I've never paid much attention to Mesa amps, but I've been trying to simplify my rig and tried out a Rect-O-Verb over the weekend. I didn't have a lot of time to mess with it, but my main interest is in finding an amp that either has a decent footswitchable effects loop for running a digital delay, or something with footswitchable reverb. This was a used amp and seemingly well cared-for, not to mention reasonably priced. The reverb wasn't quite up to par with my old Boss DD-2, but it was pretty good. At the volume I was playing, the tone seemed good with both a Hamer Diablo and Jackson DK2M, each with JBs.
Anyone used a Rect-O-Verb in a band setting? I'm doing a gig on Friday with my ART Eighty/Eighty, which might cover my needs, but if not...
Anyone used a Rect-O-Verb in a band setting? I'm doing a gig on Friday with my ART Eighty/Eighty, which might cover my needs, but if not...