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I love Vetta's

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  • I love Vetta's

    So much so that I just scored a Vetta Combo to go along with my Vetta HD.

    Ain't I neat?

  • #2
    You know John, I some how knew you would end up with it when I posted it. Well, Now you can have one at home and one at rehearsal/studio. I have lots of respect for what the Vetta can do, but after using it for about a year now, I guess I'm just a more simple kinda guy gearwise.

    Have fun with it ya nut!
    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


    • #3
      Originally posted by sambencuda View Post
      You know John, I some how knew you would end up with it when I posted it. Well, Now you can have one at home and one at rehearsal/studio. I have lots of respect for what the Vetta can do, but after using it for about a year now, I guess I'm just a more simple kinda guy gearwise.

      Have fun with it ya nut!
      Yea Jim, I agree, you definately like a specific simple monster tone. Kind of like your taste in cars. B BODY BABY!!!


      • #4
        last night btwn songs at rehearsal, our bassist goes, I love your tone right there!
        it was a balls-out Soldano patch.

        hats off again to the Vetta!
        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


        • #5
          Dude... I live by the Soldano and Uber models that they have. I like the idea of being able to just change whatever you want from the pedal board once you get everything set up.

          The thing I had difficulty with is getting to the point that you like your tone out of it. Granted, it is not like walking up to a true head, dialing in a tone. That is easy. With the Vetta, you really have to work at it inorder to get something that you find pleasing. But, once you get it, It just feels solid.

          Insert annoying equipment list here....


          • #6


            • #7
              I should have gotten a Vetta instead of an HD147 Not many good patches out there for the 147.
              1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


              • #8
                I think my bandmate is going to ditch his DSL100 and his 5150 and go with a Vetta live once our CD is finally mastered and released.
                We used the Vetta alot in the studio for all kinds of tracks.


                • #9
                  you're killing me John!

                  i might want to pop by again and jam on the vetta once more!

                  it has a bit more nads than my mode four/gt-6.

