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Will my rig sound better with a BBE?

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  • Will my rig sound better with a BBE?

    Happy New Year fellas and um.. felines?!
    Question time again.. A guy I know is selling a BBE 442A Sonic Maximizer unit.
    My rig now consists of a Mesa/Boogie Quad preamp (ditched my Pod Pro hehe), Rivera 2x12 cab and in a week or so I'll have a Marshall 9100 poweramp to run this through.
    With all this talk about BBE I'm beginning to think it's a "must have".
    Apparently it "tightens up" the sound? Tight is good I guess..
    But will it affect the sound of my rig dramatically? It's not like I'm running three 4x12 cabs either..

    Thoughts/ideas/rants etc. are welcome
    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"

  • #2
    do you think your tone lacks something? if it does, is it lacking what the bbe claims to improve?
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #3
      See that's the thing, I haven't tried the BBe yet. Probably will sometime next week though, he lives 10 minutes away from me. I was just wondering if the BBE's really make THAT much difference in the sound unless your gear is "top of the line" pricewise..
      "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


      • #4
        They affect different rigs in different ways. Overall, they correct phase issues with your signal. I have used one in my rack since 1990 and swear by them (ADA preamp, Mesa 2:90), but they are not for everyone or every rig.


        • #5
          Hey Rupe, Happy New Year to you to
          So the BBE goes between the preamp and the poweramp, correct..?
          I'm not sure if the Mesa preamp/Marshall poweramp combo is the most recommended setup, the Quad's manual said it was designed to be used specifically with Mesa poweramps.. Well I couldn't find a Mesa poweramp in my pricerange.. It can't sound THAT bad with a 9100 though right?
          I saw a pic of Janick Geers rig once, he had a Mesa preamp as well as his JMP's, he was only using Marshall 9200 poweramps in that setup IIRC.
          "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
            But will it affect the sound of my rig dramatically?

            The various BBE models each work a little differently, as some are guitar-specific and others cover a wider range of applications. My old Aiwa bookshelf stereo even had a Sonic Maximizer of some kind built in. The most common comment is that it removes mud from your sound, but in some cases, people say that it ends up sounding harsh or fizzy. That's definitely possible. It's a matter of finding that fine line where it clears up your sound without sounding too processed.

            My #1 issue isn't mud - it's the opposite. I've found that my 362NR, which is one of the general-purpose models, is especially handy for removing some of that unwanted "fizz" on the high end. That's contradictory to what others think, so you'd have to experiment a bit with your specific rig.


            • #7
              I personally have always found rigs with BBE to sound great until the BBE is turned off, then I appreciate the original rig's tone again more as a result. They're not for me.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robotechnology View Post
                I personally have always found rigs with BBE to sound great until the BBE is turned off, then I appreciate the original rig's tone again more as a result. They're not for me.

                Yeah... Noticed that too.

                Seems the better the equipment, the less you appreciate the BBE as well. Works cool on 5150s nonetheless for some reason.


                • #9
                  The BBE 422/422a are THE units to go with..IMO!!

                  But it is definitely NOT a one size fits all unit by NO means..

                  I discovered them with my 5150 back around '90..and it was a awesome match..I tried them with my recto and it sounded terrible immediately..

                  It worked well in another Peavey..I believe it was the Ultra 120..and they really wake up a Crate BV120..

                  I've tried that unit with every amp I've Uber absolutely hates it..without question

                  My Marshally likes it and helps it get a beefier tone with my 9200 monoblock / sounds better with it than without there is stays.

                  I strongly urge you to try it with your Marshall/Mesa and see how it either love it or you won't..there shouldn't be any guess work there..

                  I' your local GC or music store..they may have a newer one in stock..either the 462 or the 482.., those are a bit more harsh and have much more "sizzle" to them than the more natural sounding 422s..but it'll let you know whether that unit will sound good or not with you rig

                  I tried a 462 into a Crate BV120..and it made a big difference for the better..

                  start with the definition and low controls at 12:00 and and tweak both of them to about 3:00..see how that works..

                  It's NOT a true hitting the in/out while in the loop it'll sound better with it on than really see how it affects the tone of your amp leave it on and pull it out of the loop completely..then see if it improves your tone.

                  I'd even suggest trying a Sonic stomp in the loop..if that works..the 422 will work even better..IMO!

                  Fuggit..the 422 is the coveted one of those units..I'd buy it for a good price (75-100bucks) if you don't like you won't be stuck with it l..

                  I got mine mint of the Bay shipped for 50 bucks...the newer "sizzly" ones go for 200 bucks new I think..
                  Last edited by horns666; 01-04-2007, 05:58 AM.
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • #10
                    Wow thanks for the input guys, I'll definitely use your advice when testing it Bill! Inazone, I never knew the BBE could remove high-end fizz, like you said that's like the opposite of what you'd expect it to do. Definitely a handy tip there!
                    Thanks guys, you're the best!
                    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
                      Wow thanks for the input guys, I'll definitely use your advice when testing it Bill! Inazone, I never knew the BBE could remove high-end fizz, like you said that's like the opposite of what you'd expect it to do. Definitely a handy tip there!
                      Thanks guys, you're the best!
                      Yes, actually disconnect it from the loop all together..just pull out the jacks from the send and the amp, get your sound..then shove them back into the loop..the in/out is not a true actually fucks up your amps natural tone while in the loop and while "out" mode..this is tue!!!

                      Most people just push the in/out button and , what a difference...I did that as well..then I discovered well, that's not the case..

                      Just leave it on ..then just pull the jacks just out just enough to to disengage it from the loop, then push them back in..then you will see if the amp is better with or without the will know!!!

                      You'll either be smiling big time..or not!

                      good luck..let us know..

                      Bill Z
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
                        Inazone, I never knew the BBE could remove high-end fizz, like you said that's like the opposite of what you'd expect it to do. Definitely a handy tip there!
                        Keep in mind that mine is a 362NR. The 362 is intended for a wider frequency range than you'd get out of a guitar rig alone, and the noise-reduction (NR) portion has a subtle but audible effect on tone. In some cases, this would clearly NOT be a desired trait, but like I mentioned earlier, the overall result is that I can get the general tone I want with an EQ and then make some finishing touches with the BBE.

                        My general impression with Sonic Maximizers and similar devices is that they aren't going improve a bad guitar tone, but when used in *moderation* can add a bit of polish to an already good tone.


                        • #13
                          I have a 482i, and I swear by it. I actually can't play my rig without it turned on anymore. I was extremely weary of buying one at first as well, as there isn't alot of information about them online... but it was worth it, bar none.


                          • #14
                            I use the 362nr as well and it works great on my small rack. Furman PL8/ADA-MP1/G-major/BBE/Mesa 20/20.I run this through a G-flex 2x12.
                            I don't use the denoiser anymore on the 362 since I aquired the G-major. The G-major has a very nice denoiser and I prefer it over the one in the 362.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Outlander View Post
                              I use the 362nr as well and it works great on my small rack. Furman PL8/ADA-MP1/G-major/BBE/Mesa 20/20.I run this through a G-flex 2x12.
                              I don't use the denoiser anymore on the 362 since I aquired the G-major. The G-major has a very nice denoiser and I prefer it over the one in the 362.
                              Yes it does..I couldn't live without out my G Major's denoiser..this is true!!

                              Fryer, and everyone..I'm glad the BBE works for you as it did for me with SOME's good to see what other amps take to them I'm not aware of.

                              The BBE is NOT a one size fits all unit..It could wake up some amps such as 5150s, Crate BV120, some Randalls, some Marshalls, and lots of 80's rack gear ADA, Digitech ect ..when they work with a rig, it's aweome!!

                              Some amps reject them like Uberschall, Recto, Soldano, and many other amps I've tried..

                              It doesn't hurt to try..don't be surprise if it doesn't work well. I found most amps didn't like them..than do.

                              Good Luck..

                              Bill Z
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

