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new ENGL stack this weekend!

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  • new ENGL stack this weekend!

    Hey fellas,

    great news, my dealer just called and told me my brand new Blackmore has arrived
    I got an excellent deal from him, I've bought the ENGL Blackmore head (E650), with matching 4x12" Slant Standard cab (Celestion V60) and the Z5 footswitch. (channels, mid boost, master volume switching)
    All for a grand total of $3180 (19400 NOK)
    Almost a grand shaved from the retail price.
    Remember this includes the "nice" little 25% VAT we have over here in Norway!

    I'm a V30 guy, but the distributor said the Blackmore's voicing is better suited to the V60, and I've found this to be true. It has pronounced mids, and the V30 does too, so it's kinda mid-overkill when you combine added bonus is that the standard cab is cheaper than V30

    I was originally dead set on getting the Diezel Herbert as I could've afforded it, but I didn't feel I can currently justify paying quite exactly TWICE the price of this ENGL stack + shipping (and if I wanted a Diezel footswitch to go, I'd have to fork up another $550...they sure know how to make money, but hey...WYSIWYG)

    pics will be in this thread when I can borrow a camera, as mine has taken the crapper!

  • #2
    Dæven døtte! YOU LUCKY BASTARD! Bring them pics
    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


    • #3
      Welcome to the Engl Clan :-)


      • #4
        Congrats on getting an ENGL!
        You guys definitely get raped on prices in Norway... but we will join you soon, our VAT will be raised from 16% to 19% next year.

        I own a Fireball halfstack and actually like the standard cab better than the vintage. I did compare them in the shop before buying my halfstack, and also used a vintage cab twice at gigs afterwards (they were part of the provided backline).
        Our other guitarist owns a Blackmore and is totally happy with it.


        • #5
          ENGL kicks ass!!!!
          Congrats dude.

          BTW, I can't wait to hear the new Invader.
          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


          • #6
            my other guitar player has an engl powerball, and even he admits that the framus cobra just flat out destroys it.....just a little sidenote
            nevertheless, congrats on your purchase
            Last edited by Fragle; 12-08-2006, 10:57 AM.


            • #7
              Congratulations...snap some pics and give us a mini review after you get it blow the roof off with it


              • #8
                You guys definitely get raped on prices in Norway... but we will join you soon, our VAT will be raised from 16% to 19% next year.
                Don't worry mate, we in Poland have 22% VAT since we became a part of the EU... goddamit

                btw. how would you compare the amount of mids in the v60 engl cab to the v30 cab and to the rectocab 4x12?


                • #9
                  I actually own an ENGL Savage 120SE with the matching V30 4x12 cab. I also had a Powerball with 4x12 recto cab. And the ENGL is far more efficient in the low range, I believe it's because the speakers are front mounted on the engl instead of rear mounted Mesa.


                  • #10
                    Hey dude! Congrats for the new stack! Bring some new stack at home is always a great thing! Engl amps are also great! Waiting for pics now


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by skarhead View Post
                      Don't worry mate, we in Poland have 22% VAT since we became a part of the EU... goddamit

                      btw. how would you compare the amount of mids in the v60 engl cab to the v30 cab and to the rectocab 4x12?
                      Well... when using the v30 cab at gigs I just noticed a little more honk with my standard settings, so I did adjust the mids a little. Apart from that, the Fireball sounded just like a Fireball. Actually it always does.

                      Compared to the rectocab... I did a side-by-side comparison between an ENGL v60 cab and a Recto oversized cab in the shop, using a Powerball.
                      The Mesa cab did cost exactly twice as much. I remember it to sound very nice, rounded and full, but I liked the ENGL v60 better, because it seemed to have a little more of that tight punch that rattles your balls when you stand in front of it.

                      So much for me being able to describe differences between sounds...:ROTF:
                      I guess that's why I'm always GASing for guitars, but not for amps.


                      • #12
                        I haven't tried a MESA cab with an ENGL head myself. But I've found the ENGL cab to have more pronounced low-end and "dynamic punch" than the various other marshall/peavey/randall cabs I've tried.

                        short review:

                        hooked it all up at a rehearsal space yesterday for the first time, I had a few players/friends come along to take it for a spin.
                        I was a little nervous about what it would sound like out of the box, as I expect the amp and especially the cab needs to be "broken in" for quite a few hours before it really comes alive.

                        positively surprised, it sounded pretty damn good right off the bat.
                        the clean channel is really good IMO, it's not fender clean but not far off either.
                        Crunch tones can be had in spades, pretty much nailed the classic AC/DC stuff right away. And what's cool too is that you can roll off the volume and get a pretty cool blues crunch/lead tone...a friend tried it with his Jazzmaster and it sounded way cool on the blue tones

                        well off we go to the main event: hi gain lead channel...cranked the lead "meter" to 8, bass at 5, mids at 3, treble at 5, presence at 4....instant "chuggability"!!

                        I just had a blast, straight away, firing up those arpeggiated metal riffs.
                        This amp has REALLY good definition (no mushing between the strokes) and a lightning fast attack.

                        It's that kind of amp that has addictively good tone, so that it makes you really grind out the best in your ability. and you need to, to sound good, because it will expose any mistakes rather quickly.
                        So it is a double-edged sword, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
                        I'm very happy with it so far! I ended up playing for 3 hours not only sounds looks the part too!

                        BTW the guitar I played it with was my main axe, Jackson SL2H w/ stock pups. (replacing JB with Custom 5 soon..!)

                        So even when I go crazy and get the Diezel, I think this amp will be with me still for a long, long time!!

                        I will try to get some pics up by the end of the week...I promise
                        oh, and if you have any questions about the amp, just fire away, and I'll try and answer to the best of my ability!


                        • #13

                          I play an ENGL Powerball with a Mesa 4x12. I've never been happier with my sound. Just about any sound I've ever needed is in there.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Joe_Steeler View Post
                            ENGL kicks ass!!!!
                            Congrats dude.

                            BTW, I can't wait to hear the new Invader.
                            Ah, that reminds me... I saw one of these at a big local music store (Amptown). But I was kind of in a hurry, so I didn't try it. Maybe I should pay that store a visit again...


                            • #15
                              "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"

