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After Owning the Boss GT 8 .

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  • #31
    Former GT-6/GT-8 owner here too. I ended up getting rid of both units because they negatively affected the tone of my Marshall 30th Anny amp. I tried everything to stop the tone suckage, and spent literally days fiddling with just one patch at a time.

    For what they're designed to do, by themselves, these units are GREAT! But it seems that running them through a tube amp (loop in my case) just doesn't cut it. They're not true-bypass, unfortunately. I only wanted them for the FX and MIDI control - the amp modeling basically sounded fine, but then, I bought the 30th for a reason.

    It's too bad - they VERY versatile units, and for recording or plugging directly into the PA system, they're great. But with a (tube) amp, no thanks...

    P.S. Happily using a G-Major with my 30th. I'd probably be more happy with an Eventide unit, but they're big bucks, and I'm just a bedroom wanker.
    "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


    • #32
      For what they're designed to do, by themselves, these units are GREAT! But it seems that running them through a tube amp (loop in my case) just doesn't cut it. QUOTE]

      I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but the GT8 sounds fine through many tube amps. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean that it's going to be bad for all tube amps. I'm able to turn off all modelling of preamps and speaker cabs on my GT8 and it works fine with the JSX. I also have info from net friends that they ran it with a Diezel and a VHT 50/CL with no issues either.

      One thing that MAY help amps with finicky fx loops is a converter from stompbox to loop level, or even one of those VHT Valvulators. You guys are pointing fingers at the GT8 being the issue, when it's most likely your fx loops or how you have them set.



      • #33
        Pete's got a good point. Did any of you guys who thought it sucked tone try the GT's different output settings and input choices into your amp?

        I didn't like the tone of my GT-3, when going through my tube amp's effects loop on the "loop" setting. So then I tooled around with the GT-3's level, output settings ("loop, combo, stack", etc.), and tried each through the loop and straight into the amp's direct input.

        I found there was a HUGE diffference in tone between the "loop/loop" and "combo/input" methods. The former was flat & lifeless, the latter kicked ass and I stuck with it.

        Knowing how Boss's units build on each successive generation, I suspect the same is probably true for the GT-8, too.


        • #34
          >> Did any of you guys who thought it sucked tone try the GT's different output settings and input choices into your amp?

          Believe me, I tried *everything*. I just about memorized the owner's manual - yeah, I'm weird - I *like* reading those things

          With me, the difference between having the GT-x plugged in and not plugged in made enough of a negative difference for me to dispense with the unit, and that was with the GT-x set with *nothing* on, a "clean slate" setting so to speak.

          I will say, however, that when the next GT-x comes out, I'll give it a shot.

          P.S. Haven't tried the GT-Pro - anyone here tried it?

          P.P.S. I didn't mean for my statement about the GT-x and tube amps to be a blanket, all-inclusive stand. I've personally heard very few tube amp owners say they're happy with the GT-x. To each his own...
          "You are so stupid that I am surprised you have not collapsed into a singularity of stupidity." - Anon


          • #35
            Originally posted by SweetPete View Post
            For what they're designed to do, by themselves, these units are GREAT! But it seems that running them through a tube amp (loop in my case) just doesn't cut it. QUOTE]

            I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but the GT8 sounds fine through many tube amps. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean that it's going to be bad for all tube amps. I'm able to turn off all modelling of preamps and speaker cabs on my GT8 and it works fine with the JSX. I also have info from net friends that they ran it with a Diezel and a VHT 50/CL with no issues either.

            One thing that MAY help amps with finicky fx loops is a converter from stompbox to loop level, or even one of those VHT Valvulators. You guys are pointing fingers at the GT8 being the issue, when it's most likely your fx loops or how you have them set.

            I'm also not using a Blanket statement when I said mine didn't work with a tube amp. I'm very old school with my tube amps and when something gets in the way the amp sounds, I tend not to like it. I'm sure there are millions of happy GT 8 users and Probably alot with tube amps. Mine just isn't working for me. I'll say this, if someone came to my house, got my Gt 8 working and I had no tone suckage, I would keep it. Honestly I love/hate the thing. I want it to work in the worse way man. I love everything about it except the sound quality change of my amp. Even my clean channel is ruined, well maybe not ruined but doesn't sound like my amp anymore.
            If someone lives in the Phila, Pa area and think they can get it right, hell I'll invite you to my home, buy the beer and Pizza and Jam.I'll even Invite one of my drummer friends over(I got a kit in the basement).

            Other then that, I'm off to try a TC electronics or go all pedals again, which is what I wanted to get away from with the GT 8, Pedal mess.

            Thanks guys a ton for the tips, I have tried them all and didn't fix it.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post

              I'm also not using a Blanket statement when I said mine didn't work with a tube amp. I'm very old school with my tube amps and when something gets in the way the amp sounds, I tend not to like it. I'm sure there are millions of happy GT 8 users and Probably alot with tube amps. Mine just isn't working for me. I'll say this, if someone came to my house, got my Gt 8 working and I had no tone suckage, I would keep it. Honestly I love/hate the thing. I want it to work in the worse way man. I love everything about it except the sound quality change of my amp. Even my clean channel is ruined, well maybe not ruined but doesn't sound like my amp anymore.
              If someone lives in the Phila, Pa area and think they can get it right, hell I'll invite you to my home, buy the beer and Pizza and Jam.I'll even Invite one of my drummer friends over(I got a kit in the basement).

              Other then that, I'm off to try a TC electronics or go all pedals again, which is what I wanted to get away from with the GT 8, Pedal mess.

              Thanks guys a ton for the tips, I have tried them all and didn't fix it.

              It's cool Dan, I just mentioned that for the other Pete, not you.

              BTW, check with Krank to see what the fx loop runs at line or pedal level - the GT8 runs at pedal level, not line. So it's likely you'd get the same issues running pedals in the loop as you would the GT8, possibly less but still some. The TC Electronics G-Major is a good option for line level gear, but I like the Rocktron Intellifex a little better and it's cheaper.

              One thing I really dig about the VHT 50/CL I have coming is that it has one of the best effects loops at any price - you can choose parallel or series, *and* line or pedal level. It makes it work well with a huge variety of gear.



              • #37
                Originally posted by SweetPete View Post
                >> Did any of you guys who thought it sucked tone try the GT's different output settings and input choices into your amp?

                Believe me, I tried *everything*. I just about memorized the owner's manual - yeah, I'm weird - I *like* reading those things

                With me, the difference between having the GT-x plugged in and not plugged in made enough of a negative difference for me to dispense with the unit, and that was with the GT-x set with *nothing* on, a "clean slate" setting so to speak.

                I will say, however, that when the next GT-x comes out, I'll give it a shot.

                P.S. Haven't tried the GT-Pro - anyone here tried it?

                P.P.S. I didn't mean for my statement about the GT-x and tube amps to be a blanket, all-inclusive stand. I've personally heard very few tube amp owners say they're happy with the GT-x. To each his own...
                That's fine - it just looked that way at first glance. My JSX has an fx loop bypass switch on the footswitch - so I can instantly bypass anything in the loop. The JSX does change the tone slightly, but it's not bad at all IMHO. the GT8 was unuseable with my Randal RM100, and I don't like it with my SLO clone either. Don't even ask about me trying to run effects with the loop in my mesa rackmount rectifiers...

                If the GT-Pro has a line level out, then it might work better. One issue with the GT8 is that it runs at pedal level, and most loops are line. The JSX has a send *and* return level for the fx, so you can manually tweeze it if necessary.


