I've got a Crate GT3500h.
I'm absolutely in love with it, and it's got the perfect tone for me.
It's the amp that's responsible for all of the best tones in grindcore (pig destroyer, dying fetus, misery index, eyehategod, ect.)
And I love it way more than any tube amp I've ever played. I'm probably never going to get rid of it.
so, of course, I want to opperate on it.
This is the original amp:

and this is what I want to turn it into:

What I plan to do is buy a second one and put it in the top of the amp box.
This means I'll haveto remove the spring reverb boxes from both amps (they are mounted to the top of the box, so they'll haveto go). That is a problem for me sense I don't know much about them. I know I can just unplug the boxes and the amp still works, but is it healthy for the amp to leave the spring reverb unplugged? it makes an awful noise if I try turning the reverb up while the box is unplugged. is that bad for the amp?
also, the reverb box has two plugs in it. a red and a white. I unplug both of them to deactivae the reverb, but should I connect those two wires somehow to 'finish' the circuit? or is it fine to leave them free floating?
My reason for doing this mod is rather ingenious to me.
These heads are monsters, they can power eight 16ohm cabs at 350 watts or four 8 ohm cabs at 350 watts.
I plan on using the head as a full stack, but a full stack isn't as loud as having two full stacks, so I'm going to use each of the heads to power one cab.
This will also benefit me because I will alwas have a backup head without the hassle of having to lug two HUGE heads around (and these heads are the biggest amp heads I've ever seen). and if something were to happen to one head live, the otherone would still be kicking so it wouldn't fuck up the set, plus I can always run the backup as a fullstack if something happens to one of them.
So I guess my biggest issue is going to be with the reverb box. Help with that would be greatly appreciated.
also, what is this?

There's one on the back of the heads and they take up a good amount of space. can they be moved or removed? because otherwise both heads won't fit in one box, as they will overlap. I understand they are called heat sinks and are supposed to aid in cooling the head down, but that's all I know.
Are they free floating or attached to the amp? and the most important question is can they me relocated.
I'm absolutely in love with it, and it's got the perfect tone for me.
It's the amp that's responsible for all of the best tones in grindcore (pig destroyer, dying fetus, misery index, eyehategod, ect.)
And I love it way more than any tube amp I've ever played. I'm probably never going to get rid of it.
so, of course, I want to opperate on it.
This is the original amp:

and this is what I want to turn it into:

What I plan to do is buy a second one and put it in the top of the amp box.
This means I'll haveto remove the spring reverb boxes from both amps (they are mounted to the top of the box, so they'll haveto go). That is a problem for me sense I don't know much about them. I know I can just unplug the boxes and the amp still works, but is it healthy for the amp to leave the spring reverb unplugged? it makes an awful noise if I try turning the reverb up while the box is unplugged. is that bad for the amp?
also, the reverb box has two plugs in it. a red and a white. I unplug both of them to deactivae the reverb, but should I connect those two wires somehow to 'finish' the circuit? or is it fine to leave them free floating?
My reason for doing this mod is rather ingenious to me.
These heads are monsters, they can power eight 16ohm cabs at 350 watts or four 8 ohm cabs at 350 watts.
I plan on using the head as a full stack, but a full stack isn't as loud as having two full stacks, so I'm going to use each of the heads to power one cab.
This will also benefit me because I will alwas have a backup head without the hassle of having to lug two HUGE heads around (and these heads are the biggest amp heads I've ever seen). and if something were to happen to one head live, the otherone would still be kicking so it wouldn't fuck up the set, plus I can always run the backup as a fullstack if something happens to one of them.
So I guess my biggest issue is going to be with the reverb box. Help with that would be greatly appreciated.
also, what is this?

There's one on the back of the heads and they take up a good amount of space. can they be moved or removed? because otherwise both heads won't fit in one box, as they will overlap. I understand they are called heat sinks and are supposed to aid in cooling the head down, but that's all I know.
Are they free floating or attached to the amp? and the most important question is can they me relocated.