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New Amp!!

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  • New Amp!!

    Well, my cab came in via UPS yesterday and I was notified (by the store) my amp was in as well.

    So, I picked up my VHT Deliverance 60 to set on top of my VHT Fatbottom 2x12. I'm stoked. I sold some of my other stuff (Mesa/Engl) so I could downsize my rig and I think I made a solid choice.

    This VHT is amazing (honestly I was regretting it for the first 2-3 mins until I found a tone). This amp can go from "good" clean to crushing distortion and nail pretty much anything in between (does a good plexi type tone too, IMO). There are only 8 knobs but it's really a "tweakers" amp in a sense b/c of all the tonal possibilities. I threw a boost in front of it this morning (yes, I'm up @ 8:00a.m. playing) and wow it takes a boost REALLY well. I still dig the EL-34 crunch I found in my Mesa Stiletto a bit better (contrary to popular opinion the Stiletto w/ a boost is an animal) but given time I think I can push the VHT into that territory as well. I'll be trying out some newer/heavier settings this afternoon to test that capability.

    I'll also snap some pics sometime and throw them up.

  • #2
    cool, man. I think I've seen maybe one VHT in person in my life - a secondhand Pitbull combo which I couldn't afford. You find all kinds of stuff around here: Mesa, Marshall, Laney, Engl, Genz, Vetta. But I never see any VHT stuff.
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      congratulations...VHT's are kick ass


      • #4
        Congrats! I'm still waiting for my 50/CL to come in...



        • #5

          I have a d60 as well, and wouldn't trade it for anything; it's amazing how an amp this 'simple' can cover so much ground, tone-wise. it also takes pedals better than any amp I've played.

          now I just need to save up for a matching deliverance 2x12 I dig it through the G12H30s currently in the ampeg cab pictured there, but I'd really like to try it through vht p50s, in a vht cab.

