Well I asked this question a while ago but was wondering how folks are still liking their THD yellowjackets to bring their 100 watt heads down to a useable home level? Would you say they maintain the amps general characteristics without totally changing how it should sound if used in a live situation?
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THD Yellowjackets
I've messed a bit with mine in a peavey VTM60 and my JSX. They made the tone a little brighter and thinner. Not in a horrible way, just not as thick and not as much low end. More grind for sure. I'd see them as a way to get different tones, not just knock down what you have to more managable levels, if that makes sense.
I had them in my 2203 for a while. I thought they were pretty cool. They did tame the amp down pretty well. The amp still sounded like a JCM800 to me but with more of the el-84 vibe. If you know difference in the characteristic of the power tubes then you’ll know if you like them. It added some mid range and some percussive type of chime that I thought was cool. When I first put them in I noticed a big difference but after re-adjusting EQ it was’t that drastic of a change. I do think it’s a cost effective way to knock the voltage down. I used 2 of the power reducing YJ’s and EL-84’s and pulled the other 2 6550’s out so I was just running the head on the YJ’s so it went from 100w o 6550’s to around 20w of EL-84.
The amp was still loud thru a 4x12 but much more manageable imho. I never gigged with so I dunno how it would have cut it live though. The good thing about them is that its really easy change back to stock.
I recorded one track with it, 2203 w/Soldano HotMod and THD YJ’s. I used an sm57 in front of a 1960 4x12 with 75w celestions. I went straight in, guitar----cord----amp
Thanks guys. I guess for the 100+ bucks, which includes tubes, its worth a shot. Love the tone on that one Shawn. Very similar to what I'd like to get. Nice and warm with rich harmonics. Do you remember what EL84's you used for that recording?We must!
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Originally posted by Soloist1Thanks guys. I guess for the 100+ bucks, which includes tubes, its worth a shot. Love the tone on that one Shawn. Very similar to what I'd like to get. Nice and warm with rich harmonics. Do you remember what EL84's you used for that recording?
I got mine from the Tube Store and they included Tesla/JJ EL-84's
Keep in mind if you have a 100 watt head that you don't need to have 4 of then, unless thats what you want to do, otherwise 2 will work fine, just leave the two tube sockest empty -or- do a mixture of the YJ/EL-84 along your EL-34, 6L6, 6550's etc..
I'm gonna get a quad and experiment Shawn. I'll try the quad straight and with the hot plate at low attenuation. Then I'll try the duet and see how that sounds. And mixing the 6L6 and KT66 type with attenuation. Way to many combos to consider. Ever try those in your Bogner? I'm gonna throw them in my SLO to see what I get. Love the SLO but I also love the tone you get from EL34 hot rodded Marshall's. I'm hoping to get somewhere between the SLO and that. I guess I'll see. Haven't heard of anyone trying them in a SLO before.We must!
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Originally posted by charvelguyTo each their own.. I sold mine.
"They made the tone a little brighter and thinner."
yep.. a little to much for my tastes, but maybe I had a defective pair.
I use another product.. and am mucho mas pleased.
I'm going to try mine in the SLO clone I traded the RM100 for, should be interesting.
Yeah I also read some people thought it killed the bottom end and made it brighter and thinner sounding. Supposedly playing with different EL84 tubes will solve that problem. Nice thing about EL84's is they are cheap. I'm probably going to get the JJ Tesla's. Had them in my 20/20 and thought they were great. And I may get a set of the EH ones also. They get pretty good reviews and supposedly are designed similar to the old Mullard EL84's. Lord Valve has me looking into the Yellow Jackets though. Originally I was going to just order some Tung Sol 5881 re-issues to get a sweeter more compressed tone. Fortunately he set me straight where those are concerned. Soldano needs to be a little more careful when they mention using 5881's in their amps. What they consider 5881's really aren't 5881's at all. The real 5881 will fry in any amp that has a plate voltage of higher than 400v.We must!
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I used JJ Tesla's.. brand new pair in mine....
Yellow jackets do not cut the power/volume as much as they say.. but it does reduce it. Ruby had a branded set for awhile as well which I think we're likely made by the same who makes THD and were pushed thru Musicians Friend. Tone is subjective.. some people may find it to their liking.. I personally thought it was brittle and harsh.
For the money.. Groove tube 928PR is a better product... they just sit a little higher and have more tension on the pins where you may need to lube the pins a little. There's was a Tone report bench test done on this and a side by side comparison on a '67 Bassman head by a well known store..they preferred the GT product.. just sayin....more for me if ya don't want them.
I still have one Yellow Jacket left for a UNIvalve. Whatever you get.. both companies make differing products for differing applications... class A, class A/B push pull..make sure you know what you are getting.Last edited by charvelguy; 08-17-2006, 12:09 PM.
I'm not looking for volume drop as much as I am warmth, compression, sweetness or what ever you like to call it. 6L6's and KT66's don't compress soon enough for what I want. And since the real 5881 can't be used in my application I figured I'd give them a shot.
I suppose I could mod the SLO to let it accept EL34's. But trying the EL84 adapters seems like a pretty cheap experiment.
How much different can the resistors in the GT's be than the THD's? All the adapters are doing is re-routing pins and reducing current/voltage with the resistors.We must!
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Trust me.. my ears work better than I get credit for sometimes. (lol.. hehe) They sound worlds apart. The GT product sounds much more like the amp should at a reduced level.
It was South Valley Guitar that did the test I believe..
here, take a minute and read this.. I could not find the link for the test and I gotta run.
Yeah I had just went to GT's site and read the review. And the South Valley place sells both so I guess I can rule out dealer bias. I have to admit the GT is a much nicer looking converter. Hmmmmm. Damn you. Throwing a wrench into the mix.I'm going to have to do some more investigation on this one. What the hell is their EL84-s anyhow? I know it is a relabeled something. Wish they just spell it out. I hate their rating system also.
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And another interesting piece about that review is that he used a hot rodded bassman. The SLO was designed based on the bassman according to Mike Soldano. That was the starting point he used at any rate. When you mean the pins are tight are you refering to the EL84 to adapter, adapter to tube socket or both?We must!
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