Peavey amps... Cool I've been wanting to play the JSX and the 6505 plus.
I glanced over these amps when I was searching for my new amp after owning last year a Vox Ad120vtx and a Fender Twin amp. So today while I was there, I picked out 2 guitars(American Strat and a jackson Dinky) and went to town.
1st up was the 6505 II. I tried the rythem channel first to hear what clean it had, well it really didn't have a nice clean. It actually sounded like my old Peavey Bandit I owned as a practice amp years and years ago. I didn't like that and I don't like the clean here. I played it for well over a half hour figuring I'd get the tubes nice and hot and keep trying to figure a dial in. I found a comfortable place where I got the best I could out of it and well I guess it's ok. I could live with it.I'm sure some nice chorus would make a world of difference on the stuff I do. Not nowhere in the same league as my Krank Rev 1 clean. But the lead channel was up next and I was a bit more happy.
The lead or drive channel was nice. It had a nice amount of crushing smoother gain then I'm used to with my Krank. It seems to beable to be backed off and get alittle 70 to 80's tone out of it and smooth things out. If you play an high gain amp you know what I'm talking about. I found a few different setupps I liked and thought"If I was in a heavy metal band only, I would buy this amp/cab combo. The price is cheaper then my combo and it sound very strong. It was connected to a 6505 top cabnet. Great deal for a pretty nice amp. It seems to be built very well and I like the cage look it has.
Then I tried the JSX. Now I know why you guys really like this amp. I found crazy amount of flexibility with this amp. IF your in a cover band, I would love to have one. You can play so many different kinds of music with it.
The clean channel is much better then the 6505 and alot closer to how good my Krank's clean is. It's not as good in my opnion but hell I think this amp is a better value due to it's flexibilty. I didn't really get the Noise gate it had built in. I don't know if it was global or just for the drive channels. It really didn't seem to make any difference when I turned the knob. It had a line to the gain channels so I assume it's for there.
The first gain channel is great. I actually felt it was better then my Fender twin amps gain channel which I felt was for AC/DC and not Metal like I like. The Jsx could go from country funky stuff to nice Jazz breakup to getting into 80's metal. The fat switch was cool to adding bottom weight.
The top drive/gain channel was even better then the 6505. It had a drive like the 6505 but cleaner and fuller. I felt you could hear the guitar more. You could hear every string cleaner, if you know what I mean.
Both amps seemed to have plenty of power for stage use with just one cabnet. I can't see needing a full stack unless your ego tell you you need a bottom cab as well. I find both amps have a purpose and it was nice to play them. I enjoyed the Jsx way more then the 6505 but I would own both. Actually I would just go for the JSX as it can do everything the 6505 can do but it does it better. The JSX I could find myself using alot. My Krank is more agressive and has a clearer tone then both of these amps. The clean as I can't say enough is Fender clear with weight. It's everything I could want in a clean channel. Sometimes I feel it's alittle to heavy meaning to much bass but It comes in handy the more I use it. It's drive /gain channel buy itself is the best I have heard out of all the amps I have ever played for what I want a drive channel to do. But the downside to the amp is the drive channel can't do anything else. thats one thing I like more about the JSX. Even the Bogner Ubershall I played a few times had a more flexible drive channel.
I learned so much today sitting there. I must have been there for 2 1/2 hours switching back and forth and just stopping at the JSX. I gotta tell you guys it's a great amp for flexibility. Owning that would require no Modeling at all. You wouldn't need any.It has such a wide range. I think I will pick one up. Yeah. Maybe I should play the Bogner then the JSX and see what I like better. I think from memory the Bogner isn't as flexible but I remember the clean sounding better then the JSX. Much better if I recall correclty.
Peavey gained some respect from me today. I never liked there older amps at all.
I glanced over these amps when I was searching for my new amp after owning last year a Vox Ad120vtx and a Fender Twin amp. So today while I was there, I picked out 2 guitars(American Strat and a jackson Dinky) and went to town.
1st up was the 6505 II. I tried the rythem channel first to hear what clean it had, well it really didn't have a nice clean. It actually sounded like my old Peavey Bandit I owned as a practice amp years and years ago. I didn't like that and I don't like the clean here. I played it for well over a half hour figuring I'd get the tubes nice and hot and keep trying to figure a dial in. I found a comfortable place where I got the best I could out of it and well I guess it's ok. I could live with it.I'm sure some nice chorus would make a world of difference on the stuff I do. Not nowhere in the same league as my Krank Rev 1 clean. But the lead channel was up next and I was a bit more happy.
The lead or drive channel was nice. It had a nice amount of crushing smoother gain then I'm used to with my Krank. It seems to beable to be backed off and get alittle 70 to 80's tone out of it and smooth things out. If you play an high gain amp you know what I'm talking about. I found a few different setupps I liked and thought"If I was in a heavy metal band only, I would buy this amp/cab combo. The price is cheaper then my combo and it sound very strong. It was connected to a 6505 top cabnet. Great deal for a pretty nice amp. It seems to be built very well and I like the cage look it has.
Then I tried the JSX. Now I know why you guys really like this amp. I found crazy amount of flexibility with this amp. IF your in a cover band, I would love to have one. You can play so many different kinds of music with it.
The clean channel is much better then the 6505 and alot closer to how good my Krank's clean is. It's not as good in my opnion but hell I think this amp is a better value due to it's flexibilty. I didn't really get the Noise gate it had built in. I don't know if it was global or just for the drive channels. It really didn't seem to make any difference when I turned the knob. It had a line to the gain channels so I assume it's for there.
The first gain channel is great. I actually felt it was better then my Fender twin amps gain channel which I felt was for AC/DC and not Metal like I like. The Jsx could go from country funky stuff to nice Jazz breakup to getting into 80's metal. The fat switch was cool to adding bottom weight.
The top drive/gain channel was even better then the 6505. It had a drive like the 6505 but cleaner and fuller. I felt you could hear the guitar more. You could hear every string cleaner, if you know what I mean.
Both amps seemed to have plenty of power for stage use with just one cabnet. I can't see needing a full stack unless your ego tell you you need a bottom cab as well. I find both amps have a purpose and it was nice to play them. I enjoyed the Jsx way more then the 6505 but I would own both. Actually I would just go for the JSX as it can do everything the 6505 can do but it does it better. The JSX I could find myself using alot. My Krank is more agressive and has a clearer tone then both of these amps. The clean as I can't say enough is Fender clear with weight. It's everything I could want in a clean channel. Sometimes I feel it's alittle to heavy meaning to much bass but It comes in handy the more I use it. It's drive /gain channel buy itself is the best I have heard out of all the amps I have ever played for what I want a drive channel to do. But the downside to the amp is the drive channel can't do anything else. thats one thing I like more about the JSX. Even the Bogner Ubershall I played a few times had a more flexible drive channel.
I learned so much today sitting there. I must have been there for 2 1/2 hours switching back and forth and just stopping at the JSX. I gotta tell you guys it's a great amp for flexibility. Owning that would require no Modeling at all. You wouldn't need any.It has such a wide range. I think I will pick one up. Yeah. Maybe I should play the Bogner then the JSX and see what I like better. I think from memory the Bogner isn't as flexible but I remember the clean sounding better then the JSX. Much better if I recall correclty.
Peavey gained some respect from me today. I never liked there older amps at all.