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Marshall Lead100 MOSFET

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  • #16
    Originally posted by missionguitars1 View Post
    In case you might be undecided...look above....

    I remember back in the day (hey - I'm over 40 and allowed to say that!) when they came out. I was too poor to buy a JCM 800, and so when I saw the price tag on these, I thought "Let's give this a shot!".

    Wow - to say they should have waited until they got solid state right was an understatement! It made me think over my old Ibeenhad Roadstar II through a DOD Overdrive into a Carvin keyboard was THAT bad....
    Ok I'm scared off now Are Red Bear amps anygood? He had one and it looked pretty nice. All tube, 100 watts I think


    • #17
      If you're thinking about the MOSFET, just forget it..You'll probably be better off soundwise with your Line6..

      I've never tried a Red Bear, I thought they were only 50 or 60 watts? I think they had some issues with reliability(?)
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      • #18
        Originally posted by thebisch View Post
        Ha ha ha, LOL! Yea, pretty much the same, except completly different!

        A 3203 with a tube power output section is no where in the same class as a mosfet. The tube output coupled to speakers completely changes the dynamics, even though both share a transistor preamp.


        • #19
          I don't remember my buddy's being that great in the 80's, bright red too. But I do like my current setup-Valvestate 8100 head/1966B cabinet.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Rich#6 View Post
            I don't remember my buddy's being that great in the 80's, bright red too. But I do like my current setup-Valvestate 8100 head/1966B cabinet.
            Absolutly! The Valvestate was a HUGE upgrade, tonewise, from a MOSFET 100. The MOSFET looked way cooler though. The funny thing is, I used to own a 5210 50 watt channel switching 1x12 combo that I really liked. I also currently have a SS Lead 20 that I love and will not get rid of. Both of these SS Marshalls that I really like are from the same era as the MOSFET 100. Go figure...


            • #21
              Originally posted by thebisch View Post
              Absolutly! The Valvestate was a HUGE upgrade, tonewise, from a MOSFET 100. The MOSFET looked way cooler though. The funny thing is, I used to own a 5210 50 watt channel switching 1x12 combo that I really liked. I also currently have a SS Lead 20 that I love and will not get rid of. Both of these SS Marshalls that I really like are from the same era as the MOSFET 100. Go figure...
              Funny you say that as he has a Marshall JCM900 half stack there, and you can see what they were going for looks wise. As fr the Red Bear (Commie Amp? lol) I thought they made one that was a hundred watts? He just mentioned it and I didn't think to ask. Would it be worth to spend twice as much on a used B-52? Or like some people here are suggesting and save some money for a Marshall AVT? Or pay like $50 to rent the MOSFET?


              • #22
                Yeah, those MOSFET amps suck, but the 1966 cabs that came with them do kick ass!


                • #23
                  I had a MOSFET Lead 100 head for a short time, and it sucked really bad. I sold it at a $100 loss just to get it out of my sight. Your Spider II head sounds far better than that POS will. The Valvestates are far better in the realm of SS Marshalls.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!

