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  • #16
    Dude, trust me, I LOVE Laney. My cab is Laney. My favorite amp I ever had was Laney. I'm possibly gonna buy a Laney head to go with this cab. But you don't want THAT Laney, if you are gonna jam with a band. Just not enough power, and throw. They are right. 30 watts, minimum. IF you can get a 30-50 watt Laney, cool. Otherwise, try one of the other suggestions. You'll be happy you did.
    I'm not Ron!


    • #17
      Personally, I'd reject the Valveking because it's made in China. Although, a lot of small amps are nowadays.
      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


      • #18
        Hmmm, 15 watts isnt enough, and i dont want to have to buy a cab, so i guess classic 30 is on the cards.
        To all classic 30 owners, what level can you have the amp on in a room situation and does it sound good?


        • #19
          Le me give you a little info on tube volume while we are at it.
          I had a 5w Crate VC508 tube amp that was perfect moderate bedroom volume level on around 2. If you want to crank (or at least turn way up) a tube amp at home to get full tube saturation you will need an attenuator.
          I owned 2 Classic 30's. They are great for clean up to vintage rock. It is NOT a metal amp without a pedal because it isn't voiced for the modern metal tone. Its more voiced for the old school Aerosmith, Led Zep, Seattle grunge type stuff.


          • #20
            yeah, Classic 30 won't bring metal tones. what about a laney vc30?
            Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


            • #21
              I dont want metal tones, more of a hard rock type thing, i also love to have a spanky clean sound for more jazz and blues based stuff.

              As for volume, thats why i was more in favour of the 15 watt laney, because at least it could get some crank to it at not to bad levels, the classic 30 id be lucky to put on 2 on the master.

              Im just not sure, i have a smallish budget, maybe 650-700 Aussie dollars. Im very confused, do i get an amp that i can play at home or on stage with a cab, or just get a 1x12 30 watt combo that'll do both, but may be too loud for me?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Model 6 Matt
                I dont want metal tones, more of a hard rock type thing, i also love to have a spanky clean sound for more jazz and blues based stuff.

                As for volume, thats why i was more in favour of the 15 watt laney, because at least it could get some crank to it at not to bad levels, the classic 30 id be lucky to put on 2 on the master.

                Im just not sure, i have a smallish budget, maybe 650-700 Aussie dollars. Im very confused, do i get an amp that i can play at home or on stage with a cab, or just get a 1x12 30 watt combo that'll do both, but may be too loud for me?
                Lets try this one more time. You CANNOT... I repeat CANNOT... crank a 15w tube amp and expect it not to be loud.
                Rule of thumb regarding an amp. Get the biggest one you can handle. PERIOD.


                • #23
                  Well i want the 15watt to be loud! Heaps loud, i duno, i guess ill either get the classic 30 or get the laney and make myself a 1x12 and mod the amp so the speaker stays on aswell.


                  • #24
                    Here is a suggestion for you. See if you can find a Tech 21 Trademark 60 down there. It will do spanking clean to '80s style distortion and everything inbetween...many, MANY tasty tones in this amp...especially if you like to twiddle knobs. It will do it loud and at bedroom levels. It is light as a feather and has a 12 inch speaker, effects loop and direct out for recording. It will also take an extension cabinet and can be daisy chained with as many Tech 21 powered speakers as you would like to put together.

                    Around here, they are about $300 used. I had a Classic 30 and I thought it was a great amp for playing SRV stuff. I thought it sucked for anything requiring decent distortion. Of course, a pedal can and will help that.

                    Just a suggestion, YMMV.

                    Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                    • #25
                      Now a VC30 should get you where you want to be. Racer, why reject an amp simply becuase of where it's from? If it is good and reliable, I don't care if it was made on friggin Mars.
                      I'm not Ron!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Model 6 Matt
                        Well i want the 15watt to be loud! Heaps loud, i duno, i guess ill either get the classic 30 or get the laney and make myself a 1x12 and mod the amp so the speaker stays on aswell.
                        Here's what John is telling you: The 15w Laney will still be too loud for you to get a cranked tube sound at home volume levels. BUT it will ALSO be not loud ENOUGH for any band situation. So, better to get a Classic 30 and a pedal to use at home, or an attenuator so you can push the amp at home but at a lower volume.

                        You are hung on the Laney due to price, but you will find it inadequate for the band. Then you'll have to sell it or trade it for half what you paid, if you bought it new. You'll be set back for however long it would take you to save for an adequate amp, given that you lost half the money you spent on an amp that's underpowered for one need, but still overpowered for the other.

                        Does that make sense to you?
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lerxstcat
                          Here's what John is telling you: The 15w Laney will still be too loud for you to get a cranked tube sound at home volume levels. BUT it will ALSO be not loud ENOUGH for any band situation. So, better to get a Classic 30 and a pedal to use at home, or an attenuator so you can push the amp at home but at a lower volume.

                          You are hung on the Laney due to price, but you will find it inadequate for the band. Then you'll have to sell it or trade it for half what you paid, if you bought it new. You'll be set back for however long it would take you to save for an adequate amp, given that you lost half the money you spent on an amp that's underpowered for one need, but still overpowered for the other.

                          Does that make sense to you?
                          Thanks.. thats exactly what I meant but was unable to convey in words.


                          • #28
                            Also, maybe check into a used Carvin MTS (master tube series combo amp). They go for pretty cheap on ebay, have two channels, two 12" speakers, and are all tube. I heard the head version before, and it sounded great. Anyway, with that factory direct thing, they don't sell for all that much new, so used is awesome as far as price. And this amp should crank as well as give great overdrive and clean sounds. I want one some day, as hauling my Soldano head and 4x12 cab to every jam session sucks. I heard the overdrive on the amps gets great reviews, and from what I heard, it sounds awesome.


                            • #29
                              By the way , it is a "high gain amp" from what I read, so you're covered there for anything up to metal. It also has tube driven reverb. 5 12ax7 tubes, and 4 5881 power tubes. Like I said, I want one for a smaller , portable amp that will still sound well as be able to keep up, volume wise, with the loud band situation.
                              Last edited by lynchfan6; 08-31-2006, 08:21 PM.


                              • #30
                                The Classic 30 will hang with a band and it gets really great classic rock or classic metal tones. It also sounds really good at bedroom levels too. I'll never get rid of mine. Handle pedals really well to. Get a good overdrive for the heavier stuff.


