So I rigged up a pretty complex system, going through a Boss preamp kind of thing, into some stereo hifi speakers. Not ideal, by far, BUT
This thing sounded godlike through this kind of a set-up, I can't imagine what she'll give me in about a month through the 50/50 and a Framus 2x12 with Celestion V30's!
Rhythm 1 is an awesomely good clean channel, every sort of clean sound is in there. I got a sweet jazzsound and if you push it you get some nice overdrive, making it good for some mild blues. With some chorus and reverb through that one, the cleans must be insane...No wonder it's a MarkII, they've always been known for their Fender-daring cleans.
Lead 1....AWESOME brown sound, but with the low end balls to it only a Boogie can deliver. Tightness allround, even on higher gain settings. Also very good for melodic, more nuanced leads and other, non ultrahighgain applications.
Rhythm 2 can do clean if not pushed, but it starts breaking up quite early, resulting in a nice distorted rhythm channel, for extra spice to sounds, lots of options here, but I didn't really test this one out too well.
Lead 2......the MOTHER and be all, end all of ALL amplifier channels and sounds. This thing has insane amounts of gain (more than an MK IV, even) and it stays supertight regardless of how much gain you run through it. Limitless possibilities, as with any of the other channels, it can do solos sweetly but for metalrhythms this is IT for me. We took about 10 minutes to dial in a sound that was monstrously tight and chunky. I could pass this thing off as a bassamplifier for sure, the low end is amazing and did I say it was TIGHT already?! Can't wait to run a tubescreamer or something and test what that gives me in the leaddepartment.
Gonna get another footswitch for it asap, so I can switch on Rhythm 1 and Lead 2 at the same time. I'll go with a monstrous Lead 2 setting and a clean, mixable setting on Rhythm 1, which should result in an ultratight, accentuated, clear, but brutal rhythm sound.
Can't wait to put it up against my buddies's Fender Twins, ENGL Savage 120's, Marshall TSL's and Ashdown Fallen Angels.
And, again, this was all heard through a maze of cables, low quality speakers (compared to genuine cab) etc etc.
In short: best amp I could have ever gotten.
This thing sounded godlike through this kind of a set-up, I can't imagine what she'll give me in about a month through the 50/50 and a Framus 2x12 with Celestion V30's!
Rhythm 1 is an awesomely good clean channel, every sort of clean sound is in there. I got a sweet jazzsound and if you push it you get some nice overdrive, making it good for some mild blues. With some chorus and reverb through that one, the cleans must be insane...No wonder it's a MarkII, they've always been known for their Fender-daring cleans.
Lead 1....AWESOME brown sound, but with the low end balls to it only a Boogie can deliver. Tightness allround, even on higher gain settings. Also very good for melodic, more nuanced leads and other, non ultrahighgain applications.
Rhythm 2 can do clean if not pushed, but it starts breaking up quite early, resulting in a nice distorted rhythm channel, for extra spice to sounds, lots of options here, but I didn't really test this one out too well.
Lead 2......the MOTHER and be all, end all of ALL amplifier channels and sounds. This thing has insane amounts of gain (more than an MK IV, even) and it stays supertight regardless of how much gain you run through it. Limitless possibilities, as with any of the other channels, it can do solos sweetly but for metalrhythms this is IT for me. We took about 10 minutes to dial in a sound that was monstrously tight and chunky. I could pass this thing off as a bassamplifier for sure, the low end is amazing and did I say it was TIGHT already?! Can't wait to run a tubescreamer or something and test what that gives me in the leaddepartment.
Gonna get another footswitch for it asap, so I can switch on Rhythm 1 and Lead 2 at the same time. I'll go with a monstrous Lead 2 setting and a clean, mixable setting on Rhythm 1, which should result in an ultratight, accentuated, clear, but brutal rhythm sound.
Can't wait to put it up against my buddies's Fender Twins, ENGL Savage 120's, Marshall TSL's and Ashdown Fallen Angels.
And, again, this was all heard through a maze of cables, low quality speakers (compared to genuine cab) etc etc.
In short: best amp I could have ever gotten.
