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Anyone try an ADA MP-1 with 3.666 mod?

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  • Anyone try an ADA MP-1 with 3.666 mod?

    The guy who was going to trade his Chameleon pre for my Peavey Classic combo backed out, but now someone is offering an MP-1. At first I told him "not interested" but he replied that his has the 3.666 mod mentioned here:

    If what I'm reading is true, the mod would address the complains I've had about MP-1s I've tried in the past. Just curious if anyone has tried one with this mod.

  • #2
    Not me. AFAIK mine's 100% stock 'cept for the tube. I get plenty of gain with it for what I do, but then I don't do the Ultra-Gain Doom-n-Gloom stuff.
    Still gets a well-saturated tone, though. Can't imagine where the reports of it never having enough gain come from, honestly.

    I'm also using a Digitech TSR12 for EQ and effects, and that can drastically change the final tone (smooth off the "glassy" peaks, dress up some of the grind, etc)
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    • #3
      Just thought I'd post a follow-up, as I went ahead with the trade for the MP-1 3.666 last night. The guy I traded my Peavey combo to for the MP-1 does a lot of mods, but hadn't really used the MP-1 much after modding it. The tones he was getting out of it through his rig were so-so, but when I got it home and tweaked the EQ settings a bit, it really sounded good!

      The 3.666 mod gives it a mid sweep control and extends the low end range, in addition to allowing for more gain. The added controls are mounted internally on the board, so that's slightly annoying, but such is the nature of MP-1 mods. This is described as an MP-1 made to sound like a Mesa, and it seems to have hit that mark, although it can still get Marshall sounds as well.


      • #4
        I still like my original version MP-1 better than any modded version that I have heard. Anyone who wants more gain must be looking to get lost in a mix and lose any tonal dynamics as the MP-1 already has a TON of gain on tap. Anything more would be complete fuzzed out mush.

