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AD30VT or AD50VT?

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  • AD30VT or AD50VT?

    I had a chance at a Flextone II from a friend of mine, but he's decided it's not yet time to upgrade to Vetta. So I have to find something else. A new Flextone III with an FBV shortboard is out of my budget for the moment, which would be my next choice. I'm not willing to take a chance on something used from ebay, especially considering the shipping charges and possible taxes/duties if I buy something outside the EU. So I'm going for new, unless I can find something decent at a local music shop (unlikely, usually limited selection and high prices).

    I have heard good things about the ADnnVT series. I'm looking at either the 30 or 50 model. The only differences that I am aware of are the amp power rating and speaker/cab size (10" vs. 12"). Is there a big difference in tone between the two? The power alone is not enough of a deciding factor for me, 30 watts is enough. But if the 50 watt model sounds better due to speaker/cab design (50 model has larger cab than 30), then I can justify the cost of the 50. I have heard good things about the built-in modeling in these amps, but I will also pair it with a multi-effects pedal for the most flexibility. Atm, I've settled on the Zoom G2.1U pedal, though I haven't bought it yet. I prefer to keep it simple, an amp + a multi-effects pedal. I do not like the idea of a bunch of separate pedals although I won't rule out buying a couple of killer sounding pedals if needed.

    I'm just getting back into playing after a long break, and I would want this amp to last for at least the next 5 years. I don't want something that will limit me. I don't plan on playing any live gigs, at least for the next year or so... but we'll see how it goes. I am into metal and hard rock, Metallica, EVH stuff, G'NR, Pantera/Dime R.I.P., Lamb of God, 80's Maiden, Priest, Fear Factory, Arch Enemy, prog stuff like Dream Theater/Petrucci, Rush/Lifeson, Queensryche, etc. I have a stock 2004 DK2 with HSS configuration.

    Recommendations, suggestions, feedback from ADnnVT owners?


    My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab

  • #2
    I play through the 30 and it is great. Don't have a pedal because of all the sounds it creates now but I might look into it later. There was a post on here somewhere that will tell you the amps that it is modeling, besides the names that VOX gives you which are kinda generic. It's worth looking up. Got mine for $239.00, no tax, and free shipping. Great amp, plenty loud for me. Nothing changes until you get to the 100, the 50 and 30 are alike. The 15 doesn't have the adjustable wattage.. Let us know how you like it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by greenskeeper View Post
      I play through the 30 and it is great. Don't have a pedal because of all the sounds it creates now but I might look into it later. There was a post on here somewhere that will tell you the amps that it is modeling, besides the names that VOX gives you which are kinda generic. It's worth looking up. Got mine for $239.00, no tax, and free shipping. Great amp, plenty loud for me. Nothing changes until you get to the 100, the 50 and 30 are alike. The 15 doesn't have the adjustable wattage.. Let us know how you like it.
      I also found that there is an AD60VTX model which is really interesting. It is 4 channels (vs. all the other ADnnVT models which are 2 channels), more amp models and effects. It also has a couple of nice pedalboard options which do not seem to be compatible with the 30-50-100 series. It's a bit steeper on the price:

      AD30VT: 280 eur
      AD50VT: 398 eur
      AD60VTX: 890 eur

      I also found an AD60VT (no X) locally, does anyone know what is the difference compared to the 30-50-100 models? On Vox's website, it seems to be a separate model from the others, at least it's listed separately. It is also a 4 channel like the above VTX model. I would guess that it is an older model compared to the 30-50-100 models, a basic version of the VTX.

      The reason I specifically asked for a comparison of the 30 and 50 models is because I read at least one post on JCF that the 50 had superior tone to the 30. Unfortunately, a forum search did not find that post again. I'm leaning towards the 50 at this point, although I really like the VTX model, but the VTX is more than double my current amp budget of 400 euros.
      My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


      • #4
        I really like the lower end Vox modelers. Big bang for the buck IMO, and sound great. I had a AD30VT and have played the 50. IMO the 50 sounds way better and if I had to do it again I would skip the 30 and get the 50. Also, the 50 has a Celestion speaker in it. The rest of the ADxxVT line doesn't.


        • #5
          Originally posted by thebisch View Post
          I really like the lower end Vox modelers. Big bang for the buck IMO, and sound great. I had a AD30VT and have played the 50. IMO the 50 sounds way better and if I had to do it again I would skip the 30 and get the 50. Also, the 50 has a Celestion speaker in it. The rest of the ADxxVT line doesn't.
          Also, the 50 has a speaker out jack, which is missing from the 30. That plus the Celestion pretty much nails it for me, AD50VT. I would still appreciate any feedback on these amps in this thread. I will not be getting the amp before xmas...
          My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


          • #6
            I have the AD50VT. I haven't played the 30W, but here's my take on the volume/power question. The 50 has a built-in attenuator, so it can have that hard-driven sound without being loud. And it does get very loud (loud enough for practicing with a loud drummer).

            One thing you might not like is that there is no bypass on the amp models. So if you're planning on using a preamp pedal/processor, you better really like the model of the clean amp they use. It also has some pretty good sounding effects built-in, so you may not need any pedal.

            The AD60VT/X and AD120VT/X are part of the higher-end line of Valvetronix amps from Vox. They have a blue grille as opposed to the cheesy steel grille on the ADVTs. They generally sound a lot better, have more models, effects, and can save more presets. They're also about twice the price.

            If the 30W version has the attenuator and you won't be playing with a drummer, get the 30W. It will have slight tonal differences from the smaller size, but the models are exactly the same. As mentioned above, the 50 has a speaker out jack, but it mutes the Vox speaker, so you'll need a 2x12 if you want to double the speakers.

            Okay, so to sum up:
            Things I like:
            1. Models sound very close to real thing especially for how much the amp costs, and way better than the competing Line6 (POD, Flextone, Spider)
            2. Very useable effects.
            3. Attenuator built-in.
            4. Very nice "tube response" to pick attack, etc.
            5. Price
            6. Durability - I've dropped it out of the car more than once and it still works like new.

            Things I don't like:
            1. Doesn't come with a foot pedal (can be purchased separately).
            2. Can only save two channels.
            3. Speaker-out mutes the built-in speaker.
            4. Kind of heavy for a solid-state amp.

            Check my post history for a post listing the amps it models. Vox hints at them in the manual, but never comes out and directly says what's what.


            • #7
              Thx Spivonious, I did see your list of amp models a few days ago. Actually, I downloaded the 15-30-50-100 and 60 series manuals and went through them. The AD60VT (and bigger brother AD120VT) are actually very different beasts compared to the 15-30-50-100 models, when you exclude the modeling/effects features. Here is a short list I compiled of the differences:

              AD60VT has:

              - 4 channels
              - speaker out (also on 50-100)
              - send/return loop (not on the 50, but on the 100)
              - Celestion speaker (also on 50... I think the 100 has it too)
              - VOX BUS (120 has it also)

              I didn't know what this VOX BUS was, so I checked it out. There is a very nice optional pedalboard VC-12 that works with the VOX BUS. It gives you 2 pedals, bank switching, program selection, dedicated effects selection, tuner, etc. It also ups the number of saved programs from 32 to 128. Basically, for me it replaces the need to a separate multi-effects pedal. I quickly checked some prices online, and the AD60VT is going for 577 eur and the pedalboard for 311. So I can start with the AD60VT and get the pedal as an "upgrade" in a few months. And I won't need the separate multi-effects pedal anymore, so that money can go into the amp/pedal setup. I also like the flexibility of having the send/return loop for keeping my future effects options open. You can't get that with the 50. I will be playing with a drummer sometimes, so anyway the 50 is a realistic bottom model, I've already ruled out the 30. The step up to the 60 (from the 50) is not so painful, and I can see the 60 lasting much longer. Not as in durability but as in less limits.
              My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


              • #8
                Glad I could help. I agree the 60/120 is a very different amp. Many more features and as you said, more open-ended for the future. At the time I was looking for a solid practice amp that was inexpensive, and I found it in the 50


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                  Glad I could help. I agree the 60/120 is a very different amp. Many more features and as you said, more open-ended for the future. At the time I was looking for a solid practice amp that was inexpensive, and I found it in the 50
                  I fully agree. If I were looking for a good practice amp, definitely I would go for the 50. But I recently bought a Micro Cube for home practice, which is good enough... actually it's excellent for what it is. The Vox will be used in our practice room and rarely at home, and I want something that is also gig-ready, should the opportunity present itself. I felt that the 2 channel and limited pedal control of the 30-50 models would be an issue for live work, and in the end the 60 not limiting at all. Now I just need to wait till after x-mas... and then place my order for the AD60VT. Thanks for your help.

                  My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


                  • #10
                    I started out with an AD120VTX then downsized to an AD50VT to free up some cash then went back to an AD60VTX which I still have. Between the 30 and the 50, definitely the 50. If you can do the 60, better still but, there is a price difference (worth it though).


                    • #11
                      I got my AD60VT couple of days ago. I decided to get the 60 for all the extra features it has over the newer 15/30/50/100 series. Also, it seems that this model (and the 120) may be discontinued in the near future so I wanted to get one before they disappear. The local distributor claims they cannot get the 60/120's anymore, so those models have dryed up here in local music shops. Also, if you download the 2007 Vox USA catalog you will only find the 15/30/50/100's... no 60/120 models listed. The 2007 European catalog is not yet online, but I will take a guess that the 60/120's will be missing there too, even though they still have both on the website. Now I gotta save up for the VC12 footpedal... those may also start to dry up as they are only compatible with the 60/120 amps and the old Tonelab... none of the new Vox stuff works with it. It's too bad... it seems like a good system. A friend of mine just happened to pick up a 2 year old 120 and VC12 together for about 900 euros. That will equal what I payed for the 60 + the VC12. Damn...

                      So far, I've only played at home using the 1w setting (live in an apartment), but I'm pretty impressed so far. Many of the presets are actually usable (and sound pretty good) and I love the full manual mode. I'll probably post back here with a full review once I have spent more time with it and played through it at full volume.

                      So far it's all the way.
                      My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab


                      • #12
                        Started with the AD120VTX, downsized to the the AD50VT then, upsized to the AD60VTX and staying there.

                        My vote is for the AD50VT or better yet a used AD60VTX if you can find one/afford it. The 50 comes with a Celestion 70/80 is really not a bad sounding amp. I gigged with mine when I had it maybe 5 times and got compliments on my tone each time ( ).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Robotechnology View Post
                          Started with the AD120VTX, downsized to the the AD50VT then, upsized to the AD60VTX and staying there.

                          My vote is for the AD50VT or better yet a used AD60VTX if you can find one/afford it. The 50 comes with a Celestion 70/80 is really not a bad sounding amp. I gigged with mine when I had it maybe 5 times and got compliments on my tone each time ( ).

                          The VTX is sure nice, but the only differences I found compared to the 60VT were the speaker itself and an impedence selector switch for external cabs. Neither of those are worth the additional cost to me, especially since the VTX is a bit more than 50% more expensive than the VT model. It seems a disproportionate extra cost, considering we're not talking about groundbreaking features. The used market here is pretty limited, so about the only option is new if you are looking for a specific model and don't want to wait.
                          My gear -> 2004 Jackson DK2 EDS, JT580LP trem, SD Custom Shop Crazy 8 trembucker (bridge), SSL-2 Vintage rw/rp (middle) and SSL-6 Custom (neck) single coils, CTS pots, 5-way super switch with custom wiring, GHS Boomers TNT 10-52, ENGL Powerball E645 V2 head, ENGL Custom Footswitch Z-5, Framus FR 212 CS cab

