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Small-ish Amp conundrum

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  • Small-ish Amp conundrum

    Hi all, first post here.

    I have a slight problem and would like any amount of input to help me solve it . I may as well lay out the background as to give you the idea of my maybe rather trivial predicament.

    I've been playing bass on and off for a few years now until a few months ago I decided to pick up a cheap £100 Stagg electric guitar. I play the guitar through a Line6 toneport which I also bought a while ago. So anyways, I've been playing the guitar loads recently and decided to upgrade to a Jackson KE3 as the £100 Stagg sounded rather bad. Now I'm fed up of having to use headphones when I play my guitar, and would like to buy an amp to play through instead. Only problem is, I don't have THAT much money to buy one with, so I'd guess it would have to be less than £200 (about $300?). Also, we don't have hardly any music shops in town and the ones we do have only carry very limited stocks of mostly rubbish, so it isn't like I could just pop into one and test their range .

    I also have a specification as to which I would need and like to meet:
    • Must be powerful enough to be heard over my drummer friend whom I jam with pretty often. I'm guessing ATLEAST 30watts? He doesn't play that loud really, but the room is pretty small.
    • I mainly play metal and hard rock, so I'd like something that sounded great with overdrive and distortion.. I'm not too bothered if the clean channel isn't too good.
    • Something available in the UK. I know some people here recommend Crate amps, but I haven't seen them for sale on any UK online retailers.
    • I can forsee myself doing small gigs in the not-so-distant future, so I'd like something that's giggable.. I'm guessing it'd probably need to be mic'd though?
    • I'm not bothered about built in effects at all. I have access to loads with my toneport and I never use them.
    • I'm also not bothered with modelling amps.. just as long as they sound great with medium and high gain. But if a modelling amp will do this, all the better .
    I've used the search function on these forums and read a lot of good stuff but nothing that really applied to my situation. One thing that did come up though is the Vox AD50VT. It sounds like a nice amp, but would it fit my requirements?

    Anyway, thanks for taking to the time to read all of this.. I'm sure I could have summed it up in a lot less words, but may as well lay it all out :p.

    Thanks and regards.

  • #2
    Hi, and welcome to the JCF! I'd give you one advice if you are looking to get as much amp as possible for your money - look for something used!
    To this date, all of my guitars and gear have been bought second hand . except for my first guitar, which was - like yours - complete rubbish
    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


    • #3
      Originally posted by Guitardude86 View Post
      Hi, and welcome to the JCF! I'd give you one advice if you are looking to get as much amp as possible for your money - look for something used!
      To this date, all of my guitars and gear have been bought second hand . except for my first guitar, which was - like yours - complete rubbish
      Hah yeah, good point. I did have a look on ebay a few days ago for little 30 watt practice amps but I haven't checked since I decided to extent my budget.. will check again .

      EDIT: Hmm.. just found this:
      Last edited by Mystique7; 01-19-2007, 07:32 AM.


      • #5
        One more for ya.. If you miss the Flextone III.. Here's a Flextone II!

        Edit: Link:
        Last edited by Guitardude86; 01-19-2007, 07:55 AM.
        "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


        • #6
          Hmm how about this one.. Loud enough for bandpractice but not a tubehead mind you.. Ok I'll stop now, sorry!

          "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


          • #7
            Ohh.. all of 'em are nice. Only problem is that they're all at different corners of the country and I'm practically in the other corner :p. That Flextone III is nice and not TOO far away, though. Thanks for the heads up though, I'll keep looking.


            • #8
              The Vox might not meet your 200 pound limit, but it would definitely be a fantastic amp to upgrade to. They're usually floating around eBay for around US$250 used...Check this out...


              • #9
                Well I bought that Crate for £55 (about $100) which imo isn't too bad for what it is! I can easily clean/replace the pots if they're bad and I can also pick it up to save on postage.

                Thanks for all the responses.


                • #10
                  get a kickback cab


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by omwdc View Post
                    get a kickback cab
                    That amp doesn't have an extension speaker jack; the jack in the back is for the footswitch for channel switching.
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #12
                      A very versatile amp with great features, built in effects, and that
                      clear Roland JC sound is the "Cube 30" For around $280 For a bit
                      more you could go the "Cube 60" for about $395.00 Great Mesa
                      amp modelling, and 6 on board effects, with Rolands high quality.
                      A fine all around amp imo


                      • #13
                        Originally posted by Mystique7 View Post
                        Well I bought that Crate for £55 (about $100) which imo isn't too bad for what it is! I can easily clean/replace the pots if they're bad and I can also pick it up to save on postage.

                        Thanks for all the responses.
                        That's cool, what's important for you now is to get your guitar plugged in to a guitar amp and not your computer. It's easy to get an awesome sound using your computer, but it's something very different getting good tone from an amp! Besides an amp doesn't have the same sound characteristics as computer monitors (or headphones for that matter), so good luck
                        "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                        • #14
                          Picked the Crate up this morning and it sounds good even without fiddling The pots are a bit messy, but its something I can fix in the future. Oh, and the amp does have an extension jack for a cab if I decide to get one later . Anyway, time to go jam with my drummer friend!


                          • #15
                            Let us know how it goes!
                            "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"

