So for the last 4 years I've lived in a condo and couldn't even play my 20 watt solid state Fender without bothering the neighbours. I had to get by on headphones and a Guitar Port.
Now I'm building a house and want to get a real amp. The crux is I don't play live shows and I want a tube amp that will give good tones at low to moderate volumes. I'm willing to spend a few thousand $ as long as I can use the amp to get good tones without making my ears bleed.
So today after doing some research I went for my first test drive and told the salesguy my criteria - good tone at low to moderate volume. I wanted to try a TSL100 since it has the virtual power reduction. Tried it, liked the crunch channel, clean was ok, but was disappointed with the high gain channel. Couldn't get the metal sound with the gain all the way up and the mids cut.
I asked the guy about both the Lone Star and Roadking because I'm interested in the Mesa tone, but the salesguy really tried to talk me out of the Mesas. Said that with the Mesas you really have to crank them to get good tone so they wouldn't meet my criteria.
He suggested two other amps I've never heard of before
- Soldano Lucky 13 combo
- Orange Rocker combo
I didn't have time to try these ones out after chatting with the guy and trying the Marshall. Anyone tried either of these? I may go back to try them.
I also plan to try the Peavey XXX combo, and JSX combo. How are the XXX and JSX heads at lower volumes? Any other suggestions?

So today after doing some research I went for my first test drive and told the salesguy my criteria - good tone at low to moderate volume. I wanted to try a TSL100 since it has the virtual power reduction. Tried it, liked the crunch channel, clean was ok, but was disappointed with the high gain channel. Couldn't get the metal sound with the gain all the way up and the mids cut.
I asked the guy about both the Lone Star and Roadking because I'm interested in the Mesa tone, but the salesguy really tried to talk me out of the Mesas. Said that with the Mesas you really have to crank them to get good tone so they wouldn't meet my criteria.
He suggested two other amps I've never heard of before
- Soldano Lucky 13 combo
- Orange Rocker combo
I didn't have time to try these ones out after chatting with the guy and trying the Marshall. Anyone tried either of these? I may go back to try them.
I also plan to try the Peavey XXX combo, and JSX combo. How are the XXX and JSX heads at lower volumes? Any other suggestions?