A/B'd the following amps:
Randall RM100
GT8 through Peavey 120/120 tube power amp in stereo
...and I liked em in the same order.
I'm starting to think I'm just not an RM100 guy... it's a killer idea, wonderful execution, but my JSX just sounds 'right' to me.
What I'm probably going to do is run the following for live use:
Guitar - JSX (GT8 effects, 4 cable method)
left channel - JSX + JCM900 75 loaded cab
right channel - Peavey 120/120 poweramp (mono) + JCM800 85 loaded cab
In smaller clubs I'll run mono: We have a big enough trailer for gear that I can leave the extra cab and amp in there.
Randall RM100
GT8 through Peavey 120/120 tube power amp in stereo
...and I liked em in the same order.

What I'm probably going to do is run the following for live use:
Guitar - JSX (GT8 effects, 4 cable method)
left channel - JSX + JCM900 75 loaded cab
right channel - Peavey 120/120 poweramp (mono) + JCM800 85 loaded cab
In smaller clubs I'll run mono: We have a big enough trailer for gear that I can leave the extra cab and amp in there.