i have a jcm800 lead series slant 4x12 w/ celestion 80's in it. sounds kick ass!! it's a 1982 model. so, adrenaline junkie, were just some of them or ALL made for bass? mine can't be a bass cabinet. plus were all of them older production? mine looks like it was made maybe early to mid 1990s since it's really clean. certainly not pickin a fight, it's just funny this topic came up, because i've always wondered about my cab. it's like 320 watts or something crazy like that too. defitnatly not your typical 1960....
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JCM800 vs JCM900 cabs
I had an 80's bass cab...it was drk green and over-sized with a 1-15" "sidewinder" and 2-10" celestions..
I wished my Marshall cabs were loaded with 80's..I like 'em better than the 75s.."Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
Originally posted by taxistationaryi have a jcm800 lead series slant 4x12 w/ celestion 80's in it. sounds kick ass!! it's a 1982 model. so, adrenaline junkie, were just some of them or ALL made for bass? mine can't be a bass cabinet. plus were all of them older production? mine looks like it was made maybe early to mid 1990s since it's really clean. certainly not pickin a fight, it's just funny this topic came up, because i've always wondered about my cab. it's like 320 watts or something crazy like that too. defitnatly not your typical 1960....
The Bass cabs started in the late 60's for bass, and were nothing more than guitar cabs, with 55hz instead of 75 hz speakers. Like horns said, they made bass cabs up into the 80's, but I think they stopped making the "Super bass" heads in 85 or so. In the 80's the 1982 cabs went from being "Bass" cabs, to being heavy duty cabs, or cabs that were high wattage. I'm not sure if that was more to handle the higher wattage amps and power amps that guys were using, or if it was to keep them from breaking up, or both. They used the 80's and I think G12H-100's in some of them.
If you look up the codes on the speaker frame, you can tell pretty much what year your cab was made.
Very cool info guys, thanks! I got the cab - it has mojo. In other words, it's pretty beat to hell.The back has about 40% tolex, but the sides aren't too bad, neither is the front. Cab sounds good, has Celestion 85s that the guy robbed from a VTM cab. My biggest gripe is that I really dig the stereo/mono wiring my 900 cab has, but I found a wiring diagram on the net.
I'm going to point to point wire up a toggle and put lampcord wire inside the cab instead of the thin stuff and a switch on a PCB. What the hell. May also recover the cab, it depends. Also got four 75 watt celestions that the 800 had originally - they each say 15 ohms.
Next is putting up with my wife's complaints now that I have 4 4x12s and too many amps.
Originally posted by taxistationaryi have a jcm800 lead series slant 4x12 w/ celestion 80's in it. sounds kick ass!! it's a 1982 model. so, adrenaline junkie, were just some of them or ALL made for bass? mine can't be a bass cabinet. plus were all of them older production? mine looks like it was made maybe early to mid 1990s since it's really clean. certainly not pickin a fight, it's just funny this topic came up, because i've always wondered about my cab. it's like 320 watts or something crazy like that too. defitnatly not your typical 1960....
They only made the Marshall Lead 4x12 cabs with the G12-80's in them for two years, 1981 and 1982. The Bass 4x12 cabs are even more rare!
BTW, I have two near mint model 1982A Lead 4x12's!, I wish I still had my 1984B Bass cab tho!