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Sozo capacitor test inside

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  • Sozo capacitor test inside

    On the last 18 watt I've built, I did a clip with stock caps and then one with the sozos I just put in. One thing - Sozo claims that you need to 'burn in' the caps for 40+ hours before they start sounding good. So, I'm going to do another clip after they have 'burned in' - my amp is on right now with a Weber mass muting it, and my iPod blasting through it.

    Here's how I tested it: I recorded a guitar direct to my PC. Then took that file and made a 320kb MP3 file, and put it on my iPod. Plugged my iPod into the 18 watt, and miked it. Used the same amp settings for both clips, and the playing is obviously going to be the same.

    Don't listen to these clips expecting mystical tone - the ipod going into the amp was hissy as hell, and I was afraid to hit the input too hard from the iPod - I didn't want any iPod clipping. Just look for differences between the two files. Here are the clips:

    Can YOU tell any difference, and if so, which do you prefer?


  • #2
    Well the captest6 rings out much stronger when you sustained the chords...Sounded like they would go on much longer than #5 if ya let it...Just a litte more bite to #6 to my ears...So subtle though...But the sustain and the strength of #6 seemed stronger to me.

    I was initially going to say it was just slightly more treb with 6 but I think there are more overtones than just that…Mind you…I have had some wine tonight!


    • #3
      BTW...I like #6...One could argue #5 is creamier but #6 seemed a bit more like it!


      • #4
        Bump, thanks for listening Sev!


        • #5
          #6 has more presence - basically a bit crisper on the high end.
          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • #6
            2nd one for me...


            • #7
              I prefer #2. It's got more balls.
              Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



              • #8
                Maybe I am just lame, but I swore I liked the highs/lead on #6 (2) and the overdrive on #1.
                Maybe it's my laptop and background noise here, but I thought some of that AM radio overtone was creeping into the overdrive/chords of the second clip.

                The first one seemed less effected to me, for better or worse. just slightly though.

                I think my decision is affected by the choice of soundclips. ACDC always sounds like it should be guitar --> amp and light/med overdrive, therefore I lean to clip #1
                When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley

