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Peavey Backstage amp problem

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  • Peavey Backstage amp problem

    Brother in law cleaned out his storage shed and found a old Peavey Backstage practice amp he was given from someone. I ended up with it. Plugged it in, it powers up but as soon as I hit a note on my guitar it cuts out. You can hear the hum coming from the pickups but as soon as you try to play it cuts out. Doesnt turn off, just well cuts out. Not sure how else to explain it. First question is, is this amp even worth trying to fix? If it is then what could be wrong? I dont need it myself but thought if I could get it working I could give or sell it to someone. Thanks for your time.

  • #2
    If its been in a shed for a while its possible that the pots are real dirty and need a cleaning, as well as the input jacks. try some tuner cleaner on the pots and work them back and forth a bunch. Could also be a dirty speaker connector. Or the speaker could be blown too.

