Back in 1987, I bought a Laney AOR 100 watt tube head, and fell in love. Aside from the JCM 800 combo I had, this was my favorite amp. Unfortunately, when I dropped out of the music scene in 1990, I sold off all my gear, the Laney included.
It's now 17 years later, and I'm seriously considering picking up a used 50 or 100 watt Laney head, again, but I also know that how you REMEMBER something, and how that something WAS can be two different things, combined with the fact that tastes change.
So I want to know if any of you guys have AOR heads, and some audio clips of them, that you can post, just to confirm that it was all, and still IS, that it was cracked up to be.
It's now 17 years later, and I'm seriously considering picking up a used 50 or 100 watt Laney head, again, but I also know that how you REMEMBER something, and how that something WAS can be two different things, combined with the fact that tastes change.
So I want to know if any of you guys have AOR heads, and some audio clips of them, that you can post, just to confirm that it was all, and still IS, that it was cracked up to be.
