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Do you practice with your "live" rig?

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  • Do you practice with your "live" rig?

    I use a Crate BV120H when we play live. But I practice with a Crate GFX1200H. We practice 3x per week, 2-3 hours is an average practice time, and I was wondering how the tube life would be using the amp that much. I don't want to start replacing tubes a lot.
    The other guitarist needs an amp, and is wanting to buy the GFX.
    Opinions please.

  • #2
    Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
    I use a Crate BV120H when we play live. But I practice with a Crate GFX1200H. We practice 3x per week, 2-3 hours is an average practice time, and I was wondering how the tube life would be using the amp that much. I don't want to start replacing tubes a lot.
    The other guitarist needs an amp, and is wanting to buy the GFX.
    Opinions please.
    Tubes are cheap Jerri. I always use my live rig for band practice.

    With that kind of usage I would replace the preamp tubes once a year. I wouldn't replace the power tubes unless something was wrong with them.
    Just make sure you bring extra tubes to the gig. Tubes really do last a long time providing you are not diming out your amp which I would guess with a BV120 that your not!!


    • #3
      Thanks John, that's what I needed to know. I appreciate it.


      • #4
        John, if you're replacing preamp tubes once a year, you're doing it too much... preamp tubes tend to last MUCH longer than power tubes. I've heard that the PI tube needs to be replaced when you replace the power tubes, but I'm not so sure about that. I haven't really noticed any extra wear on the PI tube vs the other slots, personally.

        Replacing the power tubes only when there is a problem is like changing a tire only when you have a flat... best thing to do is have a full set as a backup, and every 6 months or so depending on how often you play, swap the tubes out. See if the amp sounds louder/stronger with the new tubes. If not, then swap em back and wait another 6 months or so. If you can't tell a difference, then your tubes aren't that worn. The wear is pretty slow, so you don't really notice it unless you A/B with fresh tubes or have access to a mutual transconductance tester.



        • #5
          yeah, preamp tubes don't go bad. they either go microphonic or stop working. power tubes wear out. replace them once a year or so.

          don't be afraid to use your live rig at practice. and actually its probably a better idea so that you are tayloring your bands sound around the amp you actually use live.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            I don't bring my live rig home. Rack is too damn heavy and I also have to carry a cab downstairs. Occasionally I'll bring it home to dial in sounds for new songs. I practice at home with my Zinky combo.

            One of these days I'll be too old and weak for all this tube stuff. Modeling should be perfected by then and I'll have a 20 lb amp that can hook onto my walker for gigs in the bingo room at Shady Oaks.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jgcable View Post
              I wouldn't replace the power tubes unless something was wrong with them.
              I always thought it was the other way round?
              Changing the power tubes all 6-12 months and the preamp tubes only when they go bad...

              I use my live rig for rehearsal, but at home I mainly use my POD 2.0 into the PC. Or my old Marshall AVT50 combo that I still have at home.


              • #8
                I practice with the band with my live rig but when I play at home I use smaller practice amps.


                • #9
                  I always rehearse with the band using the rig I intend use for the next gig.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #10
                    i practice at home and in rehearsal with my live rig.

                    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                    and finally....

                    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                    • #11
                      imho one should always practice with what you use live


                      • #12
                        usually practice with the live though sometimes not depending on where the rehearsal is - have a bedrock b/u amp which is pretty sweet


                        • #13
                          Echoing the sentiments from others...I always use my live rig at band practice. Even though I rehearse next door at my singer's house, I have a practice amp at home so I don't have to cart my gear back and forth. It's not the same as my 5150, but my cheap Vox Valvetronix is fine for working out songs at home.


                          • #14
                            Regarding the practice question - at home I usually use whatever is around - my gig gear generally stays downstairs and packed up so I don't have to worry about forgetting a cable or something. I don't take anything to band practice because we haven't had an actual rehearsal for about a year and a half. If we add a new song, we'll all learn our parts at home and then play it at the gig. Works about 99% of the time, believe it or not.



                            • #15
                              Let me back track. I have had tons of tube amps through the year. When I didn't know squat... I never changed tubes and I never even worried about impedance or anything. I never had a problem with a tube amp.
                              Fast forward 30 years later... still.. no problems with any of my tube amps. The only tubes I ever had to change was the occassional microphonic preamp tube. The only time I ever changed a power tube was out of personal choice... not necessity. Thats why I mentioned changing the preamp tubes once a year. They are cheap but I guess if they don't go bad there is no reason to change anything until your ears tell you so.

