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Any way to change effects loop level?

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  • #16
    anything like that eb box should do it, or just have an amp tech build something right into the chassis, or some fx pedals (the tc chorus comes to mind) have a input level control on the pedal so you can regulate it there - its just a matter of cutting the signal level to the first pedal in the loop - you may also need to boost the signal on the other end of the loop if you are trying to get the loop level to match the non loop level (ie. if the fx loop is switchable) that can be done with a boost pedal or something with similar functionality


    • #17
      Yeah, that's half the issue: Boosting it back up to where it was, prior to the effects. Otherwise, you COULD end up topping out on headroom. I'm currently using a rack EQ to buffer the line down into my Johnson J-Station. Regaining the level isn't a problem with the J-Station, as it has plenty of oomph built into it, anyway. Using the J-Station also allows me a master volume, so I rarely have to fudge with my levels. I hate having to re-balance my clean and dirty channels.
      I'm not Ron!

