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Which amp?

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  • #16
    Didn't Gus use a pod on the Dream Evil stuff as well? Or was that only on the Firewind material?

    His tone sounds pretty SS'y to me, but I think it's awesome and as you say pretty dang articulate!


    Savage's are great amps. Had some mileage on it, my best friend used one on lend for quite some time together with his Mk III for his metalcore band. Monstercrunch, but it's got a pretty unique voicing. It sounds like your cup of tea though, so all I can recommend is to play one for yourself. It rocked my balls and I'm willing to bet it'll blow your socks off as well! A Dual with an extra EQ unit (so you've got pre and post eq) would make an excellent machine as well, like John said. They're versatile amps really, if you know how to use em and don't consider them a one trick pony!
    Last edited by GodOfRhythm; 12-30-2006, 05:54 PM.
    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post

      Savage's are great amps. Had some mileage on it, my best friend used one on lend for quite some time together with his Mk III for his metalcore band. Monstercrunch, but it's got a pretty unique voicing. It sounds like your cup of tea though, so all I can recommend is to play one for yourself. It rocked my balls and I'm willing to bet it'll blow your socks off as well! A Dual with an extra EQ unit (so you've got pre and post eq) would make an excellent machine as well, like John said. They're versatile amps really, if you know how to use em and don't consider them a one trick pony!
      pre (boost+lowcut) and post eq on a recto - yummy

      Savage - yummy - at first i wasn't so convinced after getting mine compared to the second amp i own but with the time it grew on me - definitely a very good , unique amp with lots of features (really , the minus are the shared eq's for channel 1-2 and 3-4 but who the hell switches channels anyway )


      • #18
        I played a JSX this weekend and would have to agree with the other replies here about it being a great amp. I was really impressed with how good that thing sounded. I only played it for about an hour but would seriously consider picking one up now.


        • #19
          I'd have to agree with Tim,,,unlike here in ALA-HELL,, you live in a place where you have access to all the amps mentioned,,take a Sat. (or a day off) and grab your fav. axe and compare, compare, compare......if its not a price issue your market is wide open, and if you find a high end head you like and consider getting dont be afraid to check to see if one of the moddelers can do that sound to your liking for a few $$$$ LESS.
          I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the SAVAGE 120 i have right now, crushing sound, great voicings, lots of options( just wish it had a noise gate like the powerball, but thats ok none the less ),but have been reading alot of posts esp. John G.'s and i think I'm gonna be looking at a VETTA in the coming year,,,to me i dont care what it is (ie. tube SS, mod.) if it has the sound,,,it has the sound,,hell i still have my 2120's that give me a sound i haven't been able to replace yet (although i'd like to try a Framus Cobra )... so...... try everything and take notes

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