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Bill Z Bub's..Peavey JSX VS VHT Pittbull review

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  • Bill Z Bub's..Peavey JSX VS VHT Pittbull review

    Well I spent almost an hour at Guitar Center test driving both these amps and here is my immediate impression..

    VHT Pitbull w/ EQ..I went for the throat on both of these amps..I went for the best , tightest highest gain these fuckers could possible dish out. With that said, The VHT sounded exactly what I expected and remembered. Very tight, focused moderately high definitely has that VH "brown" sound to it..and that's exactly what I start playing when dialing that fucker in. Once I dialed it .. I tweaked with the EQ and got it to where I thought it sounded "better" for my kind of death, thrah metal riffage ..just to discover I liked the amp's tone better when I bypassed my EQ mattter how suddle or how much I used it ...Nice amp..but nothing I need to own..I do prefer them to the Soldano SLO to be honest and I really like those amps for a "classic" metal ala Scorpions tone, The VHT has a little more "juice" than that ...IMO..The graphic EQ section would prolly be better apt for a mid / lead boost other than "scooping" ..I found I could scoop the tone well enough with the amp's normal control layout...I did enjoy playing it, for the VHT is a great sounding amp.

    Now, The JSX..I just went for the throat on this one as well on the high gain channel..I must say this caught my attention immediately!! I would say for my personal taste ..this is a much better sounding amp, than any Recto, Marshall , VHT, Mesa, The Legacy, and even the beloved Soldano SLO..that I've ever played..In fact I'd liked it better than the 5150 and I owned 5 of those for years...yes, no shit!

    It put me in mind of a much refined and heavier version of the Peavey Ultra 120..which is much tighter but not as "girthy" or "heavy" as the 5150..but it did seem to have a VERY good low end chunk. What I like about the JSX over the 5150, is that it much more "alive" sounding..but there is a bit of a high end "hish" that was present and attempting to rid some of it by rolling back the high and presence controls immediately took away what I did like about it..something I'm sure I could dialed in much better if I had it at home jamming with the boy on drums..There was enough gain and "Push" on tap for everything I require without any need for a stomp..but not nearly the likes of my Uberschall..but I wasn't ex[ecting it to. With that said, I must say that the JSX is one of THE best amps I had the pleasure to play in quite some time..

    Being that the JSX is a "Peavey"..I would try running a BBE 422 in the loop to see if it iw would benefit from it..It would let you know immediately if it did or all amps I tried that unit with..being that it is a Peavey , like the 5150 ..I would assume it would.

    So in the JSX and VHT Pittbull shootout the JSX won hands down..without fuggin' question..for "metal rhytms and solos"..we got along very well!!

    I went home to my Bogner and fired it up immediately. It threwa stupid smile on my it's is still "king" in my book..whew, I'm safe.

    Remember..I'm a one trick, pony..I don't play covers that require different tones and such..I did switch to the other channels on the JSX and found them completely useless for my needs , unless I'm slammed them with a stomp..of course.

    BTW..I fired up a Recto, since it's been a while since I played or owned one..after hearing it for 60 seconds I was instantly reminded EXACTLY why I hate those fuggin' amps..they sound so "buzzy , farty, fizzy and muddy" to me..others seem to do peachy with them, and that's cool..but I personally think they completely blow ass, ..when compared to the VHT and ESPECIALLY the JSX..but my dude Jeff Loomis would prolly differ!!

    So, If I didn't own my Bogner Uberschall I wouldn't run out and buy another 5150/6505, like I always would prolly be the JSX..unless I want to lay down big duckies on a Framus or Deizel..but that's another story all together.

    BTW..I tried Both amps with a Dean "Lightning bolt" "cowboys from hell" ML..which actually played / sounded pretty good..

    Bill Z Bub

    BTW Kids..Fuck "clips" ..if you want to hear what a amp REALLY sounds like ..plug into one and play it, with your face right in front of the cab!!
    Last edited by horns666; 12-08-2006, 07:31 PM.
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

  • #2
    what cab did you demo these on?
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #3
      Glad you liked the JSX Bill! Yeah it's no Uber, but for what - 1/3 the cost, it's a pretty worthy amp, huh? Pete Twisteramps calls it the Chevy of amps. There's better stuff around, for sure, but it delivers. I do like the clean channel too, the crunch could be a little gainier but since the Ultra has all you need, you have what you need. For about $800 for a used one in excellent shape you can't go wrong.

      I BEGGED a friend locally to get one, or ANYTHING besides a DSL 100, but he HAD to have a Marshall. After having the DSL break on him 3 times in 6 months, he dumped the DSL and got a JSX and now he's happy!
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • #4
        both matching cabs..both brand new, half stacks..with the lil' tagger still on them..

        I'm tellin' a big fan of 5150's..this fucker kicked it's arse..

        I remember hearing the XXX a few times and always thought the 5150s sound much better to my ears..but NOT this time..

        The JSX IS Peavey's flagship..period!!

        One that will be hard to beat, even at that price ..IMO!!

        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #5
          Rich..I could not dump my DSL, that I fell into dirt cheap fast enough..a totally worthless amp..IMO!!

          John and I fucked with a DSL for a week at practice, up against his couldn't even hear it..pure MUSH..those amps can kiss my ass..THE worst sounding tube Marshall ever made..ever!!! ..IMO

          I'd take a Recto over a DSL anyday..Hell, I'd take a JCM 900 over a DSL anyday..and those were pretty lame straight out of the box...especially compared to the JCM 800..JMP and so forth...

          I'm still in love with my Marshall Rack and the sound of any good, "real" Marshall...but those just fuggin' SUCK!!..

          I bought a DSL100 half stack for $800 bucks, right when they came out..some fuggin' dude really needed the money..I sold the head for $800 and kept the cab, I had was totally "worthless" to I got a free Marshall cab out of it..My Uber is sitting on it.

          far as tube heads go..The DSL/TSL is at the very bottom of the food chain with me..a JSX would eat it and spit out the Marshall logo..and burp!!

          Later guys..I gotta bail..

          Hey if anyone likes the DSL..more power to you..I can not imagine how..but hey..that's your prob..
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            I'm with ya, Bill! I've played JSXs (heads and combo) a couple times in stores when trying out guitars and every time it puts a smile on my face. The most recent time was about two months ago on my lunch I ran down to the local shop and they had a R/W/B EVH that just came in the day before. The guy I know there handed it to me, I took it into the amp room and played through a JSX combo. I was in heaven! Or hell in Bill's case -lol. Great amps and like Rich said, you can pick these (heads) up for $800 all day on ebay. Damn, now I want one....
            Unleash the fury.....Texas style!


            • #7
              Dammit Bill... Negative review, negative review!!! Argh!


              • #8
                Yeah, The JSX is the best Peavey. I love the SLO but I have thought ab/bout selling it to by a JSX....

                The 5150 I have owned in the past rocked though and I have never a/b the JSX next to the 5150. When I play a JSX the high gain sounds very 5150 to me too but the JSX has a tighter feel/tone.

                Peavey has a good amp there.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jwoods986 View Post
                  I'm with ya, Bill! I've played JSXs (heads and combo) a couple times in stores when trying out guitars and every time it puts a smile on my face. The most recent time was about two months ago on my lunch I ran down to the local shop and they had a R/W/B EVH that just came in the day before. The guy I know there handed it to me, I took it into the amp room and played through a JSX combo. I was in heaven! Or hell in Bill's case -lol. Great amps and like Rich said, you can pick these (heads) up for $800 all day on ebay. Damn, now I want one....

                  Really..$800 bucks???!!!..FUCK dude, there is NO way ANY amp could touch a JSX for $800!!!!!

                  It had a $1500 price tage on it at GC..WOW, for $800 I really think my bro Cleveland Johns should investigate ..I think he'll like it!!

                  Sorry Inearth..I didn't wanna give ya any kinda of "GAS"..

                  But I had to give my honest opinion on it, after playing the JSX for the very first time..I'm BRUTALLY honest and I know good tone when I hear it..and the JSX is definitely GOOD!

                  I was sold within minutes ..

                  I keep thinking of the old Peavey Ultra 120..those were OK..but these are just so much better, ine every way and they look great..a DSL is a complete joke for the same price man..but people are just buying that "Marshall" look and name..I really have to question the credibility of anyone who actually thinks those turds actually sound good..I know great players get by with them, well "greeat" players can get by with about anything..

                  I strongly urge anyone with a DSL/ sell it pronto and do yourself a favor and trade it for a JSX..NOW!!

                  Rectos are not nearly as bad as DSL/TSL IMO..but I think even they should check out the JSX..I'm convinced it can do everything those do but BETTER IMO!!

                  Like I said..the JSX will grab your attention immediately and hold it..if you can hear that is.

                  It really made a great first impressuion on me and exceeded my expectations..Seriously, I may consider getting one.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #10
                    Sell a Soldano SLO for a JSX?????? You'd better spend some serious time with them side by side before taking that route. So many a Soldano owner dumps their amp for the next new hype, and only goes back to it later and wastes more money. I'm sure the JSX sounds great, but the SLO is legendary.....amazing. Now, owning both may be cool, but to dump the Soldano for one may not be a good quick decision. And this is coming from a Soldano SLO100 owner, not just someone who has heard one plugged in at a store. To me, it can be fun to add to an amp collection, but not at the expense of dumping one of the finest items possible to put in that collection. I love my SLO!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lynchfan6 View Post
                      Sell a Soldano SLO for a JSX?????? You'd better spend some serious time with them side by side before taking that route. So many a Soldano owner dumps their amp for the next new hype, and only goes back to it later and wastes more money. I'm sure the JSX sounds great, but the SLO is legendary.....amazing. Now, owning both may be cool, but to dump the Soldano for one may not be a good quick decision. And this is coming from a Soldano SLO100 owner, not just someone who has heard one plugged in at a store. To me, it can be fun to add to an amp collection, but not at the expense of dumping one of the finest items possible to put in that collection. I love my SLO!
                      Dude..Soldano SLOs are AWESOME..Played and heard MANY. I also owned two Sodanos myself..a HR100 and a Korean made 60..and a bud owned a SLO..

                      I assure you..The JSX isn't any fuggin' "Hype"..They kick fucking ass and smoke the five 5150s I've owned, since their creation!!

                      You just check one out for yourself and then come back and talk to me..

                      Hey, here's an idea..Keep your Soldano..and buy a JSX..because you'll be using both..

                      This is the first time I ever tried a must be pretty fuckin' GOOD to convince my ass..and if you'd knew me just a little know damn well, I'm not bullshittin'..I'm one credible motherfugger ..

                      I heard from other credible motherfuggers such as "Pete" (Twisteamps) that these amps kick ass..and they certainly do. I can see why he loves 'em so much, and he build and played more amps than he prolly remembers ..including the beloved SLO..which makes Pete all the more "credible" in my book!

                      Dude, If you haven't actually PLAYED a're not sure of anything..

                      If I had a SLO..I would NEED to slam the front end with a stomp, because I'm a modern "metal" player..with a JSX I would would be ALL amp..just like my Bogner Uberschall.

                      To me, less is more..I don't want anything in front of my amp but a chord, if I can help it..I want it ALL amp eqs , no bullshit.

                      just a single FX processor in the loop and a wah in the front..that's how I like it!!
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #12

                        One thing that helps the JSX in my opinion is swapping out the EL34s for 6L6s. makes the low end more defined, and takes the high-mid spike out of the amp. It also makes the clean channel more 'fendery'. The fx loop on the JSX has worked well with anything I've thrown at it too - from pedals to line level stuff, no problem.

                        I think if the JSX sold for more $ and didn't have a Peavey logo on it, they would sell a ton of them. A lot of people can't wrap their minds around a Peavey sounding this good and for this cheap.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post

                          One thing that helps the JSX in my opinion is swapping out the EL34s for 6L6s. makes the low end more defined, and takes the high-mid spike out of the amp. It also makes the clean channel more 'fendery'. The fx loop on the JSX has worked well with anything I've thrown at it too - from pedals to line level stuff, no problem.

                          I think if the JSX sold for more $ and didn't have a Peavey logo on it, they would sell a ton of them. A lot of people can't wrap their minds around a Peavey sounding this good and for this cheap.

                          Agreed on all points..I do prefer 6L6 over the EL34. Even tho My Uber is loaded with El34..The Tung Sol preamps tubes I installed really darkened the tone with MUCH less mids , and MUCH more bottom end..I think the tone may be "too dark' if there were 6L6 in the uber..I think I just stumbled upon a good "balance" to be honest with you..just good advice from a tube guy and pure dumb luck...

                          Yes, If the Peavey JSX had a different brand name such as the GRIND "Decapitator 120"..and sold for 3K..there would be umpteen pages about the fuggin' thing..

                          I'm no boutique "amp snob"..I love my Bogner..and I've played/owned many great amps in my time including, Soldano, Lee Jackson, Mesa, Recto, Bogner, VHT, Dr Z..shitloads of Marshalls and 5150s..

                          The JSX just kicks ass..I'd loved to take it home and go nuts with it..maybe I will one day.

                          I'll definitely play them again..

                          Wassup Pete,

                          Last edited by horns666; 12-08-2006, 07:27 PM.
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #14
                            OH..BTW..Shit how could I forgot..

                            Where the JSX shined the most for me was the harmonic divebombs and squeals that are huge part of my style..well, I do them ALOT!!

                            It did those Depressed whammy bar ..Harmonic Satch dips with ease..which made that amp very fun to play. Satch gave me a personal lesson on how he nails those now I got my kid doing them..

                            Between me and my sounds like air raid sirens constanly going off in my house..
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • #15
                              Bill, which VHT was it, the classic or lead? I have played both and i tell you now the lead blew away the JSX in metal.

