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multiple amps into one cabinet?

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  • multiple amps into one cabinet?

    Is it possible to plug two or more Epiphone valve junior heads into my 2x12 cabinet at the same time to get more volume than just one head plugged in?

    My cabinet only has a single 8-ohm input though, is there some kind of splitter or something I can get so i can do this?

    Thanks for any replies! I am definately a "noob" when it comes to amp setup and equipment. I like the simple, good tone I get form one of these baby-heads, and I'd like to just buy another (on the cheap from a bud) to get a bit louder.

  • #2
    I think one of these four products will work.



    Seeing as I have a 2x12 with only one 8ohm (1/4") input in the back, I would think it is a mono not stereo, right?

    Thanks again for any help.


    • #3
      I would not do that unless you wish to fry your amps and possible speakers as well. Using a Y-Cord to combine two amps to one speaker load will assuredly fry stuff. Seriously.

      No logical way to do what you want, short of having a totally separate jack wired for each speaker for each amp. And that isn't isn't exactly logical.

      You need a larger amp.


      • #4
        Ok, thanks very much. I am pretty igorant when it comes to wiring and electronics and whatnot so I don't understand why they would fry, but I will stick with the bigger amp as you suggest

        Thanks again.


        • #5
          Why it's dangerous... Mostly cuz in essance, by combining the outs of two amps, you'd be running a power output from one amp basically back into the power output of another... That's a bad thing for output transistors or transformers (depending on solid state or tube amp). You'd certainly fry some stuff doing that.

          Definitely a bigger amp is in your future.


          • #6
            A very good explanation, and thank you again for the help.


            • #7
              Yeah. actually there is a way.

              I have heard Vivian Campbell uses one of these.

              Radial headbone.

              They make them for SS and Tube combinations or just SS.


              Last edited by Firebird V; 12-11-2006, 06:32 PM.


              • #8
                He's talking about running the amps "at the same time" together to gain volume. Not switching between them...

                There's certainly plenty of ways to switch between amps into the same cab. But, that isn't what he's talking about.


                • #9
                  ah... yeah. now i get it. yep. move along.... nothing to see hear... (walks away whistling....)


                  • #10
                    Besides that, why would someone spend $230.00 for a device to run two $99.00 amps together (even if it would work)? I'm pretty sure for $428.00 you could buy a more powerful amp.
                    My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.

