there is also a thread on harmony central. these are great amps guys!

