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Marshall TSL60... not bad...

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  • Marshall TSL60... not bad...

    I have had many Marshall amps in my days. Heck, I have had many amps period. I went through all the phases... Marshall, Fender, Mesa, Hiwatt, Randall, Laney, Peavey and I settled on a Line 6 Vetta after owning a ton of modelers in both head, combo and rack versions. I would like to say I know a fair amount regarding amps and amp tone for bedroom, recording and live use.
    Nothing tops my Vetta. Its not even a fair fight. To me... comparing a tube amp to a Vetta is like comparing a Timex Sinclair or Commodore 64 to a new Dual Core Pentium computer.
    With that said.... I just scored a Marshall TSL60. My bandmate uses a DSL100 live and I use my Vetta. I am the prominent guitar in the mix so his DSL100 sounds just fine.
    What do I think of the TSL60??
    Its got nice features.
    Its really nice looking.
    It most certainly sounds like a Marshall tube amp. I think it sounds more like a JCM900 than an 800.
    Its not crazy loud so you can really turn it up.
    It has a nice clean channel. In terms of tone... it sounds like The Scorpions.. There's no one like you or When the Smoke is Going Down.
    The second channel sounds a little like a JCM800 but it lacks a little body.
    The lead channel rips. It sounds like a 900 to me. (I know.. I like the JCM900 tone) Its got plenty of gain and it isn't mushy or fuzzy at all. Its actually pretty tight!!
    IMHO.. the TSL60 is a VERY useable head. You can actually turn it up and it has a 5 button footswitch to control the 3 channels, reverb and the effect loop. It also has pretty decent reverb. The loop is friendly to pedals or processors and it has a few switches to change the voicing from a vintage metal sound to a more bottom heavy thrash sound.
    I have seen these amps sell around the $800.00 used range.
    If you were looking for a versatile Marshall amp to play at home, record with or gig I would recommend the TSL60. Its a pretty nice amp for $800.00 used.

  • #2
    Nice review.


    • #3
      I had a TSL60 for a while a few years back. It was a nice amp, but I sold it when I got my Rivera and never looked back. Alot of people around here play the JCM2000´s and they seem pretty satisfied. Nice review, by the way!


      • #4
        not bad = not very good in my book


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
          not bad = not very good in my book
          I know what you are saying Shawn but for approx $800.00 used I think its still a good amp.
          When comparing it to other amps in the same relative price range for a player who does hard rock and metal I would say it beats:

          Any Mesa Nomad Series
          Any Mesa F Series
          Most if not all of the Mesa Studio Calibers
          Any Crate BV
          Everything from Randall except the RM (which I haven't heard yet)
          Its better than any Laney I have ever heard except for their flagship model.
          Carvin MTS3200 (although the TSL60 isn't nearly as loud)
          Any Marshall AVT, Mode 4, and most of the JCM900's. It does remind me alot of the Marshall SLX though.

          Amps that BEAT the TSL to the ground!!!:

          Mesa Mark III/IV
          Mesa Rectifiers
          Mesa Stiletto's
          Marshall JCM800/Plexi/6100
          Most Peavey amps with tubes including the JSX, 5150, 6505, etc...
          And many other high end expensive high gain amps.

          I still think its a fine amp considering what they go for used.


          • #6
            "Amps that BEAT the TSL to the ground!!!:

            Mesa Mark III/IV
            Mesa Rectifiers
            Mesa Stiletto's
            Marshall JCM800/Plexi/6100
            Most Peavey amps with tubes including the JSX, 5150, 6505, etc...
            And many other high end expensive high gain amps."

            Well, I've had a TSL for like 3+ years by now. Also Mesa Mark IV, VHT 50 CL, Soldano Decatone. I like all of these amps, but I have to say that the Mark IV is likely to go in the next little while. Just sits unused, while the other three are almost always on.

            TSL in my books is rated rather high. I can say I played my trusty JCM800 mk II, 50W for close to 15 years. After I got the TSL I sold the JCM800. To my ears the amber channel is EXACT JCM800, down to nuances, only with an effects loop. Anyway, it does sound unmistakably Marshall, and very musical to me. Though I admit - I had to spent some time to get to try a few different preamp tubes before I got the combination right. Bias it nicely as well, it does help.

            Mesa is a nice amp, great clean and nice lead. Crunch is a miss for me though, so second channel does not get used. Lead is a bit more compressed than I like. It also allows for less natural guitar tone through it which I a bit dislike. it still is a nice lead, only a bit lifeless, without a spark and a bit not as rich as say Marshall, or the othe two amps.

            So I would not say that Mark IV bears a TSL. I'd rather say it is quite different, and some players might like it for the exact reasons I am growing to dislike it.


            • #7
              AMT Extreme III Pedal out in front with the Distortion on around 2.
              Level on the AMT pedal is set in unity with the level on the amp (in other words.. when you step on the pedal the volume doesn't change at all).

              This is an extremely good combination becaise the AMT pedal has an active EQ so I can dial in sizzle and bottom end. The added distortion from the pedal is just enough to make both the crunch channel and the lead channel sound fantastic on the TSL 60.

              With the deep button engaged it sounds alot like a SLO100. With the shift button engaged it sounds like a Rectifier. With neither it is straight up high gain Marshall. I really like this amp especially with the pedal in front of it.

