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Tube head or SS head?

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  • Tube head or SS head?

    This is yet another "what amp to buy" thread. I did a whole bunch of forum searches, looking for info and verdicts about different amps...and yes, I've been to HC - but I'm just getting confused by all the contradictive opinions. I think I need help in figuring out what I need.


    I need a new rehearsal rig. I think I'm looking for a head with at at least 50 tube Watts, or 100 SS Watts. I need it to keep up with an 80W 15" bass combo and a damn hard-hitting drummer. A second guitarist to compete with will probably be added later. I'm also on a budget, so the Rectos, DSLs, and XXXs are out of the question...unfortunately.


    The band I've been reqruited for will play metal with an 80's flavour, but with more gain. Like somewhere between Crüe's "Looks that Kill" and Pantera's "Vulgar". Probably closer to Pantera, since I'm also a chronic gain junkie. Anyways, I need an amp with a nice, gritty distortion - not fizzy-fuzzy shit. It will also need a good dose of mid range. I will be using my 750XL with the Duncan Distortion, tuned one step down with .012 strings.


    1. Are there any solid state 100W heads that would fit the bill, or do I have to go for a tube head?

    2. Would a 50W tube head and a 4x12 be sufficient for the scenario (bass, another guitar and gorilla drummer)?

    I've been looking at the following amps so far:

    * Randall RH150G3, 150 Watt head with “Valve-Dynamic”.
    - WTF is that??? Anyone used one?

    * Randall RH50, 50 Watt tubes.
    - Suprisingly low price for an all-tube amp! So...what's wrong with it?

    * Peavey Supreme "Trans Tube".
    - Sounds perverted...?

    * Laney TF-700 120W.
    - Supposedly a hybrid amp, like the old Marshall Valvestates.

    * Peavey Valve King 100W.
    - I may get a good price on this if I'm lucky.

    * Huges & Kettner Warp7 100W.
    - Advertised as a "Nu metal" amp. Question is...does it do old-school metal also?

    Any advice you guys may have is welcome!

  • #2
    Valve-Dynamic, TransTube, Valvestate and similar labels are the various manufacturers' attempts at tube emulation on a solid state amp. I think Peavey did a good job with the TransTube amps, although if you're going that route, you might find it worth the extra cash to get an XXL instead of the Supreme (XL) for the extra channel. I was considering the H&K Warp, but read a lot of negative reviews stating that the EQ is worthless, and it's hard to get away from its inherent scooped-mid tone.

    Because I've had such good luck with mine, I have to mention the ART DST Eighty/Eighty. It's the only solid state amp I've ever gigged with, and although I dial in a bit more gain than what you'd probably use, it can definitely do the `80s rock/metal tone.


    • #3
      I have only heard and played two of these amps, the Peavey Supreme and the H&K Warp7.
      It's been a few years since I actually played a Warp 7 in a store, but I've also heard them recently. I'd recommend to stay away from this one, I'd never buy one.
      I'd recommend the Peavey XXL over the Supreme, as it has one more channel to work with.

      Actually I'm basically in your shoes now... my ENGL Fireball is in the studio (we are recording our self-financed debut album with one band) so I have to use my backup XXL for the other band, tuned to Eb, using my Soloist Archtop Pro with a Duncan Distortion in the bridge. Pretty close, eh?

      If you are really on a budget, I'd say the XXL delivers. That said, a tube amp is heaps better IMO... I do miss my ENGL, but the Peavey gives me good enough tone to work with. It has enough gain, and you get lots of options with the channels. The Ultra channel has active EQ and enables you to massively change your tone... for example from no-mids-at-all to way-overbearing.

      However, I would describe it as fizzy... so you really need to try it out and see if it works for you.

      That's my 0.02 cent, YMMV.


      • #4
        5150 imo


        • #5
          Originally posted by lordus View Post
          5150 imo


          • #6
            Sadly, the 2nd hand prices for 5150s are way too high over here, so that's out. For the price of one 5150 head, I can buy a Randall half stack new.

            I have sort of limited options for trying out amps. The nearest musik dealers are 30 miles from where I live, and they have virtually no gigging calibre amps in their stores - they sell bedroom amps and strat clones. As for larger stores, those are 125+ miles away, so I'd have to coordinate a testing run with some other business.

            Soo...your input will weigh rather heavilly. If I find a used amp that you guys think would suit me, I can go there and hopefully try it out if it's within a reasonable distance.


            • #7
              LOL, here we go with the 5150 again.

              First off, I'm curious how an 80 watt bass combo can be heard over a loud drummer. He must have that think dimed to be heard at all.

              Secondly, solid state amps are not proper amps. You can find plenty of good deals on a used tube amp, such as a 5150.
              Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



              • #8
                Toejam is selling his 60 watt Crate Blue Voodoo head. Maybe he'll ship to Sweden.
                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sunbane View Post
                  This is yet another "what amp to buy" thread. I did a whole bunch of forum searches, looking for info and verdicts about different amps...and yes, I've been to HC - but I'm just getting confused by all the contradictive opinions. I think I need help in figuring out what I need.


                  I need a new rehearsal rig. I think I'm looking for a head with at at least 50 tube Watts, or 100 SS Watts. I need it to keep up with an 80W 15" bass combo and a damn hard-hitting drummer. A second guitarist to compete with will probably be added later. I'm also on a budget, so the Rectos, DSLs, and XXXs are out of the question...unfortunately.


                  The band I've been reqruited for will play metal with an 80's flavour, but with more gain. Like somewhere between Crüe's "Looks that Kill" and Pantera's "Vulgar". Probably closer to Pantera, since I'm also a chronic gain junkie. Anyways, I need an amp with a nice, gritty distortion - not fizzy-fuzzy shit. It will also need a good dose of mid range. I will be using my 750XL with the Duncan Distortion, tuned one step down with .012 strings.


                  1. Are there any solid state 100W heads that would fit the bill, or do I have to go for a tube head?

                  2. Would a 50W tube head and a 4x12 be sufficient for the scenario (bass, another guitar and gorilla drummer)?

                  I've been looking at the following amps so far:

                  * Randall RH150G3, 150 Watt head with “Valve-Dynamic”.
                  - WTF is that??? Anyone used one?

                  * Randall RH50, 50 Watt tubes.
                  - Suprisingly low price for an all-tube amp! So...what's wrong with it?

                  * Peavey Supreme "Trans Tube".
                  - Sounds perverted...?

                  * Laney TF-700 120W.
                  - Supposedly a hybrid amp, like the old Marshall Valvestates.

                  * Peavey Valve King 100W.
                  - I may get a good price on this if I'm lucky.

                  * Huges & Kettner Warp7 100W.
                  - Advertised as a "Nu metal" amp. Question is...does it do old-school metal also?

                  Any advice you guys may have is welcome!

                  In the SS realm, you would do well with a Crate Exaclibur head, like I have. Plenty of gain, and is voiced for metal. I no longer play metal (more rock/hard rock), so I play this thing with the gain up half way, and I run an e.q. in the loop, to loosen up the tone, for more of a classic rock tone. However, for you, you would be fine, as it is. They can normally be found, used, in the $200 range. Just saw 2 at my local shop for less than that.
                  I'm not Ron!


                  • #10
                    As far as solid state amps go, the Laney Pro Linebacker is the way to go. Great 80's metal sound,and reliable too.Jg had nothing but good to say about them,so when Tony decided to sell his I jumped on it.No regrets,great amp.....
                    Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                    • #11
                      5150 combo, end of story! ( that was easy - next question please )


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by zeegler View Post
                        First off, I'm curious how an 80 watt bass combo can be heard over a loud drummer. He must have that think dimed to be heard at all.
                        +1 ... 80 watts for bass is nothing.

                        Now give me an 800 watt bass rig ...



                        • #13
                          50 Watts is more than enough if it's a tube amp through a 4x12.


                          • #14
                            If you're in Europe I'll bet the Engl's are reasonably priced out there...and possibly easier to find on the used market.
                            I've always been a tube fan...from VHT/Mesa power amps, to the 5150, Bogner, Engl, Mesa doesn't get any better than that for me.

                            - Joel
                            RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
                            RIP Dime


                            • #15
                              Wow, thanks everyone for your suggestions! I'll have to look over some of them now, and see if I can find any over here!

                              I actually don't know how well the bass combo holds up with the drums - it's possible that it would be miked up??? I have no idea. I've never cared much to look into bass gear.

                              Originally posted by Ozz666 View Post
                              If you're in Europe I'll bet the Engl's are reasonably priced out there...and possibly easier to find on the used market.
                              No way man! The ENGLs are luxury amps, even here. I don't know if they're cheaper here than in the states, but regardless they're waaaaaay out of my budget!

