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After Owning the Boss GT 8 .

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
    I'd check out Cornish if I was in your situation. If money truly isn't an object I guess he's your guy. His pedalboards cost between $3000-6000 and up tho hehe.. Everything is hand built by him (Pete Cornish) and his wife.
    This is the guy Dave Gilmour and Brian May use, just to name two. I sent him a mail once and he answered it personally.. How cool is that? Long wait if you want to place an order tho.. But I guess it'll be worth it. To many this is as good as it gets.
    This seems right up my alley. I got to check this out.

    Thanks man,



    • #17
      The nicest pedal delay that I know of is the T-Rex Replica. $$$ though!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Robotechnology View Post
        The nicest pedal delay that I know of is the T-Rex Replica. $$$ though!
        I see your from north Jersey , I shop at Russo's in Trenton, whats up your way for higher end gear?? I'd like to go to a place that carries Higher end Jackson, Soldano, Krank, Peavey jsx and 6505 , Bogner Ubershall( becoming one of my favorite amps). Things on that level or better bro. I need a new place to check stuff out. I'm in Pa but minutes from trenton. I work in Princeton.



        • #19
          It works for me so far. I was using a TC Electronic G major but it was just too much to hook up and too involved considering how much I'm actually using effects now days. The ME-50 isn't great but it's a good pure effects unit at a resonable price considering how much pedals alone cost. You just have to sit and turn the knobs for a while.

          Originally posted by mantis View Post
          I wonder if it's pure analog? I looked at it and thought it would be what I want but after playing around with it for 30 minutes in Sam Ash, I didn't think a few things sounded as good as I would like. The Chorus on it wasn't as nice as the Boss double pedal CE-20. I was looking to get a CE-20 when I tried it out. I'll have to go back to it and try again. I don't need any amp modelers as I find I'd rather have the real thing. I can see why Modeling is so popular as you can change your tone alot with little money. Owning all those amps would break many peoples banks not to mention you would have to wire up all that.
          Thanks for the tip.



          • #20
            Today I decided to give it one more go. I'm gonna clear my patches , sit with the owners manual , see if I missed anything and go at it. It's been bothering me to give up on all the cool things I can do.
            I plan on focusing on effects. I'm gonna leave all amp modeling and speaker modeling out of the picture. I love my amp and just want to add the effects I like with the ability to program them as I see fit. If I can't get it to go today or this weekend, then it's out.



            • #21
              Sounds like you already have a pretty good handle on the unit. If you haven't already done so, I have found the guys at Boss GT Central to be very helpful and there are some really good sticky's you should check out if you haven't already done so.

              I wasn't 100% happy with the GT-8 through my tube amps either because they colored the sound so much and probably didn't spend enough time to tweak to get it to sound awesome. I took the easy way out and bought 2 Mackie SRM450 FRFR PA Speakers used in stereo and haven't looked back.

              These days, I have plenty of usable patches and am done trying to find THE PERFECT TONE. I am having a blast just playing. Everybody focuses so much on tone. I find the better player I become, the better my tone becomes. I now enjoy using different technique to make each patch sound good rather than trying to tweak the PERFECT patch that makes me sound good (if that makes sense). But overall, I am happy with my tone and am not Gasing for anything else and I have had this setup for over a year now.

              I also had the ME-50 before the GT-8 and it was good for just effects and sounded very nice with my tube amps and didn't seem to tone suck, the only problem was the delay between patch changes. I actually wish I had kept that unit.
              "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


              • #22
                Spend a few hours with it yesterday and the sound quality just isn't there. It's the fact it alters my amps tone to much. I hate that.

                Well today is Judgement day. I will play it one last time today and If I can't get it where I like it, it's out.



                • #23
                  Judgement day it is. It's out. As cool and all the cool features it has I can't stand anything more then anything taking away from my tone.

                  I assume it's more suited for amps like the JC120 by Rolland or plugging into a powered speakers.

                  I'm gonna try to return it back where I got it and hopefully they will do it and let me buy something else. If not I'll sell it. I just got it in November of 2006 so we shall see.




                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mantis View Post
                    I assume it's more suited for amps like the JC120 by Rolland or plugging into a powered speakers.
                    there has been much anecdotal evidence provided by GT-8 users here that supports it working well with tube amps too.

                    it's a shame you couldn't get it working to your satisfaction, but you gotta be happy with your sound
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mantis View Post
                      I assume it's more suited for amps like the JC120 by Roland or plugging into a powered speakers.
                      Have you read the owner's manual? Go into the Output Select mode and mess around with the settings. You can switch between JC-120, small amp, combo amp, stack amp, JC-120 return, combo return, stack return, and line/phones. Those will change your sound, and you don't necessarily have to use the output that corresponds with your particular amp.
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                        there has been much anecdotal evidence provided by GT-8 users here that supports it working well with tube amps too.

                        it's a shame you couldn't get it working to your satisfaction, but you gotta be happy with your sound
                        yeah man. I'm gonna find what I'm looking for. If it takes running all stomp boxes again then thats what I'm gonna do.

                        Thanks dude.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by toejam View Post
                          Have you read the owner's manual? Go into the Output Select mode and mess around with the settings. You can switch between JC-120, small amp, combo amp, stack amp, JC-120 return, combo return, stack return, and line/phones. Those will change your sound, and you don't necessarily have to use the output that corresponds with your particular amp.
                          Back and forth bro. I have tried all the output settings and found the JC120 Return to sound the best, if there was a best. I also had th eeq on and off, tried many different setups and just couldn't get rid of the mid boost sound and the lack of drive my drive channel amp had when using it. I volume matched everything over and over to try to get the best balance.

                          I really think if they build a GT 8 without modeling and just effects even leave the Od sections out, I think it might work well. Today I even tried to wire it in the effects loop only, turned off the effects loop on the gt8 and cleared a few patches to make effects patches only. It sounded slighty better this way but not to the level I'm looking for.

                          Like I said I think many would be very happy with this unit, hell it's the coolest piece of gear I ever owned. I love what it can do man. It has everything I could ever want or need in a processor but it kills me to have this horrible tone after it's all intergraded.



                          • #28
                            How about picking up an old Digitech TSR-24 cheap on e-bay. I am happy with my GT-8 and FRFR rig, but I am even debating picking up one of these for use with my tube amp.

                            Anyone here want to weigh in on the TSR-24?

                            For the price, might be worth at least trying out before shelling out big $$$ on something else.
                            "What's all this lying around shit!!" - Bluto


                            • #29
                              i think the GT8 was born to run through a JC-120
                              ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ABSOLUT CHARVEL View Post
                                i think the GT8 was born to run through a JC-120

                                Thats exaclty what I think.


