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Siggy isn't into the Vetta

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  • #16
    I like modellers, but I agree that where they fall short is the feel/response


    • #17
      I've seen NDE, I think they're gone now. Runt is a friend of mine's band dave Felton, from Mushroomhead now. They sorta morphed into 216. haven't heard from CHOC in a while, prolly DOA as well.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Twisteramps
        Very cool John! Do you have any way of recording some clips?

        (staying out of the vetta vs tube thing for awhile, anyways)
        I just need to get some software back on this thing and my Equitek mic back. Then, will probably be getting something recorded again. Probably some practice is in order... hehe...

        I have been so non-guitar lately between the business going to hell and maybe almost back (unlikely), and then splitting with the GF/fiance of 4yrs. I've had my head totally wacked guitarwise. Just now "maybe" getting back on track.

        Made the reunion decision this week to commit to a Skylar Neil (Vinc Neil's daughter) cancer benefit and am actually getting kinda excited and some emotion is returning, so, I guess I'm sorta back? We'll see how I hold up. Bear with me... haha...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cleveland Metal
          I just need to get some software back on this thing and my Equitek mic back. Then, will probably be getting something recorded again. Probably some practice is in order... hehe...

          I have been so non-guitar lately between the business going to hell and maybe almost back (unlikely), and then splitting with the GF/fiance of 4yrs. I've had my head totally wacked guitarwise. Just now "maybe" getting back on track.

          Made the reunion decision this week to commit to a Skylar Neil (Vinc Neil's daughter) cancer benefit and am actually getting kinda excited and some emotion is returning, so, I guess I'm sorta back? We'll see how I hold up. Bear with me... haha...
          Sorry to hear of the shit flyin' around you, but it sounds like you're going to be out of the woods soon. I'd kill to check out some CAE gear.



          • #20

            That's all I gotta say..

            I love you!
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #21
              I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the guitar has more to do with satisfaction from a Vetta than most people put stock into.

              After hearing so many mixed reviews, there has to be something that is missing for some, that is present for others. In the end it boils down to taste, as with anything.

              Personally, I've had a chance to AB it against a VHT Pitbull, and a Triple Rectumfire, (in a band environment) and organic warmth (perceived, albiet) has not been in shortage in either case.

              I love the tube "warmth" of an all tube amp, as I played with one for years before I got the vetta, but I also like the smooth, even, grainy tone of the solid state. Of course, my experience is limited in which tube amps I've been able to try, but the ones I've had the pleasure of plugging into, are considered "world class" by most standards.

              In the end, it boiled down to the versatility, and sound I was able to coax from this beast. Thats not to say if I didnt have 15k at my disposal that I wouldnt have looked at more options. For the buck, there is no larger bang, imho.

              All that being said, I think the baddest-ass tube sounding grainy heaviness I've recently heard, is from that tribute to (think it was Judas Priest... ) on
              VH1 about a month ago. The guitarist from Godsmack was using a Deizel, OMFG was it the live tone to kill for. I dont recall the model, I assume it was a Herbert?

              Anyways, I just wrapped up my tracks on my bands recording, and we will both be using (have used) the Vetta (myself, and the other guitarist) to record. I'll happily post some clips of the long hours I've put into tweaking this thing, and hopefully it will bring a nod and a smile to the ones who own it, and possibilities to the ones who dont.\

              P.S. Also Twister, hope everything works out for you, that sounds like a tough road to hoe, but I'm sure you're just the Joe to hoe it! (The Tick)


              • #22
                Originally posted by tseegert
                I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the guitar has more to do with satisfaction from a Vetta than most people put stock into.

                After hearing so many mixed reviews, there has to be something that is missing for some, that is present for others. In the end it boils down to taste, as with anything.

                Personally, I've had a chance to AB it against a VHT Pitbull, and a Triple Rectumfire, (in a band environment) and organic warmth (perceived, albiet) has not been in shortage in either case.

                I love the tube "warmth" of an all tube amp, as I played with one for years before I got the vetta, but I also like the smooth, even, grainy tone of the solid state. Of course, my experience is limited in which tube amps I've been able to try, but the ones I've had the pleasure of plugging into, are considered "world class" by most standards.

                In the end, it boiled down to the versatility, and sound I was able to coax from this beast. Thats not to say if I didnt have 15k at my disposal that I wouldnt have looked at more options. For the buck, there is no larger bang, imho.

                All that being said, I think the baddest-ass tube sounding grainy heaviness I've recently heard, is from that tribute to (think it was Judas Priest... ) on
                VH1 about a month ago. The guitarist from Godsmack was using a Deizel, OMFG was it the live tone to kill for. I dont recall the model, I assume it was a Herbert?

                Anyways, I just wrapped up my tracks on my bands recording, and we will both be using (have used) the Vetta (myself, and the other guitarist) to record. I'll happily post some clips of the long hours I've put into tweaking this thing, and hopefully it will bring a nod and a smile to the ones who own it, and possibilities to the ones who dont.\

                P.S. Also Twister, hope everything works out for you, that sounds like a tough road to hoe, but I'm sure you're just the Joe to hoe it! (The Tick)

                I never said it didnt sound like tube, just saying certain things about it comparing it to the originals where enough to make me want to keep the originals and get rid of the vetta.

                basicaly the uber was almost dead on, just a little more fizz at the top which i heard can be EQ'd out, but like i said i think the vetta uber had more gain and more bottem end.

                Once again i am disappointed with the rec's, yeah they sound close to dead on, but of course they use the tube rec which i never used, i much preferred the diode rec, so i didnt really like using the Rec model.

                Now my big disappointed was the XTC, yes it sounds close to it, however the clarity was not there, doing single note picking i could tell a big difference. I tried EQing it out but still there.

                Over all this is a great amp, but if you have the real things to compare against it falls short, but like i said previous, most people would have no clue unless they have very good ears and the actuall amps to compare them against.

                If i was doing covers i would keep it, if i was doing alot of home recording i would keep it, but since i am not i cant justify keeping all three amps, so the vetta goes.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Cleveland Metal
                  I've seen NDE, I think they're gone now. Runt is a friend of mine's band dave Felton, from Mushroomhead now. They sorta morphed into 216. haven't heard from CHOC in a while, prolly DOA as well.
                  Ah yes, 216.

                  Does Mushroomhead still play in Cleveland a lot like they used to, or are they doing the national thing more now that they're on... whatever label they're on? Those guys know how to put on a good show. Every now and then I'll still school people on how Slipknot is basically a hot-topic roadrunner knock-off of Mushroomhead....

                  Anyway, I swear I'm done derailing this perfectly good thread about the Vetta. Sorry guys.


                  • #24
                    FWIW: Line6 has pretty much nailed the tone of the Uberschall. The other guitarist in my band plays through an Uber, and the Uber model on the PodXT is insanely close. They did a great job.

                    The only Marshall they got right (IMO) was the Plexi, but only because it's the Marshall-est sounding model. I don't know how close to a real JMP it is, but with a Tube Screamer in front of it, it can sound a lot like my Pro Mod.

                    Seriously impressed with the Uber model, though.


                    • #25
                      Yep, the Vetta does a great job on the crushing bottom heavy tones.

